Over the past 50 years, all branches of science have stepped forward rapidly. But after reading a lot of magazines about the nature of magnetism and gravity, one can come to the conclusion that a person has even more questions than before.

Nature of magnetism and gravity
It is obvious and understandable to everyone that objects thrown up fall rapidly to the ground. What is it that attracts them? We can safely assume that they are attracted by some unknown forces. Those same forces are called natural gravity. After that, everyone who is interested is faced with a lot of controversy, conjectures, assumptions and questions. What is the nature of magnetism? What are gravitational waves? As a result of what influence they are formed? What is their essence, as well as frequency? How do they affect the environment and each person individually? How rationally can this phenomenon be used for the benefit of civilization?

The concept of magnetism
In the early nineteenth century, physicist Hans Christian Oersted discovered the magnetic field of electric current. It gavethe possibility of assuming that the nature of magnetism is closely related to the electric current that is generated inside each of the existing atoms. The question arises, what phenomena can explain the nature of terrestrial magnetism?
To date, it has been established that magnetic fields in magnetized objects are generated to a greater extent by electrons that continuously rotate around their axis and around the nucleus of an existing atom.
It has long been established that the chaotic movement of electrons is a real electric current, and its passage provokes the emergence of a magnetic field. Summing up this part, we can safely say that electrons, due to their chaotic movement inside atoms, generate intra-atomic currents, which, in turn, contribute to the emergence of a magnetic field.
But what is the reason for the fact that in different matters the magnetic field has significant differences in its own value, as well as different magnetization forces? This is due to the fact that the axes and orbits of movement of independent electrons in atoms can be in various positions relative to each other. This leads to the fact that the magnetic fields produced by moving electrons are also located in the corresponding positions.
Thus, it should be noted that the environment in which the magnetic field originates affects it directly, increasing or weakening the field itself.
Materials, the magnetic field of which weakens the resulting field, are called diamagnetic, and materials, very weakly amplifyingmagnetic field are called paramagnetic.

Magnetic features of substances
It should be noted that the nature of magnetism is generated not only by electric current, but also by permanent magnets.
Permanent magnets can be made from a small number of substances on Earth. But it is worth noting that all objects that will be within the radius of the magnetic field will become magnetized and become direct sources of the magnetic field. After analyzing the above, it is worth adding that the vector of magnetic induction in the case of the presence of a substance differs from the vector of vacuum magnetic induction.
Ampère's hypothesis about the nature of magnetism
The cause-and-effect relationship, as a result of which the connection between the possession of bodies by magnetic features, was discovered by the outstanding French scientist Andre-Marie Ampère. But what is Ampère's hypothesis about the nature of magnetism?
History began thanks to the strong impression of what the scientist saw. He witnessed the research of Oersted Lmier, who boldly suggested that the cause of the Earth's magnetism is the currents that regularly pass within the globe. The fundamental and most significant contribution was made: the magnetic features of bodies could be explained by the continuous circulation of currents in them. After Ampere put forward the following conclusion: the magnetic features of any of the existing bodies are determined by a closed circuit of electric currents flowing inside them. The physicist's statement was a bold and courageous act, since he crossed out all previousdiscoveries, explaining the magnetic features of bodies.
Movement of electrons and electric current
Ampere's hypothesis states that inside every atom and molecule there is an elementary and circulating charge of electric current. It is worth noting that today we already know that those same currents are formed as a result of the chaotic and continuous movement of electrons in atoms. If the agreed planes are randomly relative to each other due to the thermal movement of molecules, then their processes are mutually compensated and have absolutely no magnetic features. And in a magnetized object, the simplest currents are aimed at ensuring that their actions are coordinated.
Ampere's hypothesis is able to explain why magnetic needles and frames with electric current in a magnetic field behave identically to each other. The arrow, in turn, should be considered as a complex of small current-carrying circuits that are directed identically.
A special group of paramagnetic materials in which the magnetic field is greatly enhanced is called ferromagnetic. These materials include iron, nickel, cob alt and gadolinium (and their alloys).
But how to explain the nature of the magnetism of permanent magnets? Magnetic fields are formed by ferromagnets not only as a result of the movement of electrons, but also as a result of their own chaotic movement.
Moment of impulse (proper torque) acquired the name - spin. Electrons during the entire time of existence rotate around their axis and, having a charge, generate a magnetic field togetherwith the field formed as a result of their orbital movement around the nuclei.

Temperature Marie Curie
The temperature above which a ferromagnetic substance loses magnetization has received its specific name - the Curie temperature. After all, it was a French scientist with this name who made this discovery. He came to the conclusion that if a magnetized object is heated significantly, it will no longer be able to attract objects made of iron.

Ferromagnets and their uses
Despite the fact that there are not so many ferromagnetic bodies in the world, their magnetic features are of great practical use and importance. The core in the coil, made of iron or steel, amplifies the magnetic field many times, while not exceeding the current consumption in the coil. This phenomenon greatly helps to save energy. The cores are made exclusively from ferromagnets, and it does not matter for what purpose this part will serve.
Magnetic recording method
With the help of ferromagnets, first-class magnetic tapes and miniature magnetic films are made. Magnetic tapes are widely used in the fields of sound and video recording.
Magnetic tape is a plastic base, consisting of PVC or other components. A layer is applied on top of it, which is a magnetic varnish, which consists of many very small needle-shaped particles of iron or other ferromagnet.
The recording process is carried out on tape thanks toelectromagnets, the magnetic field of which undergoes changes in time due to sound vibrations. As a result of the movement of the tape near the magnetic head, each section of the film is subjected to magnetization.

The nature of gravity and its concepts
It is worth noting first of all that gravity and its forces are contained within the law of universal gravitation, which states that: two material points attract each other with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Modern science has begun to consider the concept of gravitational force a little differently and explains it as the action of the gravitational field of the Earth itself, the origin of which, unfortunately, has not yet been established.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to note that everything in our world is closely interconnected, and there is no significant difference between gravity and magnetism. After all, gravity has the same magnetism, just not to a large extent. On Earth, it is impossible to tear off an object from nature - magnetism and gravity are violated, which in the future can significantly complicate the life of civilization. One should reap the fruits of the scientific discoveries of great scientists and strive for new achievements, but one should use all the facts rationally, without harming nature and humanity.