The problem of obesity today is very acute in many countries of the world. A sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, poor ecology - all this cannot but affect the state and well-being of a person in the most negative way. The Guinness Book of Records regularly registers more and more new nominees for the title of "the fattest man in the world", and from year to year these data become, frankly, more and more depressing: weight is growing, age is decreasing, people's plans are changing from the desire to lose weight to the desire to gain even more weight to earn even more public attention. Here are some striking examples of this.

John Brower Minnock
Washington taxi driver John Brower Minnock is the fattest man in the world between 1941 and 1983. His weight was 635 kg with a height of 185 cm. A team of 13 orderlies could hardly cope with his movement. As a result, the doctors came to the conclusion that John urgently needed to lose weight, otherwise he simply would not survive. The results were simply amazing: in 2 years, the weight of this person decreased by 419 kg! But with this pathology it was not so easycope, and soon the weight began to return: in a week, John added 90 kg. He lived only to 42 years. At that time, his weight was 362 kg.

Manuel Uribe Garza
Manuel Uribe Garza was the holder of the title "the fattest man" until 2008. He is alive and even very happy to this day, as he managed to overcome his illness and become a person who lost the most kilograms and, most importantly, retained this result. By 2007, Manuel's weight was 560 kg, and he could no longer move without assistance. Manuel went to the doctors, underwent a gastric resection, and began to strictly adhere to a diet specially developed for him. The 200 kg weight reduction was just the beginning. After that, Manuel practically learned to walk again and even married a nurse who helped him in recent years.

Paul Mason
Another representative of the section of the Guinness Book of Records called "The fattest people on the planet" is Briton Paul Mason. At 48 years old, he weighs 445 kg. Paul admits that his overweight is the result of a severe depression that overtook him after the death of his father. Paul can no longer walk on his own and leads an almost immobile lifestyle. Around his bed are a variety of devices that help at least slightly alleviate his situation: medical devices, coasters for food and drink, hygiene products and medicines, a TV and a computer. The nutritional value of Paul's daily diet is more than 20,000calories, while for an adult man, 2500 calories per day is enough. Paul Mason is fully supported by the state and costs about $24,000 a year for food alone.

The fattest people in Russia: Dzhambulat Khotokhov
Dzhambulat Khotokhov is the fattest child in Russia and the world. At 10 years old, his weight exceeds 150 kg. Dzhambulat was born the most ordinary child, but by the age of three his dimensions corresponded to the age of seven. Despite all the inconveniences and he alth risks, Dzhambulat's relatives find some advantages in his condition. So, such a complexion is considered almost ideal for practicing sumo wrestling. Jambik enjoys going to the gym and easily lifts two kettlebells weighing 16 kg.
These are the representatives of the title "the fattest man." Of course, these are far from all applicants for getting into the Guinness Book of Records, but only officially registered ones. It seems that such sad statistics will make you think about your diet and lifestyle in general. Be he althy and beautiful!