Grain: structure, structure and chemical composition

Grain: structure, structure and chemical composition
Grain: structure, structure and chemical composition

Wheat grains are the raw material for the creation of flour, from which bread and pasta are subsequently prepared. Also, cereals are suitable for feeding livestock. Wheat is a storehouse of useful substances, it is full of proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The seeds of the plant are also called caryopsis, and its structure is important knowledge for people who want to properly grow wheat.

Wheat flour
Wheat flour

Anatomical structure of a grain of wheat

Longitudinal section of the grain shows that it consists of:

  • 2 fetal membranes;
  • 2 seed coats;
  • aleurone sheath of endosperm;
  • scutellum and kidneys;
  • germ;
  • roots of primordia;
  • endosperm;
  • tuft.

It is important that the structure of the caryopsis is slightly different in representatives of membranous species: it is still covered with scales that cover the flower. In naked types, the core is quite easily separated from the scales.


Description of the components of the grain
Description of the components of the grain

A grain of wheat hasseveral shells. They are able to protect it well from bad weather and temperature changes. The first shell is very dense, since it itself consists of three layers, which are united by the pericarp. The arrangement of cells inside it looks like brickwork, which provides the protective function of the shell.

The central layer in the shell contains pigment, which gives color to the grain. The structure of the seed also includes the presence of buds. It is their walls that form the shell.

Wheat grain has a cylindrical shape, has a strong structure.


Endosperm looks like a normal core of a starch structure. In its center are dense and uneven cells, and as they move away from the central part, they become more even, rectangular. Inside these cells are proteins, which are a whole system with starch granules.

General structure
General structure

The aleurone layer of the epidermis is represented by a different composition, its cells are more like a cube in shape, the structure is more dense and distinct.

Wheat Germ

The wheat germ consists of rootlets (central and secondary), apical forming tissue, stalk and bud.

The structure of wheat grain and its germ can only be examined in detail with the help of special equipment. The cotyledon of the embryo looks like a small plate. The latter is located near the endosperm. The cotyledon or shield consists of aleurone cells. There is also a special line that connects the shield with the bundle of radicular vessels.

From the outsidethe cotyledon is covered with epithelium. It plays an important role because of its ability to secrete special enzymes that break down complex substances into simple ones during the process of germinating the embryo.

Chemical composition of the germ

Grain germ contains the following beneficial chemical components:

  • vitamins E, B1, B2, B6 (tocopherol contains the most);
  • various ash substances, micro and macro elements;
  • active enzymes.

The germ has a weight of approximately 2-3% of the total mass of the grain. The structure and composition of the grain determine its high usefulness for the human body. Wheat contains essential amino acids and fiber. It also contains carotenoids and sterols.

Substances contained in grains

Beneficial features
Beneficial features

Knowledge about the structure and chemical composition of the grain helps to properly grow the crop, providing it with proper care.

Wheat is very important for the country's economy, as it is extremely productive and nutritious. In the cities of Russia, wheat products are of paramount importance to the population. A considerable percentage of the endosperm content in wheat makes it possible to obtain the highest grades of flour, which is of excellent quality. For a person, many substances contained in wheat grain are important, especially protein compounds and carbohydrates, without which the proper functioning of the body is impossible.

In addition to useful substances, the composition of the grain contains starch, which can swell. Also in wheat there is sucrose, which is derived by various methods from the finished flour. She is capableinduce and maintain the fermentation process.

In the endosperm there is a huge amount of starch (78-82%) of its total mass, the presence of sucrose in a small volume is also noticeable, and 13-15% of proteins. The latter are mainly represented by gliadin and glutenin, which create the well-known gluten. Ashes, fats, pentosans, fiber are also present in the endosperm. Different layers of the endosperm contain different amounts of protein.

The germ of wheat is located on the sharp tip of the grain, it is from it that a new plant subsequently appears. It contains a significant portion of the protein (33-39%), as well as various nucleoproteins and albumins. The embryo contains a fairly large amount of sucrose - about 25%, and also contains fats and fiber, minerals (about 5%). It is the germinal part that contains a large amount of vitamins and essential substances for the full functioning of the human body. Basically it is tocopherol (vitamin E), as mentioned above.

Energy Properties

grown wheat
grown wheat

Wheat contains a large amount of nutrients, which are mainly found in the endosperm of the grain. In the structure, an important role is played by the outer layer, which contains aleurons rich in nitrogen compounds. Below the endosperm are starch-containing cells.

Wheat grains contain useful substances that determine the importance of the presence of the product in the diet:

  • starch in the amount of 75-85%;
  • sucrose;
  • reducing sucrose;
  • proteins of differentspecies;
  • ash;
  • fats and carbohydrates;
  • pentosan;
  • fiber.

Wheat is also rich in mineral compounds, amino acids. It is important for the body, as it supplies it with useful substances and the necessary energy.

Wheat is a treasure trove of substances that perfectly nourish the body, supporting its vital activity and all metabolic processes. Many doctors confirm this fact.

Benefits of wheat

Anatomical composition of grains
Anatomical composition of grains

Wheat grains have three main components - the germ, shells, endosperm or kernel. Each part contains a specific set of substances that positively affect the functioning of the body.

Wheat is distinguished by its unusual properties. It is rich in nutrients, the main share is carbohydrates (starch, sucrose), it also contains protein, which the body needs as a building material for new cells.

Wheat contains vitamins A, B, E, D, as well as a large number of amino acids. Together, these substances can improve the immune system, influence metabolic processes, promote the rapid growth of he althy hair and improve skin condition.

Wheat also contains folic acid, minerals and carbohydrates.

The miraculous effect of folic acid has been known for a long time, it has a great effect on brain function, improves the state of the nervous system, and also contributes to the effective functioning of internal organs and body systems. It must be present in the diet.pregnant women for the proper development of the fetus.

Polysaturated fatty acids are also found in wheat grains. The presence of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus in the composition is also important. Wheat is a valuable source of fiber, which greatly facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to remove toxins from the body, and improves the general condition.

Wheat grains are rich in octacosanol (wheat germ oil), which contains vitamin E. It is this oil that removes "bad" cholesterol from the body and contributes to the accumulation of "good".

The benefits of the presence of wheat in the daily diet are confirmed by doctors who believe that it can improve and speed up metabolic processes. Food is digested easier, and even heavy. The intestinal microflora also stabilizes. If it has been broken, then thanks to wheat it is able to gradually recover. The body also becomes resistant to temperature changes by improving the quality of the immune system, so diseases bypass the body.

Substances contained in wheat are able to protect against infections, as well as recover from illness.

Young ears of wheat
Young ears of wheat


The anatomical structure of the grain is represented by shells of various types, endosperm and embryo. The outer part of the grain is called the fruit shell. It consists of two layers, under it is the seed layer. The embryo is divided into different parts. The embryo provides the cotyledons with nutrients, this is necessary for itssubsequent development into a full-fledged plant. The endosperm has an outer layer and an inner mealy part. The latter accounts for about 85% of the total weight of the endosperm.

Wheat grain is rich in nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and fiber, which contribute to the efficient functioning of the human body, strengthen immunity, improve skin and hair condition.
