Free energy is the process of releasing a large amount of this element. Moreover, in this case, humanity does not participate in such development. The force of the wind contributes to the rotation of electric generators. The greater the pressure drop, the higher the atmospheric condition. As for humanity, this factor is considered to be bestowed from above. Therefore, as such, there is no free energy generator circuit, such theories are put forward by modern experimenters.
However, due to scientific research, scientists point to the opposite. The great electrical engineers Tesla, Faraday and Volt forced mankind to take a different look at physics and electrification, today the consumption of energy resources has increased. Most specialists try to get sources from the external environment. Such actions are easily feasible, given that Nikola Tesla has already done similar experiments using generators.

Practical schemes of free energy generators
Obtaining the minimum power occursin several ways:
- through magnets;
- using the heat of water;
- from ferrimagnetic alloys;
- from atmospheric condensate.
However, in order to get electricity in huge quantities, you need to learn how to manage this energy. Thanks to the practical scheme of free energy generators, the light should reach every person, regardless of the local location. This is confirmed by historical facts. Such an experiment requires a huge radiation power, which could not have existed in those days.
Yes, and today the existing stations are not able to give such a charge. To create a free energy generator circuit, certain tools and elements are required. So, to get the required amount of charged power, you need a coil, which was used by Tesla at the time. Electricity is received in the amount that is needed.

Free energy generator: diagram and description
The essence lies in the fact that humanity is surrounded by air, water, vibrations. So, there are two windings in the coil: primary and secondary, which falls under the vibrations, which in the process the ethereal vortices cross in the direction of the cross section. The result induces voltage, in fact, air ionization occurs. It arises at the tip of the winding, giving out discharges.
Current fluctuation waveform maps curves. The inductive coupling is strong due to the transformer iron, because of this, a dense plexus occurs andfluctuations between windings. When extracting, the situation will change. The pulse will die out, but the power will expand, passing the zero point, and break off when it reaches the maximum voltage, although the connection is weak, and there is no current in the primary winding. Tesla argued that such fluctuations continue due to the ether. The existing environment is designed to generate electricity. In practice, the working circuit of a free energy generator consists of a coil, windings. Moreover, the simplest way to obtain current looks like this (photo below):

Features of the development of the generator
Tesla's practical experiments show that you can get electricity with the help of a generator, two coils and one additional coil without a primary coil, two windings. If you move a working and empty coil side by side at a distance of half a meter, and then simply move it away, the crown will die out. In this case, the current that is powered will not change the value of the position in space of the one that is not being charged from the network. The explanation for the generation and maintenance of such energy in an empty secondary is easily explained.
When electrical engineering developed, stations were built on alternating current. These buildings were low-power, they covered one network of enterprises that were equipped with different equipment. Despite this, there were situations in which the generators ran idle due to voltage drops. The steam made the turbines rotate, the engines ran faster, the load on the current decreased, as a result, the automation cut off the pressure supply. ATAs a result, the load disappeared, the enterprises ceased to function due to the buildup of current, and they had to be turned off. In the process of development, the situation was stabilized by connecting a parallel network.
Further development of electricity
After a certain time, the power systems began to improve, and some of these voltage failures decreased. However, a clear and fundamental theory has emerged. As a result, current surges and similar additional energy are called reactive power. Similar jumps arose from the radio engineering of the EMF of self-induction. Essentially, the coils and capacitors worked both with and against the station. In addition, it was assumed that the current had a swinging direction, and the wires heated up on their own.
Also determined that these failures are due to resonance. But how a coil and induction condensate can increase the capacity of the energy system of hundreds of enterprises - many academicians thought about this. Some have found answers in the practical basis of Tesla's free energy generator circuit, and most have pushed this question into the background. As a result, not only were the engineers unable to cope with their duties and tried to deal with reactive power, but in the process they were joined by scientists who created a variety of equipment to eliminate high voltage.
Tesla generator characteristic

A decade after receiving a patent for alternating current, Tesla created a free energy generator circuit withself-referencing. The fuelless model consumes the power of the installation itself. To start it, it takes a single pulse from the battery. However, this invention is still not used in the economy. The operation of the device directly depends on the design, which included the components:
- Two special iron plates, one is lifted up and the other is set in the ground.
- Two wires are connected to the capacitor, coming from the ground and from above.
A constant electric charge is transferred to a metal plate, due to the fact that the sources emit radiant particles of microscopic size. The earth is a reservoir of negative particles, so the terminal of the instrument is connected to it. The charge is high, so the capacitor constantly receives current, and thanks to this it is powered.
Development of a fuel-free vehicle
The self-powered free-energy generator circuit, due to its design, corresponds to the status of a fuel-free mechanism, because it uses cosmic radiation as an energy source. This device is able to activate itself, while extracting electricity from the earth's atmosphere. According to Tesla, a bunch of wires pointing up, out of the atmosphere, will give a current that will come from the earth, because there is more heat in it than outside it.
In the process of passing voltage, it is possible to power the electric motor, and it will operate until the temperature drops in the ground. As a result, Nikola Tesla was able to deduce a scheme for a fuel-free free energy generator. Moreover, this plant produces electricitywithout additional power sources - only the atmosphere is used. In the process, the energy of the aether was used in order to extract the charge of the particles. After some time, the scientist claimed that an ordinary machine is not capable of doing transformation.

