Illness is The meaning of the word

Illness is The meaning of the word
Illness is The meaning of the word

One often hears words that may be incomprehensible or have a complex etymological history. This encourages you to find out what they really mean. The article describes the meaning and morphological qualities of the word ailment, where it came from, what it means. And also below you can see examples of the use of the word in speech.


Illness is a disease or illness. Thus, an illness is a condition when a person does not feel very well, experiences the negative impact of the symptoms of a disease. This word is often found in Russian classical literature, in the speech of movie characters based on old times.


In feature films or books, such a thing as "grey sickness" is often mentioned. According to the legend of the creators of the most popular series "Game of Thrones", the disease was contagious, leading to hardening of the skin. The epithelium could become gray, which is why the name "gray disease" came from. As a rule, such a disease began with the limbs and over time could cover the entire human body, and then the internal organs were affected. As a result, the person could not beartorment, acquired nervous disorders, went crazy. Dermatologists have been arguing for a long time about what kind of disease can be similar to the symptoms that haunted the heroes of the series. As a result, a hypothesis was put forward that in this way the scriptwriters depicted the manifestation of such a terrible disease as leprosy. This disease led to a huge number of deaths during the Middle Ages.

Morphology and examples of the use of the word

Ailment is an inanimate noun, the word is feminine (third declension).

Examples of the use of the word in speech:

  • "The disease has flooded the entire district, and there are practically no he althy people left."
  • "He's been attacked by an illness and hasn't been out of bed for three days."
  • "An evil illness caused many people from a large village to disperse around the district to save their children from terrible torment."
sickness is a disease
sickness is a disease


As it became known, the mysterious word "ailment" has the same meaning as a disease or illness. This word is difficult to meet in the colloquial speech of a modern Russian person. However, for example, in the Ukrainian language even today a sick person is called “illness”, the disease is translated as “sickness”, and the disease is “ailment”. After the question of the meaning of the word ailment has been considered, you can safely use it in speech at the moments when it is appropriate.
