Lymar: the meaning of the word and synonyms

Lymar: the meaning of the word and synonyms
Lymar: the meaning of the word and synonyms

Lymar is an uneducated person. This is how the concept was originally perceived. In the article we will consider the etymology and history of the word "lymar". Let's study the lexical meaning of the term. And at the end of the article we will select synonyms for it and examples of use in context.

Etymology and history of the word "lymar"

stupid look
stupid look

This is a Russian word formed on the basis of the Permian dialect. It came from the concept of "lym", which means "money that came in growth, or accumulated we alth." And, accordingly, the person who was engaged in usury was respectable and businesslike.

Lymar was called in the Perm region someone who was tall. It is possible that this was the name of a we althy merchant who was a prominent person.

Most often this word became a nickname. And from about the 15th-16th centuries, it became a surname, that is, it was inherited from father to son. It turns out that these are surnames that were formed from nicknames. And after the abolition of serfdom, they were officially fixed. Although before that this was an aristocratic privilege. Such surnames are commonin Ukraine.

The lexical meaning of the word "lymar"

lymar saddler
lymar saddler

This concept is outdated. And in its former interpretation, according to the dictionary of V. Dahl, the meaning of the word "lymar" refers to the Permian dialect. And denotes a tall person. It also states that "lym" is "accumulated money, profit".

At the moment, the word has a different meaning. In youth slang, a lymar is a person who does not have a good disposition and does not have his own opinion. In other words, this is a stupid and uneducated person.

One more word is associated with this word - saddler. The latter is the one who is engaged in the manufacture of saddlery for horse harness and other leather belts. That is, lymar - a saddler who was prominent, tall.

It turns out that this term has two meanings:

  1. Deprecated. Lymar as a tall saddler.
  2. Modern slang. An uneducated person.
  3. Ukrainian surname.

At the moment, there are such explanations for the meaning of the word under study.

Synonyms and examples of the use of the term "lymar"

lymar fool
lymar fool

Let's give a few words that are similar in meaning to the one being studied:

  • kettle;
  • fool;
  • stupid;
  • fool;
  • burdock;
  • stupid;
  • donkey;
  • stupid;
  • stump;
  • inexperienced;
  • stupid;
  • stupid;
  • failure;
  • dumb;
  • goof;
  • idiot;
  • nerd.

These are all synonyms that fit the modern slang concept. The outdated meaning of the word "lymar" has one such term, which is similar in meaning - saddler.

To understand how a word can be used in speech, you need to familiarize yourself with examples of its use in context. Here are a few sentences where you can see the meaning of the word "lymar":

  1. In Russia, a long man was called a lymar.
  2. The Ukrainian surname Lymar is a derivative of a Russian nickname.
  3. Your son is a real lymar! Doesn't want to study at all.
  4. Yesterday we went to Lymar's house. The reception was cordial.
  5. Young people do not educate themselves at all! True generation of lymar.

Thus, we found out that this term is of Russian origin and is formed from the Perm dialect. In Russia, this was the name of a tall man. This name was also given to a saddler who was engaged in the manufacture of harness for horses.
