In the Russian language, one of the most difficult is the morphological analysis of a lexical unit. To parse an adjective as a part of speech, you need to know very well all its grammatical categories, their features and be able to distinguish those signs that change from constant ones. Although this procedure seems simple, do not forget about the nuances and complexities. Mistakes are allowed just in morphological analysis. In fact, they are quite easy to avoid. Linguists are sure that the verb is one of the most difficult parts of speech to parse, but parsing the adjective as a part of speech contains a large number of "pitfalls". It is necessary to memorize the algorithm well, learn all its features and train regularly in this. Over time, there will be practically no incomprehensible moments, and the analysis will be quite simple. We must not forget that each analysis should be carefully checked, so you should first complete the task indraft version.
Analysis rules and preparation steps
To begin with, you should prepare very well, and then remember what an adjective is as a part of speech. Analysis should be done in a calm atmosphere, to exclude all factors that can distract. The analysis algorithm must be kept in mind all the time. The right attitude is very important for this. During training, you should pay attention to difficult moments. This will help you get familiar with the technique. For this purpose, you can have a special notebook in which all the nuances will be recorded point by point. In order for the material to be quickly remembered, it is necessary to add examples to each rule. In this way, the meaning of terms and definitions will become clear, and there will be no confusion.

Training sessions
So, after the adjective as a part of speech is well studied, the analysis can be performed in accordance with its features. For training, you will also need a separate notebook. You have to learn to analyze yourself. Once the skills are well honed, the whole process will take a few minutes. It is better to complete tasks on a draft. First, each step must be checked against the rules. You can not deviate from the algorithm of work. This sequence is not random, and a lot depends on it. If the initial form or word form is confused, then all categories of the lexical unit will be defined absolutely incorrectly. When making notes, you need to make underscores for yourself. For these purposes, you canuse both a pencil and a pen of different colors. Then the work will be as visual as possible. During training, you need to say everything out loud in order to use different types of memory and better assimilate the material.

Grammar categories of the adjective
There are some features that an adjective has as a part of speech. Parsing should begin only after all of them have been well mastered. In your notebook you need to take two separate pages. On one of them, you should write down a sentence that contains a word for analysis. Below you need to write it out exactly in the form in which it appears in the text. So it will be possible to determine those signs that change. On another page, the adjective must be written in its initial form. This is necessary in order to determine those grammatical categories that do not change. These include rank, full or short form, and degree of comparison. In order for the initial form to be determined correctly, you need to put the word in the singular, in the masculine gender and in the nominative case.
Definition of discharge
An adjective as a part of speech, the analysis of which requires special attention, indicates exactly the signs of objects. They do not correlate it with objects, actions and persons: a wooden table, an iron coin, a large garden. A certain sign is indicated through an attitude towards a person, object or action. Then the adjective is considered relative. It is quite simple to "deploy" it. Wordcompletely changes and becomes from a definition a circumstance or an addition. For example: strawberry jam - strawberry jam, yesterday's incident - an incident that happened yesterday. Whether an object belongs to a person can be determined using a possessive adjective. It answers the questions: whose? whose? whose? whose?
Quality adjectives

They have many features by which they can be identified. They have a full and short form: rich - rich. Another distinctive feature is the presence of degrees of comparison: beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful. Adverbs that have a degree or measure can be combined with them: very beautiful, unusually beautiful, too beautiful, and so on. Important for adjectives is the transition from one category to the next. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the lexical component. Word meaning and content are very important during parsing. The main thing is to correctly determine the category that the adjective has as a part of speech. Parsing can go wrong if such a mistake is made. For example, many are sure that "golden" is a relative adjective. In combinations: a gold bracelet, a gold coin, a gold chain - this is true. But golden hands or a golden master, it is already becoming of high quality.
Parse algorithm

Suppose you have already learned in general terms from this material how to parse an adjective, howeverIt is also necessary to pay attention to a certain sequence. First you need to write out the word form. It is very important to write it in the form as it appears in the sentence. So it will be possible to determine all the signs that are not permanent. After that, you need to write out the initial form - to designate permanent signs. Next, the syntactic role of the word is determined. It is necessary to find out how it is a member of the proposal. You need to pay attention to all the features of the analysis. You need to train often, constantly control yourself - and then the skill will be perfected perfectly.