Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich: biography, state and public activities

Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich: biography, state and public activities
Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich: biography, state and public activities

Few people remember and few people know, despite his noble roots, Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich. His works have not been included in popular encyclopedias, although members of his family are among the famous writers of the 19th century. In the article you can read the biography of Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich and see how he distinguished himself.

A brief history of the early years of Aksakov G. S

The years of the life of Grigory Sergeevich Aksakov - 1820-1891. It is worth noting that all his life he was drawn to his native places where he was born. Consider the biography of Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich and his family. He was born in the village of Znamenskoye, Orenburg province, on October 4. His father - Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich - is known for the work "The Scarlet Flower".

Father of Grigory Sergeevich
Father of Grigory Sergeevich

Mother - Aksakova Olga Semyonovna. And also Grigory Sergeevich had brothers and sisters:

  1. Brother Konstantin Sergeevich, years of life - 1817-1860. Famous for describing the history of the Slavs.
  2. Brother Ivan Sergeevich, years of life - 1823-1886. Known for his editorial work inRussian conversation magazine.
  3. Younger brother Mikhail Sergeevich, years of life - 1824-1841. All that is known about him is that he was a pupil of the Corps of Pages.
  4. Sister Vera Sergeevna, years of life - 1819-1864. Known for her memoirs, she advocated for the Slavophile movement.
  5. Sister Olga Sergeevna, years of life - 1821-1861. She was sick with neuroses.
  6. Sister Nadezhda Sergeevna, years of life - 1829-1869. Was a songwriter.
  7. Sister Love, years of life - 1830-1867. Was an amateur artist.
  8. Sister Maria, years of life - 1831-1908, about whom little is known.
  9. Sister Anna, died in early childhood.
  10. Sister Sophia, years of life - 1834-1885, about whom little is known today.

Wife and children of Aksakov G. S

Wife, Aksakova Sofia Alexandrovna, nee - Shishkova. She had common children with her:

  1. Aksakova Olga Grigorievna, years of life - 1848-1924. It was to her that grandfather's works "The Scarlet Flower" and "Childhood of Bagrov" were dedicated.
  2. Aksakov Sergey Grigorievich, years of life - 1861-1900. Followed in his father's footsteps by pursuing a political career.

Education of Aksakov G. S

Grigory Sergeevich Aksakov received an excellent home education in his youth. Which allowed him to enter the St. Petersburg Imperial School. Grigory Sergeevich began his studies in the course of jurisprudence. He was one of the first to enter the school. Graduated in 1840.

Imperial School in St. Petersburg
Imperial School in St. Petersburg

CareerAksakova G. S

After school, Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich entered the civil service in 1840 in the office of the second department of the Senate, where he received the rank of X class.

In 1841 he was moved to the office of the seventh department of the Senate.

In 1843 the rank of titular councilor was received.

In 1944 he entered the service of the Civil Chamber in the city of Vladimir. During the service he received the rank of collegiate assessor.

In 1846 he was appointed prosecutor in Orenburg.

In 1848 he became the prosecutor of Simbirsk.

In 1850, having received the rank of court adviser, he began to organize trade in St. Petersburg. He soon missed his native lands and asked for a transfer.

In 1852 he became vice-governor of the province of Orenburg.

Since 1861 he was appointed acting governor of the Ufa province. Then a new rank of state councilor was received. After that, Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich became a full-fledged Ufa governor.

In 1867 he became the governor of Samara. Subsequently - Privy Councilor Zemstvo.

Received the rank of Privy Councilor in 1871.

In 1872 he resigned as governor of Samara.

In 1873 he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Samara.

State activity of Aksakov G. S

Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich became a participant in the Great Reforms in Russia in the 60s of the XIX century, supporting the abolition of serfdom. In 1962, he took a direct part in the Ufa police reform. In 1863 Aksakov Georgy Sergeevich played an important role in the creation"Regulations on the Bashkirs". Since 1870, he began to combine the position of governor with a justice of the peace, which was considered an honorary position. In 1870, he carried out a reform of the city government of Samara, which led to the creation of the provincial and city Duma.

Police in the 19th century
Police in the 19th century

Public activities of Aksakov G. S

Georgy Sergeevich Aksakov was known not only for his political career, but also for his scientific work. Many scientific works have been written, a description of his native land and peoples, their way of life and way of life has been created. Grigory Sergeevich patronized, while in public service, the construction of a cathedral in Samara.

Cathedral in Samara
Cathedral in Samara

Under the vigilant leadership of Grigory Sergeevich, the architectural ensemble of the administrative center of Ufa was built. Thanks to the efforts of the governor, a women's school was opened in Ufa, teaching six grades.

And also under the leadership of Aksakov, the first theater in Ufa was established and built, the wife of Georgy Sergeevich, Sofia Alexandrovna, was involved in fundraising. The governor opened a public garden in Samara. From 1873 to 1880, Georgy Sergeevich organized assistance to needy people and did charity himself.


For his services to the fatherland, Aksakov Grigory Sergeevich was nominated for awards:

  • received the Order of St. Stanislaus 1st degree in 1864;
  • received in 1867 the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree;
  • received the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree in 1886;
  • received in 1889year Order of the White Eagle.
Order of St. Stanislaus 1st class
Order of St. Stanislaus 1st class

And also many times received distinctions with the highest favors and awards.

Grigory Sergeevich Aksakov - an outstanding man of his time, who not only was the leader of the Great Reforms of Russia, but fully participated in them, attracting the majority of the nobles to his side.

Grigory Sergeevich was a great benefactor. Helping peasants and the needy, he spent about two million rubles from his personal funds. This fact, of course, proves that until the last day he was devoted not only to his country, but also to his people.
