One of the key challenges for the industrial structure today is an efficient energy supply, which would allow to maintain an optimal degree of competitiveness, subject to the continuous increase in energy prices. It is impossible to competently implement measures related to efficient energy supply if the organization does not provide accurate accounting of electricity consumption. Installation of ASKUE is the most important step on this difficult path. In this article, it would be advisable to study all aspects of the issue.
General points
ASKUE - what is it? This is an automated system for commercial metering of electricity, fully providing remote collection of information from specially equipped metering devices, transferring information to the upper level, subject to processing.

It is important to know that the formationsystem allows you to organize the automation of accounting, as well as to achieve its maximum accuracy. In addition, AMR provides a specific circle of people with the opportunity to periodically receive important analytical information necessary to create working solutions related to energy saving.
Definition and characteristics of the system
ASKUE system - what is it? As noted, ASKUE is nothing more than an automated system for commercial accounting of electrical energy. Under AIIS KUE, it is necessary to consider the information-measuring structure.

From a legal point of view, these systems are endowed with some differences. Thus, the procedure for installation, implementation and further maintenance of it is regulated by the provisions of the wholesale market related to capacity, as well as electricity. The requirements for the system in question today are determined by the standards that are relevant primarily for the retail electricity market.
ASKUE structure
What is ASKUE? This is a highly organized formation for electricity metering, which is endowed with a very complex hierarchical structure, which includes three levels, including the following positions:
- The lower one includes primary meters, which are smart electricity meters that fully provide continuous measurement of parameters, as well as the transfer of information to the middle level, which is the next in line.
- The level of the average value of ASKUE - Wednesdayinformation transmission, which includes devices for collecting and transmitting information (USPD), which fully ensure the interrogation of meters, which is implemented continuously. Further information is passed to the upper value level.

As the top level of a large-scale system, one should consider the central element of information collection, the servers of which receive specific information from all locally focused DTCs. It is important to note that the AMR scheme fully provides communication through a special protocol via a high-speed data transmission channel. It should be noted that it is at this level that specially configured software is used, which allows you to fully visualize the received data and implement their analysis, as well as the preparation of reporting papers
ASKUE functions
What is ASKUE? This is a system that implements the control and accounting of electrical energy. It organizes the execution of the following functions:
- Continuous automatic data collection from metering devices and sending them directly to the server.
- Constant accumulation and, of course, storage of information for past periods.
- Identification of connections, which are determined by an unauthorized nature, to the energy supply network.
- Analysis of information related to energy consumption in the structure. It allows you to provide full optimization.
- Connecting a remote plan, as well as disconnecting end users from the network.

Current Opportunities
It is important to know that a very effective ASKUE mechanism allows you to fully organize the maximum accuracy of accounting information, as well as the transparency of settlements with electricity suppliers. In addition, the introduction of a highly productive system opens up extremely wide opportunities for saving electrical energy. As a result, these types of systems usually pay for themselves within a year.
When is implementation profitable?
As you know, installation and subsequent maintenance are not easy tasks, both in terms of material and practical components. Who is currently benefiting from the installation of the system?
It is worth noting that, starting from 2012, an increasing number of consumers are moving from the organization of electricity metering using the traditional method (subject to the use of taking readings from the metering mechanisms on a monthly basis) to the implementation of the system. By the way, today the AIIS KUE system is also considered relevant. What is ASKUE? This is a system that most horticultural associations, industrial associations and legal entities decide to install. In addition, the system is often used by HOAs, as well as residential multi-apartment premises.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the introduction of ASKUE (decryption: automated control and accounting system) allows any consumer to organize:
- Measuring volumes in terms of electrical energy that is consumed, excluding "manual" readings.
- Monitoring energy consumption (hourly, daily, weekly).
- Implementation of automatic collection, further processing and storage of information about the volume of electrical energy that is consumed.
- Calculation of electricity balances, as well as control of its "leakage".
- Full consumption analysis.
- Instantly get information about current accounting problems.