New educational standards have been introduced not only in educational institutions, but also in kindergartens. A graduate of a preschool educational institution must have certain skills:
- solve personal and intellectual tasks appropriate to his age;
- use the acquired knowledge to set new tasks and solve them.
Features of problem-based learning
The method of problem situations involves learning, the basis of which is the acquisition of knowledge by solving practical and theoretical problems. A kindergarten teacher who uses this technique develops in his pupils the ability to independently set a goal, look for ways to achieve it, and analyze the result. Let's analyze various methods of creating a problem situation, with the help of which preschoolers learn to independently search for information, use knowledge in everyday life.

What is the purpose of problem-based learning
Solving problem situations contributes to the formation of creative abilities of schoolchildren, develops their independence. It is important to understand that such training involves the establishment of closerelationship between adults and children. Creating a problem situation is the task of the educator. He must go through a complex chain with the guys, the beginning of which will be a simple observation, and the result will be active participation in solving the problem. Thanks to the new knowledge gained in the course of such joint work, the child learns new characteristics of the object being studied, learns to ask questions, look for answers to them.
Features of problem-based learning
In Russia, a serious reform of education is taking place, new methods and forms of teaching preschoolers are emerging. New types of preschool institutions are being created in the country, aimed at shaping morality and intellectual abilities of children of primary school age. Significant attention is paid in preschool education to the gradual formation of mental actions, the ability to solve problem situations, tasks set by the teacher.

Relevance of learning
Such training differs from the traditional training of preschoolers in cognitive activity. Preschoolers receive self-education, self-learning skills that will be useful to them in school life. A qualitative analysis of a problem situation is a way to gain new life experience.
History of problematic technology
The history of the application of problem-based learning is rooted in the deep past. In the works of J. G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau proposed "active learning methods". A problem situation is a way of acquiring new experience, stimulating one's ownchildren's activities. At the beginning of the 20th century, the American teacher J. Dewey developed the concept of problem-based learning. He proposed to replace the traditional version of teaching preschoolers and younger schoolchildren with independent learning by solving various practical problems. As a result of numerous experiments conducted by Dewey, he was convinced that problem situations for preschoolers provide much more opportunities than verbal (book, verbal) learning associated with simple memorization of material. It is Dewey who owes modern pedagogy the emergence of the concept of the “complete act of thinking”. Active learning, proposed at the beginning of the last century, only took root in Russia with the introduction of new educational standards.

Examples of problem situations for preschoolers
Let's give an example of a problem situation for preschoolers. Children are offered blocks of various shapes and sizes, from which they must build a house. Having received the task, the children must first think over a plan of their actions, pick up the cubes according to their shape and size, so that the construction of the house is stable. If the children miss these moments, they will not be able to cope with the task that the teacher has set for them. During joint activities, children learn to communicate, a sense of collectivism is formed.

Essence of problem-based learning for preschoolers
Such training has varieties, depending on how exactly the problem is posed by the teacher. The problem situation is directedon personalization of knowledge, creative development of preschoolers. In kindergartens, role-playing games are widely developed, which imply problem-based learning. Trying on the profession of a doctor, the child learns to communicate with "patients". Such experience will help him in choosing a future profession, will be an excellent incentive for gaining new knowledge. Being in a preschool educational institution, the child learns to overcome intellectual difficulties, for him a problematic situation is a great opportunity to prove himself. It is the problem that prompts the preschooler to think, teaches him to choose from a large amount of information only that which he needs to get out of the current situation. The contradictions that are inherent in this technique will be the main mechanism for enhancing the cognitive activity of future first graders.

