In the West, it is always customary to address a person with a certain word or phrase. In England, these are Miss (Mrs.) and Mr. In France - mademoiselle (madame) and monsieur. The importance of such treatment is primarily in respect for each other. This article will be devoted to communication with the French. Particularly with men. What is a polite way to address a man in France? You will read this and many other interesting tips below.
French mentality

How beautiful and mysterious is the land of love. France is truly the center of Europe in many ways: in fashion, food, leisure. The indigenous people of this country are very sophisticated. There are several distinguishing features of their mentality:
- They are exquisite. They have taste in everything. If you have breakfast, it's beautiful. To love is even more expressive.
- Very patriotic. The French simply adore their homeland. And they consider themselves the best nation. Without bigotry.
- Inimitable style. Every Frenchman, whether he is rich or poor, has his own style - in clothes, music, food.
- Enjoy life. They love freedom. The French live according to their heart.
- Outwardly loyal to foreigners. They will never allow themselves to offend on a national basis.
- Sociable, but not with everyone. The French show a spontaneous decision to open or close in front of someone.
- Energetic. These are lively, cheerful, charming people, radiating positive.
The list of qualities of the French is endless, but the main thing is noted here.
French communication traditions (etiquette)

As mentioned above, these people are sociable. However, they carefully set the boundaries of their communication and time for themselves, family and friends. For the French, there are a number of certain rules of conduct that Russians generally do not pay attention to.
For example, this refers to the process of eating. For us, it doesn’t matter what time this or that product is. This is important for them, for example, they drink beer from about 18.00 to 19.00. And do not eat oysters at this time.
They can be rude sometimes in their communication. But only if, in their opinion, it is justified. But in general, in public they are polite and courteous. They behave differently with acquaintances, friends, or those they see for the first time.
They love themselves and take care of their appearance, because they are sure that someone can watch them.
When you meet a Frenchman for the first time, you will feelthat some of them behave closedly with you (this applies to official communication), while others, on the contrary, may begin to be friends with you from the first minutes of meeting you. And this is a sign that they liked you.
The character of a French man

What is the difference between the behavior of a Parisian and others? For Russians, an image of such a man has been created, collected from literature, films and romantic stories.
Like all people on Earth, the men of France are all different. But there are certain traits that are most common. Here are some of them:
- Cheerful.
- They love to impress.
- Constantly smiling.
- Romantic.
- Loving and amorous.
- Gallant.
It often happens that the French show elements of a simple upbringing, and the ladies think that they have fallen in love. Or there are situations when a man courts a woman, but does not feel anything special for her.
Young people in France are hot and passionate. They can often fall in love, or they can be monogamous, who show signs of attention to other ladies not for the sake of treason, but according to etiquette. After all, it is so important for them to make an impression, so that they would be thought about for a long time and remembered with a mysterious and admiring look
Referring to the French in conversation

The art of addressing a person is characteristic of many countries. However, in Russia there are no such words. More precisely, they are, but these are most often gender-based - "Woman,a man, a girl or a young man. "In England they use "sir", "mister", "mrs" and so on. And in the center of Europe there are also such addresses to people.
If in France you intuitively refer to someone by gender and call the interlocutor "man" or "woman", at best they will simply not understand you, and at worst they will be offended. This should never be done.
The best way to communicate with unfamiliar people is to address you and use special words for this. Appeal to a man and a girl in France is different, but the meaning is the same. With this word, you emphasize the importance of the interlocutor, the one to whom you intended to say something.
Appeals in France to men and women

It is especially important to behave correctly in dealing with the opposite sex. Appeal to a man in France - "monsieur", "monsieur". When you say this word, you thereby emphasize the dignity of a person and treat him with respect. For the French, this is very important, because they love themselves and believe that they should be addressed that way.
Previously, to refer to a young girl, one could call her "mademoiselle". And a married lady was called "Madame". Now in France they do not like the treatment "mademoiselle". It's better not to take risks and not call anyone that. French women are very sensitive in this matter and may perceive it as sexism.
Women believe that if the appeal to a man in France is "monsieur" and it is one,then women should have one. If for the strong half there is no word indicating his marital status, then for women this should not be. In general, be careful with "mademoiselle".
How to behave to please the French?

Correctly addressing a man in France from the very first time is the key to a future relationship. If you spoke to a young man of interest to you and did it respectfully, using the word "monsieur", then this will play in your favor.
However, men in France like to be the first to move. Nevertheless, every wise woman knows what to do so that the representative of the stronger sex does what you are waiting for.
For any Frenchman, a woman's smile is important. She must be mysterious. And the look can be languid.
Equally important is the style and accuracy in clothes, hair and makeup. The French have a taste for everything and will appreciate the elegant look of their beloved.
The most important thing at first is the respectful treatment of a man in France.
How affectionately can you call a Frenchman?

If you have already met the man of your dreams from the most romantic country in the world and do not know how else to address him, except for "monsieur", then see the following list of words and phrases:
- ma puce (ma pus) - "my flea";
- ma coucou (ma kuku) - "my cuckoo";
- ma poulette (ma machine gun) - "mychick";
- mon nounours (mon nung) - "my little bear";
- mon chou (mon shu) - "my sweet", and literally "my cabbage"
But this is what affectionate treatment of a man in France is, and for a woman they are also quite suitable. Basically, this is what couples in love call each other.
At first glance, for Russian people, these words do not look particularly nice. And for the French, our "my fish" is rather insulting. If you were called a fish, then you are a silent man and useless lie and go out on the counter. This is normal for us, but not for them.
If you don't like tenderness, just call him "mon chére" (mon cher) - "my dear".
Flashy phrases in French
To communicate with a man from the most beautiful country, it is not enough to know the language, you also need to know some strong statements. Such knowledge will help you stay on the same wavelength with him. Indeed, in the process of communication, a simple pleasant appeal to a man in France is not enough. We also need general concepts, tastes, values, and, of course, you should definitely get acquainted with the catch phrases of this people.
Here are some of them:
- Oh la la - an expression of delight and surprise, both positive and negative.
- Se la vie - "such is life." This is what they say about what can't be changed. Such is fate.
- Komsi komsa - "so-so". This is when you are neither good nor bad, but rather not very.
- Deja vu - "as if this has happened before, an inexplicable feeling".
Appeal to a man in France is official and respectful - "monsieur". It is appropriate when we meet for the first time or it is a business relationship. It is also possible to talk with a man more at ease if you have become friends or more. The French have many affectionate and sweet words that they call each other. They differ from Russians because of a different perception of the world and mentality. In any case, in France, a man should always be treated with respect, especially if you want to please him.