Chemical composition of human bones. What is the chemical composition of bones?

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Chemical composition of human bones. What is the chemical composition of bones?
Chemical composition of human bones. What is the chemical composition of bones?

From school chemistry lessons, everyone knows that the human body contains almost all the elements from the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev. The percentage of some is very significant, while others are present only in trace amounts. But each of the chemical elements found in the body performs its important role. In the human body, mineral substances are contained in the form of s alts, organic substances are presented as carbohydrates, proteins and others. Deficiency or excess of any of them leads to disruption of normal life.

The chemical composition of bones
The chemical composition of bones

The chemical composition of bones includes a number of elements and their substances, to a greater extent these are calcium s alts and collagen, as well as others, the percentage of which is much less, but their role is no less significant. The strength and he alth of the skeleton depends on the balance of the composition, which, in turn, is determined by many factors, ranging from a he althy diet to the ecological environment of the environment.

Connections forming the skeleton

The chemical composition of bones includes substances of organic andinorganic origin. Exactly half of the mass is water, the remaining 50% is divided by ossein, fat and lime, phosphorus s alts of calcium and magnesium, as well as sodium chloride. The mineral part accounts for about 22%, and the organic part, represented by proteins, polysaccharides, citric acid and enzymes, fills about 28%. Bones contain 99% of the calcium found in the human body. Teeth, nails and hair have a similar composition.

What is the chemical composition of bones
What is the chemical composition of bones

Transformations in various environments

The following analysis can be done in the anatomical laboratory to confirm the chemical composition of the bones. To determine the organic part, the tissue is exposed to a medium strength acid solution, for example, hydrochloric acid, with a concentration of about 15%. In the resulting medium, calcium s alts dissolve, and the ossein "skeleton" remains intact. Such a bone acquires the maximum property of elasticity, it can literally be tied into a knot.

The inorganic component, which is part of the chemical composition of human bones, can be isolated by burning the organic part, it is easily oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. The mineral core is characterized by the former form, but is extremely fragile. The slightest mechanical impact - and it will simply crumble.

The chemical composition of human bones
The chemical composition of human bones

When bones get into the soil, bacteria process organic matter, and the mineral part is completely saturated with calcium and turns into stone. In places where there is no access to moisture and microorganisms,tissues undergo natural mummification over time.

Through the microscope

Any textbook on anatomy will tell you about the chemical composition and structure of bones. At the cellular level, tissue is defined as a special type of connective tissue. It is based on collagen fibers surrounded by plates composed of a crystalline substance - calcium mineral - hydroxylapatite (basic phosphate). In parallel, there are star-like voids containing bone cells and blood vessels. Due to its unique microscopic structure, this fabric is surprisingly light.

The chemical composition and structure of bones
The chemical composition and structure of bones

Main functions of compounds of different nature

The normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system depends on the chemical composition of the bones, whether organic and mineral substances are contained in sufficient quantities. Lime and phosphorus calcium s alts, which make up 95% of the inorganic part of the skeleton, and some other mineral compounds determine the hardness and strength of the bone. Thanks to them, the fabric is resistant to serious stress.

The collagen component and its normal content are responsible for such a function as elasticity, resistance to compression, stretching, bending and other mechanical stress. But only in an agreed "union" organic matter and the mineral component provide the bone tissue with the unique properties that it possesses.

Chemical composition of human bones table
Chemical composition of human bones table

Composition of bones in childhood

Percentagethe ratio of substances, which indicates the chemical composition of human bones, can vary in the same representative. Depending on age, lifestyle and other factors of influence, the amount of certain compounds may vary. In particular, in children, bone tissue is only being formed and consists to a greater extent of an organic component - collagen. Therefore, the baby's skeleton is more flexible and elastic.

Vitamin intake is essential for the proper formation of baby tissues. In particular, such as D3. Only in its presence the chemical composition of the bones is fully replenished with calcium. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to the development of chronic diseases and excessive fragility of the skeleton due to the fact that the tissue was not filled with Ca s alts in time 2+.

The chemical composition of bones is
The chemical composition of bones is

Adult Skeleton

The chemical composition of the bones of a person who has passed adolescence is significantly different from that of a child. Now the ratio of the mineral and ossein parts are roughly compared. The special flexibility of bone tissue disappears, but the strength of the skeleton due to the inorganic component increases significantly. Its physical properties are comparable to a reinforced concrete structure or cast iron, and its elasticity is even greater than that of oak wood.

It is possible to fully ensure a balanced chemical composition of human bones (the table below contains data on the normal percentage of all substances that make up the skeleton) thanks to a proper lifestyle, rational nutrition andhe alth care.

Name or type of connection Percentage Name of the mineral compound Percentage
Water 50% Calcium phosphate 85%
Fat 16% Calcium Phosphorus 9%
Organic 3substances (ossein) 12% Calcium carbonate 3%
Inorganic substances 22% Magnesium phosphate 1, 5%
Sodium chloride 0, 25%
Potassium chloride 0, 25%
Other inorganic substances 1%
Total 100% 100%

Changes in bone chemistry in the elderly

The chemical composition of human bones is disturbed by old age, which leads to serious consequences. Elderly people complain of problems with the musculoskeletal system, they are more likely to have fractures that take longer to heal than a child or an adult. This is a consequence of an increase in the content of inorganic s alts in the composition of the skeleton, their amount reaches 80%. The lack of collagen, therefore, the decrease in such a property as elasticity, leads to the fact that the bones become extremely fragile. Restoring balance is possible with the help of special medications, but still this process cannot be stopped.or turn back. This is the physiological feature of the body.

For the he alth and normal functioning of the skeleton, it is necessary from childhood to monitor the correct filling of the bone tissue with all chemical elements and compounds, only in this case it is possible to lead a full and active lifestyle.