Further developments of the mechanism
As a result, the scientist began to develop a turbine. The basis of this unit was a water pump, which was accelerated thanks to flat iron disks. A similar basis may be part of other equally useful inventions. As a result of the working process, the scheme of the fuel-free free energy generator was improved, electricity was transmitted in the required amount. To assemble the device, you must complete three steps:
- assemble the secondary winding, which is filled with a high content of volts;
- install low voltage primary coils;
- build a control mechanism.
To create a working circuit of a free energy generator, you need to make a base where the secondary winding will be assembled. This will require an object in the form of a cylinder, a copper wire that will be wound around it. The main material should not pass electricity, so it is better to use a PVC pipe. The winding is 800 turns. The primary wire must be thicker than the secondary wire. As a result, the fuelless device looks like this.

General descriptions of mechanisms
Fuelless schemeThe free energy generator works on the principle of recycling electricity back to the coil. Conventional devices work with the help of a carburetor, pistons, diodes, etc. That is, an engine is not required in this device. This element is replaced and converts energy constantly. The design of the device is built in such a way that the output power is less.
Modern scientists Barbosa, Leal built a unique energy generator, which has an efficiency of 5000%. Today, this design, description, operation and process characteristics are not known due to the fact that the device is not patented. The free energy generator circuit of Barbosa and Leal is designed in such a way that the work gives a small turn of power. When the apparatus is started, the output energy exceeds the input level. A small prototype generates 12kW using 21W.

The most famous ways to generate free power
The most popular are the works of Nikola Tesla. It was one of the first scientists who de alt with free energy generator circuits. He was involved in the development of wireless communications. It was based on flat coils with a magnetic field inside. As a result, the transformer has an asymmetric mutual inductance. If a load is connected to the output circuit, this will not affect the power that is consumed by the primary winding.
In the course of work, Tesla began to pay attention to the transformer operating at resonance. Converted power into efficiency, whichshould have been more than one. To create such a circuit, I used single-wire designs. It was Tesla who created the term "free vibrations", in his studies he pointed to sinusoidal oscillations in an electric circuit. Tesla's work is still famous today. Free energy has many followers.
Tesla Followers
After a time after the famous scientist, other researchers and inventors began to create and develop free generators. In the last century, in the 20-30s, researcher Brown developed unsupported traction due to the forces of electrics. He quite clearly and structured described the process of obtaining driving power using a source of electrical energy.
After Brown, Hubbard's inventions gained popularity. In his device, pulses fired in the coil, thanks to which the magnetic field rotated. The power generated was so strong that the entire system could do useful work. Later Niedershot created an electricity generator consisting of a radio receiver and a non-inductive coil.
A little later, Cooper worked with similar elements. The scheme of the free energy generator of this researcher was to use the phenomenon of induction without a magnetic field. To compensate for the last element, coils were used that had a specific winding with a spiral or two wires. The principle of the apparatus was to create power in the secondary circuit, while bypassing the primary winding. In addition, the description of the device indicated an unsupported driving power in space. From Cooper's point of view,gravity is the polarization of atoms. He also claimed that coils, which will be specifically designed, will be able to produce a field, will not shield and have a number of similar parameters and characteristics with a gravitational field.
Modern view of free energy
From the point of view of physical science, the concept of free energy cannot exist. This question is more philosophical or religious. However, as the practice of some well-known scientists shows, the energy of the system has constancy. A closer look shows that power is released and returned back. Thus, the influx of energy through gravity and time is not visible to outside observers. That is, if a process is created above three spatial dimensions, then free movement occurs.
Joule was interested in such inventions. The practicality of this device is obvious to the consumer. For energy production, the existence of working free energy generator circuits can result in large losses, due to the fact that the distribution is centralized and controlled.
Later, the concept of free generators and similar theories were put forward by the scientists Adams, who built the motor, Floyd, the scientist who calculated the state of matter in an unstable form. These scientists had many inventions, designs and theories. Many successful devices could work for the benefit of humanity.
However, not all scientists and inventors have succeeded in science and similar constructions. Many novice researchers conduct their experiments, but few succeed. True, recently oneInternet user had the idea to repeat Tesla's invention. As a result, the user "Shark" had a free energy generator circuit recreated. Moreover, it also functioned correctly. In addition, many engineers claim that it is possible to create a free energy generator circuit using a cooler. This proves that the great minds of the past could get electricity even without specific appliances.