Proverb about greed for children

Proverb about greed for children
Proverb about greed for children

"Mine!" - the child shouts, and the mother replies guiltily: "Well, he's still small." And she's wrong. Generosity and the ability to share are laid from childhood. A proverb about greed, said in time during an educational conversation, can give a greater result than a long notation.

Greed is a flaw

Why are apt expressions so effective? The proverb about greed is folk wisdom, which, with its form of blank verse, will quickly reach the understanding of a small person.

proverb about greed
proverb about greed
  • Strong and strong who overcome greed.
  • Greedy like a bear, but cowardly like a rabbit.
  • I took more and carried it, but I didn’t inform home.
  • The miser hid far away, but it's not easy to eat.
  • Avarice blinds the eye.
  • Salo to regret - soup can not be cooked.
  • What got into the hands of the mercenary is gone forever.
  • More likely to take milk from a goat.
  • I can't eat, so at least I'll take it with me.

Fairy tales - hints

Proverbs about greed for children with characters from favorite fairy tales will be clear to the childany age. The Russian fairy tale has not only an entertaining function, but also brings up the ability to think and make the right decisions.

proverbs about greed for children
proverbs about greed for children
  • The greedy wolf left his tail in the hole.
  • Cunning fox, but greedy and lost the chicken.
  • You will chase after seven kids, you will not eat a single one.
  • If you want a lot, you will be left with nothing.
  • I wanted cakes from a cat, and gingerbread from a dog.
  • Don't drink the river dog, that's howling all night.
  • Let the fox in the house, she will kick you out too.
  • Call him brother, and he will want to become the elder.
  • Don't be sorry cockerel beanseed or you'll choke.
  • You can't cook porridge from an ax.
  • The blacksmith took pity on the nail, but the king lost the war.
proverbs about greed and stupidity
proverbs about greed and stupidity

Generosity is a virtue

A proverb about greed and generosity through a vivid figurative comparison will help a child make the right choice between stinginess and a good deed.

  • Who is the master of things and who is the servant.
  • Either have pity on the oats or the horse.
  • Sorry today, tomorrow you won't take it yourself.
  • Take one apple, give me two.
  • Don't be sorry for the guest, all of a sudden, God has come.
  • Today collect from the field, tomorrow distribute in the field.
  • Generous poverty does not know.
  • Kind and generous and chickens lay three eggs.
  • Don't get jealous, we have our own belongings.
  • A well-fed bear is quieter than a hungry man.
  • A swallow will sit on a generous hand.
  • God gives to the good, the devil takes away from the miser.
  • Spare empty words, but do not skimp on good deeds.
  • On a generous land, thistles will bloom with roses.
  • Generous the whole world is related.

Greed is funny

Proverbs about greed and stupidity are an apt comparison of two shortcomings. It is difficult for a child to immediately understand why it is necessary to share their toys, and only another flaw, which simultaneously makes fun of a mean attitude, can help to understand a difficult situation.

  • Though tear the abdomen, but I will not give back the good.
  • You can't overeat all the sweets, you can't stand all the clothes.
  • Eyes are bottomless pits, hands are raking rakes.
  • A little will fill you up, a big one will puff you up.
  • He will drown, but will not give water.
  • Cry-cry, and hide the gingerbread.
  • I got good, I can't sleep, I'm afraid of thieves.
  • I regretted it too much - I lost everything.
  • Greed does not give itself rest.
  • A wise man guards honor, but a fool guards goodness.
  • The stingy treat is s alted with tears.
  • The belly cracks, and the hands take.
  • Greed swept away, but does not know peace.
  • Do not feel sorry for the woman fat, cabbage soup will be more rich.
  • The head is big, but the thoughts can not be seen.
  • You can't buy good temper and save up.
  • Sings sweet and thinks ugly.
  • He took pity on the horse, but hysterical legs.
  • Greedy and stupid - a pig friend.
  • Avarice cries, kindness jumps for joy.

Reasonable Thrift

Proverbs and sayings about greed, avarice, cunning are devoted to shortcomings that are eradicated withchildhood. But you need to cultivate generosity wisely so as not to raise a simple-hole bungler.

proverbs and sayings about greed
proverbs and sayings about greed
  • A penny is small, but I cut my head.
  • Dewdrop to dewdrop, here is a tub of water.
  • Save the bread for lunch and save a penny for trouble.
  • A smart master is a master of his good, a stupid one is a servant.
  • What to eat a little, don't throw it out the window.
  • Generosity turns into extravagance, and thrift into greed.
  • Not gold we alth, but frugality and intelligence.

Greed is a strong desire to get something and an unwillingness to part with one's possessions. Is it a vice or a virtue? Within reasonable limits, even a poisonous substance can become a drug. It is the same with stinginess: the main thing is to explain to the child that he lives in a society where it is customary to share, and self-interest is a disadvantage that must be overcome.

The proverb about greed reveals the child's conflict with the outside world. A hidden or pronounced lack of character can mean inner anxiety and fear. To understand the degree of danger, you need to analyze each situation in which the child showed a negative emotion.
