Very often we hear about how good it would be if there was a perpetual motion machine. Not a single year goes by without some smart guy building his "perpetual motion machine" in the basement. But in the end, each of them turns out to be either non-working or working due to some external force, and then it is no longer eternal, since without the presence of external influence it will not function. All this is based on one simple law of conservation of energy. So let's talk about him first. And we'll start with history.

History of Law
Here you can start telling stories from the time of the ancient world. Even ancient philosophers gave the prerequisites for understanding this simple truth: energy does not appear from nowhere, but is transformed from one form to another.
In the Middle Ages, Rene Descartes in his "Principles of Philosophy" wrote: "When one body collides with another, it can give it only as much movement as it loses itself at the same time, and take away from it only as much as it increases its own movement".
A little later Lomonosov expressed a similar point of view in a letter to Leonhard Euler. He said that if matter disappears in one place, then in another it must certainlyappear.
In the nineteenth century, Michael Faraday, who studied electrochemical phenomena, made similar conclusions, realizing that electric current can have magnetic, electrodynamic, chemical and thermal effects.
For many centuries, scientists one after another proved the inviolability of this law: James Joule, Hermann Helmholtz, Robert Mayer. They all proved that energy cannot simply disappear somewhere: it simply changes into different forms. Of course, this law categorically denies the existence of perpetual motion machines, as this would mean the possibility of producing energy from nowhere.
Well, now some theoretical calculations and justifications for the above theses.

The general justification of the law of conservation of energy is rather complicated and cumbersome. It includes formulas with partial differential equations. Therefore, we confine ourselves to considering particular cases of the law of conservation of energy.
In classical mechanics, Newton's second law applies, which states that the resultant of all forces applied to a body is equal to the product of mass and acceleration.
In thermodynamics, this law is expressed by the first law. It says: the change in the internal energy of the system is equal to the sum of the energies spent on the transition and the heat released in this process.
Besides these two disciplines, special cases of the law of conservation of energy appear in quantum mechanics, and in hydrodynamics, and in optics. They are not so easy tounderstanding, but it all comes down to one thing: all energy is transformable into its other form and cannot be created from nothing.
Time to move on to the main topic of our article, namely, what zero point energy is.

Zero point theory
Zero point energy has long been used by science fiction to describe time travel technology. And until recently, this was in no way consistent with the actual results. In fact, the zero point and its energy are not always considered in the correct understanding. Many understand this as an infinite spatial energy that can be translated into forms convenient for us and used. Actually it is not.
Zero point energy, free energy of the vacuum - all these are the names of an as yet unexplored energy form that makes up space-time and is contained in the cosmic void at the level of matter. In fact, today we are not able to look at this level, so we cannot confirm this theory.
Using this hypothesis, many scammers assemble devices that allegedly "pump out" vacuum energy and turn it into electricity. People who do not understand anything about this willingly believe convincing videos with different perpetual motion machines.
Let's talk about this in more detail and find out what tricks the newly-minted Kulibins are using today.

Deception all around
Freeenergy in pursuit of the zero point has become a term identical to the perpetual motion machine. And a lot of scammers are trying to cash in on it. Many of them firmly believe in their inventions, which at best causes laughter from the scientific community. But the scientific community is one. And completely different - the public and ordinary people. Fraudsters very cleverly lure ordinary people who have little understanding of physics, promising them "infinite energy" taken from the "ether".
But it's all just a way to make money. The most successful scammer to date is John Searle, whose generator allegedly has more than 100% efficiency. Like any "hero", he has a difficult fate. When he started his first generator, he was jailed a few years later for stealing electricity. A few years later, he came out, and now he is fighting with renewed vigor for the deceived minds of the public and businessmen who finance this nonsense.
But let's not be unfounded, and in the next section we will explain how generators work, based on such phenomena as zero-point energy, anti-gravity and free energy.

Scam Generator Scheme
Searl's generator works with permanent magnets. And this is not the first and not the last design of a perpetual motion machine based on magnetic fields. But, unlike previous Kulibins, who assemble the engine without justifying where the energy comes from, John Searle promotes the theory that this zero-point energy field leadsmove the magnets and provide rotation.
Actually, this is a simple interaction of magnetic fields, resulting in the rotation of small neodymium magnets around one large one. But the whole point is that no matter how long these magnets rotate, the energy from their rotation must somehow be extracted, otherwise it will lead to nothing. And the extraction of energy will lead to a complete stop of the entire structure. Also, a factor that does not play into the hands of perpetual motion machines is the loss of energy during friction, which inevitably occurs in any design. And here no zero point energy will help. The null generator circuit, if you look at it carefully, will turn out to be just a fake, where instead of electric rotation energy converters there are installations that ensure the operability of the entire structure due to external power supply.
And why, in fact, this design does not have the right to exist? In the pictures of the Searl generator, we clearly see several magnetic cylinders located opposite other magnets (or rather electromagnets powered by a battery). It is claimed that when the cylinders rotate, the magnets around the perimeter of the installation will push them in the direction of movement, thereby ensuring rotation. But the rotation will occur only until the energy of rotation applied by the human hand to spin up the installation runs out in the system. At some point, each cylinder will fall into a magnetic pit - that is, in an area where the forces of attraction and repulsion from other magnetic fields are reduced to zero, and the cylinder cannot move.
And, in fact, whyis this all being done? Yes, only for two things: to convince businessmen and knock out investment (that is, steal money and throw it away), and in order to become famous.
It is also claimed that in addition to the perpetual motion generators on the "Searl effect" (the scammer himself named the fictitious effect) are capable of creating an anti-gravity field, and with a sufficiently large installation volume, it can hang a meter above the ground. This is not supported by anything and there is no video evidence to prove it.

