Research hypothesis. Hypothesis and research problem

Research hypothesis. Hypothesis and research problem
Research hypothesis. Hypothesis and research problem

The research hypothesis allows the schoolchild (student) to comprehend the essence of their actions, to think over the sequence of project work. It can be considered a form of scientific conjecture. The correctness of the selection of methods depends on how correctly the research hypothesis is set, and therefore the final result of the entire project.

how to guess correctly
how to guess correctly


After the subject and object of research are chosen, tasks are set, the goal is defined, it is important to predict the results. A research hypothesis is a kind of assumption that is put forward to explain a certain phenomenon. It can be considered the expected result of solving the chosen problem. The hypothesis and the research problem determine the main direction of the ongoing scientific research. It is rightfully considered a methodological tool that organizes the research process.


The research hypothesis must meet certain requirements:

  • do not containincomprehensible terms;
  • should be verifiable by existing methods.

What does it mean to test it? As a result, the hypothesis of scientific research is confirmed or refuted.

Research objectives can be those actions that the author will perform in order to achieve the goal set at the beginning of the work, or to check the formulation of the assumption.

Hypothesis and research problem are two important aspects that affect the final outcome of the project. They must be interconnected, otherwise the logic of the work will be lost.

goals and objectives of the project
goals and objectives of the project

An example of making a guess

Given that the research hypothesis is an assumption on the basis of which all the rest of the researcher's activities will be built, this point needs to be given special attention. For example, a teacher can make the following assumption: the effectiveness of solving psychodiagnostic problems is sufficiently related to the selection of a strategy for the diagnostic thinking of schoolchildren. To test the assumption made, several tasks are supposed to be solved:

  • analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem;
  • construction of psychodiagnostic tasks simulating the difficulties of teaching schoolchildren subjects of the scientific cycle;
  • development of a laboratory technique for solving similar problems in specific conditions;
  • conducting a pilot study, discussing the results with colleagues.

School project theses

We propose to look at the hypothesis of the study on the example of school work. The project of a high school student on the topic “Express method for determining traces of blood on different types of fibers” is presented in the thesis form.

Traces of blood indicate a crime. It is important to use the express method of its qualitative detection in order to speed up the process of solving the crime committed - this is a hypothesis. The purpose and objectives of the study: to develop an express method for the qualitative detection of traces of blood on any type of fiber, to analyze the results obtained, to draw conclusions.

It is with the timely detection of blood stains at the scene of the incident that law enforcement officers will be able to count on bringing the perpetrators of the incident to justice.

The proposed express method is suitable for the qualitative detection of traces of blood on any type of fiber (natural, synthetic). The working solution retained its sensitivity to the detection of blood stains on all types of tissues even after three weeks. Even in the absence of visible blood stains, the sensitivity of the express method allows you to get a visible result. In the course of the study, it was possible to select affordable and effective substances capable of giving a qualitative reaction to blood stains, therefore, the hypothesis was fully confirmed.

The use of the express method will allow not only criminologists, but also students of specialized (medical) classes to quickly determine the presence of traces of blood on the tissue. If on the surfacetissue, in addition to traces of blood, other substances are present, it is also possible to conduct a qualitative detection of traces of blood using the selected working solution. The specificity of the considered method can be increased if we take into account that many inorganic oxidizing agents change the color of the working solution of phenolphthalein even before the addition of H2O2, and plant peroxidases are deactivated when heated to 100C, while hemoglobin retains catalytic activity at this temperature.

hypothesis goal and objectives of the study
hypothesis goal and objectives of the study

Is tea he althy

We offer another example demonstrating the statement of the hypothesis.

The modern rhythm of life forces a person to always be in good shape, so the use of caffeinated drinks is growing all over the world. People very quickly get used to household stimulants like caffeine, and wean them with great difficulty. This trend leads to various diseases, which is why it is so important to choose safe and high-quality natural raw materials containing caffeine.

How dangerous is caffeine to the body? Is it possible to replace caffeinated preparations with fragrant black tea? How to choose it correctly? How much caffeine is in Flavored Black Tea? Is this invigorating drink dangerous for he alth?

The purpose of the work: to isolate caffeine from black large-leaf and small-leaf (bag) tea from different manufacturers.

Work tasks:

  • determine the qualitative content of caffeine in samples taken;
  • to conduct a visual comparison of the caffeine content in large leafand small sheet samples;
  • draw conclusions;
  • give advice on a research problem.

Hypothesis: the quantitative content of caffeine depends on the type of tea, the size of the tea leaf.

Subject of study: various varieties of black tea.

Research Subject: Caffeine.

The hypothesis posed in the work was confirmed in full. It was possible to confirm the dependence of the caffeine content on the size of the leaf, the type of tea, the manufacturer.

hypotheses option
hypotheses option


Before proceeding directly to work, it is important to learn how to make an assumption about the results that the author can get. This will allow him to move in the right direction, make the project quality and useful.
