Country Wales is part of the UK

Country Wales is part of the UK
Country Wales is part of the UK

The country of Wales is one of the constituent administrative-territorial units that make up the United British Kingdom. Located in the southwest of the English island. Most of its borders are adjacent to the sea: in the north, the state is washed by the Irish, in the south-west - the Strait of St. George, in the south - Bristol Bay. The length of the coastline of Wales is 1,200 km. In the east, the state borders on the counties of Gloucestershire, Cheshire, Herefordshire and Shropshire. The population of Wales is 3 million people. The total area is almost 21 thousand km². Wales in the Russian version was previously pronounced as Wallis. Therefore, the inhabitants of the country are still called Welsh.

country wales
country wales

Historical data

It is known that people have lived in this area since the last ice age. At the beginning of our era, the country of Wales was settled by Roman conquerors who developed gold mines here. After their departure, at the beginning of the 5th century A. D. e., the Britons created many independent kingdoms in this area. However, due to constantinternecine wars, the divided areas were very quickly conquered by the Anglo-Saxons and Scots. It was not until the reign of King Henry VIII that the area became a unified kingdom, legally merging with the rest of Great Britain. Many people care: is Wales a separate country or not? In fact, it has never been an independent territory, but has always had a special status within the Kingdom.

In the 18th century, Wales becomes the center of the industrial revolution. The largest deposits of iron ore, coal, and tin were discovered on the territory of the country. During this period, more and more workers come here and become permanent residents of the country. The city of Cardiff has always been an important port, and in 1955 it receives the status of the capital. Currently, the settlement is the largest in the country.

what country is wales
what country is wales


The country of Wales stretches from north to south. Numerically, its length in this direction is 274 km, from east to west - 97 km. Most of the territory (about 70%) is occupied by the Cambrian Mountains. They are composed of volcanic and sedimentary rocks with wide ridges, which are deeply cut by river valleys. In the northwest, Wales is framed by the Snowdon mountain range. The main peak of the same name of this system is the highest point of the country (1085 m). The southern part is occupied by the Brecon Beacons ranges. In addition, 23% of Wales is land, most of which is grassland.

The mountainous nature of the country was taken as a basis for the study of geological periodsand fundamentals of paleontology. And it left a certain imprint. So, this moment influenced the name of the Paleozoic periods: the Cambrian - according to the old name of Wales (Cambria), the Silurian and Ordovician are named after the Celtic tribes living in the country.

where is the country of wales
where is the country of wales

Climatic features

Where is the country of Wales located and in what climate zone? Let's talk about this now. The climate is typical maritime, with warm, mild winters and cool summers. In the west, Wales is not protected from the Atlantic winds, which often invade its territory. Average summer temperatures are +17°…+19°С, winter - +5°…+7°С. Frosts in the country are rare, as well as snow. Wales is so unique in its weather conditions.

What other country can boast such good weather, especially if we take the climate of Russia as a comparison? There is no stable snow cover. Precipitation falls in the form of rain and fog. And their number varies from west to east: from 1,200 to 700 mm/g. The climate in Wales is cooler than in the UK due to its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean.

Division into administrative objects

According to the administrative-territorial division, the country is divided into 22 unitary districts. Of these, 9 regions have the status of counties, 10 - city-counties and 3 - city-city. The Act on Local Self-Government was adopted in 1994. The border between Wales and England, although stipulated, has not been officially established. The largest cities are Cardiff, Swansea, Bangor, Newport and St. Davis. ATunlike other states, the majority of the country's population does not live in large settlements. The Welsh prefer to settle in small towns and small towns.

Wales is a city or country
Wales is a city or country


The head of the government of Wales is the British monarch (currently Elizabeth II). The head of the Government of the Assembly is responsible for the executive power, while the legislative power belongs to the British Parliament. The executive bodies include the Welsh Government, headed by the Prime Minister. It consists of 7 people. The main sectors of the economy are mining, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil production and processing. Agriculture and dairy farming are also developing.

size of the country wales
size of the country wales

The beauty of the country

Wales has always attracted travelers to their lands. There is something to see here. These are bewitching landscapes, ancient castles, small ancient cities with narrow streets and a special national color. Great Britain all harmoniously honors traditions and its history. But in the described country, this moment manifests itself most clearly.

National parks

The country of Wales has many natural national parks. They occupy one fifth of the territory. To the south is the Brecon Beacons. It received park status in 1957. Four mountain ranges, the Forrest Favre Geopark and the old Brecon market town are located on this territory.

In the north-west of the country there is another natural attraction. It's about the nationalsnowdonia park. It covers the surrounding area of the highest point in Wales - the city of Snowdon. Most of the park is mountains. But there are also lands suitable for agriculture. Snowdonia is a popular tourist destination. Especially for this purpose, trains run through the territory, and bus routes have been laid.

In the western part of Wales is the third national park - "Pembrokeshire Coast". This area amazes with a variety of landscapes. Rocks leading to sandy beaches, cliffs, hilly peaks, coastal estuaries overgrown with grass - all this is an amazing local nature.

Wales is a separate country
Wales is a separate country

In addition to the natural landscapes of national parks are human buildings - ancient palaces and castles, small villages that have retained their original appearance. Unlike other national parks in the world, those located in Wales are not considered outlying areas. Pastures, villages and even cities are located within their borders.

Those students who read this information will be able to accurately answer the question: "Is Wales a city or a country?" They will easily make an interesting presentation or essay. Giving only accurate and correct information about the state can get you a good grade in school or college.