Recommendations for conducting classes in DO
Any problematic situation is an unusual environment for a child. The search for the optimal way to solve the problem depends on the creative potential of the educator. Problem-based learning involves the organization through the game of creative and research activities of preschoolers. Applying a variety of methods for the formation of cognitive activity in their pupils, the teacher primarily affects the emotional-volitional sphere of children. The teacher makes sure that when receiving new knowledge, children experience a sense of satisfaction, pleasure, joy. The problem situation created by the educator is an opportunity to evoke a feeling of admiration in children,inability, surprise.
Creativity, creative independence of a preschooler, flexibility, heuristic thinking are signs of the ability and desire to create, compose, invent, invent new images.
Working on a project, the child gets pleasure from his activity, experiences positive emotions. Only in this case it will be possible to talk about the full development of the creative potential of a preschooler, the formation of a harmonious personality.

How to create problem situations
Contradiction is the link of problem-based learning, and therefore it is important to put the question in front of the child correctly. Most often, questions that are completely different in structure are asked by the children themselves: “Why is the fur coat not warm?”; “Why does a plant drink water, but it does not flow out of it?”; "Why does a domestic chicken have wings, but it does not fly away?"; "Why is the earth round?" Those problems that the children put forward, the teacher writes down or remembers, and in the classroom addresses them to the whole group. The teacher should guide the children to find the answer to the question, pay attention to the contradiction, so that the correct solution is fixed in the mind of the child. The teacher deliberately formulates contradictions between the scientific facts known to the child and life situations.
Research examples
By studying the properties of water, children learn that 80 percent of humans and animals are water. To create a problem situation, the teacher asks: “Why is our body not liquid, because we have so much water in us?” Together with the teacherthe guys are looking for an answer and come to the conclusion that water is inside the body, and therefore does not flow out of a person. The teacher, in the course of searching for an answer to the question posed, listens to all the arguments of the children, encourages them for being active, trying to show their knowledge. After all the guys have offered their answers, a common solution is jointly chosen.
To find the right answer, you can conduct an experiment. Children, together with the teacher (or parents), rub carrots, beets, potatoes, squeeze out the juice, then compare the volume of the liquid received. A small study conducted by future scientists will be a real discovery for children. Having created a problematic situation, the educator forces his wards to acquire knowledge, develop, and improve themselves.

Fancy postcards
A problematic situation can also be created in physical education classes. The lesson "Greeting cards for Piglet" can be carried out in a playful way. The teacher turns to the children with a request to help pick up a gift for Piglet. In the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, we are talking about a gift for a donkey, so the question of what to give Piglet seems strange to children at first. The guys offer different items that could be presented to Piglet. Ordinary gymnastics can be turned into an exciting workshop in which each child will be busy making an unusual postcard for a cartoon character. It is necessary not only to come up with a postcard, but also to find all the details for it. To begin with, the guys fill out their magic boxes (boxes for work). ATEach section of the box contains certain details: circles, flowers, leaves. Together with the teacher, the children utter a magic spell, the words of which the teacher himself comes up with. And only after such an unusual ritual, the guys start creating greeting cards for the fabulous Piglet. Each child receives his own individual postcard at the end of the work, finished products can be hung on a special stand.
The Importance of Problem-Based Learning
Any problem situation proposed by the teacher inspires preschoolers, helps to awaken and form cognitive activity, develop creative potential. The hypothesis that the teacher puts forward at the beginning of the lesson is also a variant of problem-based learning.
Problem learning is a priority when introducing children to the world around them. If it is necessary to solve a certain problem, the child concentrates his attention, memory, develops, he adapts to everyday life much faster. With the independent formulation of a hypothesis, preschoolers learn to set the goals of the lesson, look for options and forms of research. When creating any problem situations, adults deliberately encourage children to put forward hypotheses, teach them to formulate conclusions. The child is not afraid to make a mistake, because he is sure that his initiative will not be punished, but, on the contrary, every statement of the child will certainly be encouraged by the teacher.
Solve problems on your own, without fear of mistakes - this is the ultimate goal of problematic preschool education. Modern educational reform inIn our country is undergoing major changes, and the introduction of new federal educational standards is primarily associated with the implementation of the problem-based teaching method in preschool institutions. There are also the first positive results of such a reform, confirming the importance and timeliness of the Federal State Educational Standard. Children who know how to plan their activities, sum up the work, will not experience any problems while studying in educational institutions.