The final stage of education in any educational institution is passing exams or defending a thesis. If in the first case, in order to be certified, it is enough to learn everything properly or simply understand the material covered, then in the second case, serious difficulties can arise. First, the paper must first be written. Well, and secondly, it is, of course, to formalize it. Moreover, if the training was conducted in a technical speci alty, it will also be necessary to take into account the requirements of regulatory documentation. In other words, find GOST, the issuance of a diploma for which is mandatory.

As a rule, such normative documentation is given to each student by the head or simply tells where it can be found. It is very important to study all the requirements. Because if the design of the diploma does not meet the established criteria, then the work will not be allowed to be defended due to the absence of the signature of the normative controller. And, therefore, a graduate of an educational institution will not be certified. In the most general case, it is possible to issue a diploma in accordance with GOST 19.106-78, which establishesrequirements for program documents. In this case, we are talking about the use of typewriters and computers in the process of working on a thesis.

It is worth noting that the design of the diploma is not only in the correct font size or indents on the page, but also in its content. After all, a graduate must demonstrate his knowledge by grouping them in a certain way. So, the work must necessarily reflect the relevance of the chosen topic. The graduate must demonstrate to the state examination committee that he has mastered well not only the theoretical course, but also acquired extensive new knowledge during the internship. Based on the information received, he must prove that the solution he proposes will be relevant for at least one enterprise, and possibly for others working in this area.

After the relevance of the chosen topic will not cause any doubt, it will be possible to start analyzing possible solutions. In this case, it is necessary to give various options, indicating a link to the book or magazine where they were found. It should be noted right away that the design of the diploma provides for the presence of a mandatory bibliographic list at the end of the work. It must also be compiled in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Therefore, in the process of working on a diploma, be sure to record where this or that information was found. In particular, it is necessary to write down the exactname of the bibliographic source, authors, year of issue, publisher and number of pages. By doing this, you can greatly facilitate the issuance of a diploma later.
The result of the analysis should be the tasks that are solved in this work. The main part of the thesis will contain answers to the questions posed in the first one, and the conclusion must necessarily sum up.