Sea of charlatans
But John Searle is not alone. And in Russia there are people who sincerely believe in the existence of the ether and that the inventor of such a phenomenon as zero point energy is Tesla, who allegedly did not transmit electricity at a distance to other objects, but drew it from the ether. Firstly, the theory of aether is outdated long ago and is not accepted by any respected scientist. Why? Because for more than a hundred years it has not received any confirmation and has been declared insolvent. The more realistic boiling vacuum theory also remains unproven. You will say that if a theory is not proven, this is not a reason for the failure of the generator that uses its laws, because it is possible, after all, that this theory will be proven in the end. But no. In the physics of the magnetic field, people have already succeeded quite well, and it is safe to say that there is no question of any zero-point energy field. And if such developments really could exist, no one could hidethis is from the public.
We figured out that zero point energy, antigravity and so on are the concepts of charlatans. If you hear something like that - do not even delve into the explanations, immediately go away and close your ears. Don't let yourself be fooled. Now let's analyze a little more real hypotheses and theories that operate with the concept of "zero point", but absolutely do not give a chance for the existence of a perpetual motion machine.
Zero energy in physics is understood as the minimum energy level at which a physical system can exist. As a rule, this concept is used in quantum mechanics to describe the energy that fills the vacuum and space-time. This is the minimum energy possible for a given region of space.
These concepts are not only accepted by the scientific community, but are included in theories to explain some things, such as the cosmological constant. But no one has yet expressed versions or hypotheses about how it is possible to convert such a quantity as zero-point energy into a form accessible to us for consumption.
There is a so-called boiling vacuum theory. And it is very well developed and has a good experimental base. This theory allows us to explain the Casimir effect, which consists in the mutual attraction of two uncharged bodies in a vacuum. It is explained by the fact that electromagnetic waves constantly arise and disappear in empty space, and they are able to influence objects. In the space between the two plates, a small amount of waves are absorbed due to resonance. SoThus, more wave fluctuations press on the outside of the plates than inside, and the plates are attracted.
These are all very interesting theories that are taken seriously by scientists and are really promising for further development in order to explain some physical phenomena. But they all say one thing: the zero point is not a panacea. To extract energy from a vacuum, you need to spend as much, if not more, other energy. All this follows from the unshakable law of conservation of energy, for which thousands of evidence have been found to date, but not a single refuting fact.
Despite all the arguments and justifications, there are people who claim the exact opposite. They operate with fictitious data and experiments and almost never back up their thoughts with theory, but only demonstrate supposedly working installations that are able to feed an entire cottage village. They are all scammers and scammers. They say that if we all use the mythical technology of zero point energy, we can open the way to a new future with endless sources of energy and will not deny ourselves anything. But things are not so rosy.
Next, let's talk about methods of dealing with such charlatans.

Knowledge is power
The main reason that such people exist and are able to deceive us is the illiteracy of the population and the holy belief in the existence of an endless source of free energy. After all, you see, everyone wants to have an inexhaustible source of energy in their home to feed it.whatever you want, and still sell what you could not use. But alas, free energy does not exist, and will not exist. It cannot be obtained from nothing, and the efficiency of converting one of its forms into another never exceeds 100%. And this is a law that no one can disprove.
Another utopia, which promises including the Searl generator, is antigravity. More on this in the next section.
The two forces acting on a charge in a magnetic field, attraction and repulsion, are also applicable to an uncharged body in a gravitational attraction field. The nature of gravity is still poorly understood, and the existence of particles that provide it - gravitons is assumed. It is also interesting that according to the theory of relativity, the structure of space-time and gravity are very strongly related to each other and to the physical characteristics of bodies in space. Although these two forces are connected, nothing is known about anti-gravity, that is, on the contrary, not attraction, but repulsion of bodies from each other. It is quite possible that antigravity is impossible in our dimension due to the specific structure of matter. But antigravity may well be possible with the interaction of antimatter. In any case, we know little about all these phenomena.
But our knowledge is quite extensive in order to say with accuracy that under no magnetic phenomena it is impossible to create either an anti-gravity field, or a black hole or other nonsense. This is another mistake of the creators of perpetual motion machines, who claim that their machines, among other things,have the property of anti-gravity.
Much has already been said about scammers and people who firmly believe they are right. It has also been said about why this happens. But the 21st century has long since come, in which fewer and fewer people believe in fairy tales about zero energy and perpetual motion machines. Fewer people are now doing this kind of nonsense, but there are still a few people like John Searle who have been skillfully deceiving people for decades.
People can be stubborn and stand their ground, but science and common sense must be higher and not allow charlatans to deceive ordinary people.