Geysers of Iceland: history and description

Geysers of Iceland: history and description
Geysers of Iceland: history and description

A small island state in the northern part of the Atlantic, called the Land of Ice, has become a real "Mecca" of tourist pilgrimage, despite the rather harsh, far from beach climatic conditions.

The mystery of Iceland's popularity among tourists

The island of Iceland with the state of the same name formed on it is one of the most unique and picturesque places on the planet, which annually receives more than a million tourists from all over the world.

What is the mystery of the increased interest in this island? What is its uniqueness? After all, Iceland is only a short distance from the Arctic Circle, a dull and monotonous permafrost zone. Indeed, the vegetation on the island is rather sparse, in some places simply ascetic, subarctic climate, partly moderated by the warm Gulf Stream. It would seem, what is there to watch?

Meanwhile, the number of visitors to this northern island is growing every year, turning into a serious test of strength for a country of just over 300 thousand people who make up the local population.

geysers of iceland
geysers of iceland

Iceland is a country of geysers, glaciers and volcanoes

In fact, there is something to see in Iceland, and what you see will be remembered for a long time - it is here that you can contemplate all the natural power, colossal strength and magnificence of Mother Earth itself, manifested in all four elements at once. No wonder Iceland has so many names: "land of ice", "island of volcanoes", "land of hot springs" and, of course, "land of geysers".

The geysers of Iceland are one of the main attractions of this small state. Already a hundred kilometers from Reykjavik (the capital of Iceland), all the splendor and grandeur of the valley of Haukadalur geysers opens before the traveler. Seeing the geysers of Iceland in the photo and stepping into the valley itself are far from the same thing.

geysers in Iceland photo
geysers in Iceland photo

Performance arranged by nature itself

This Icelandic valley of geysers, with about 40 hot springs, has become famous all over the world. It is this place that attracts numerous tourist flows with its incredibly colorful spectacles and fabulous productions, where the role of the director is assigned to nature itself, and not to human genius.

Clubs of white steam creeping along the ground resemble a pop production, when white puffs of smoke spread across the stage, foreshadowing something interesting and exciting that will happen there very soon. And according to the laws of the genre, as in all shows created by man, intrigue has its continuation in the valley of geysers. From behind the veil, steam escapes from underearth and powerful geysers rush up - the performance begins. More precisely, it continues. And day and night, winter and summer - always. An endless theatrical performance that differs from man-made productions in its scale, grandeur, richness of colors and scenery.

Iceland country of geysers
Iceland country of geysers

The history of the name of the capital of Iceland

Thanks to this spectacle, the capital of Iceland got its name Reykjavik - according to some sources, in translation it means “smoking harbor”, “smoky bay”, “bay of smokes”. This place was first given this name by the Norwegian navigator Arnarson (9th century), when he landed with his squad on the coast of the island for a settlement. Subsequently, he invited other representatives of the noble Norwegian families with their squads, who are in constant strife with the jarl operating in Norway.

Haukadalur Valley

The Haukadalur valley owes its fame and popularity to a large number of large geysers, one of which is capable of rising in a column to a height of up to 60 meters. Fantastic sight.

In addition to large bubbling geysers, many smaller hot springs can be found in the valley. They are also able to interest in their diversity: some gush, some look like boiling and seething puddles. There are also those that are very similar to a watering country sprayer that sprays jets of water over the beds. With one difference. The water of the geysers is not at all harmless, it is boiling and can cause severe skin burns. A persistent characteristic smell of sulfurindicates that this water is not suitable for drinking.

valley of geysers iceland
valley of geysers iceland

Every year the appearance of the valley changes. The reason for this is the high seismic activity of this area.

Great or Great Geyser of Iceland

On the territory of the Valley of Geysers in Iceland is the oldest and most famous bubbling geyser in the world - the Great Geyser of Iceland, discovered in the 13th century. The chronicles tell that its strength and power were so great that far along the district the earth “trembled and trembled” during the next eruption. The ancestors of modern Icelanders deified him, and called him Geysir. This name subsequently began to be applied to all similar natural phenomena - geysers.

In the 19th century, the powerful Geysir stopped its activity. Many believed that the geyser had ended its existence. But a strong earthquake once brought Geysir out of hibernation. The geyser started working again, however, not much remained of its former power and splendor. The Great Geyser temporarily stops its activity, "resting" for several days and even months. It is considered a great success to see him in action. When active, Geysir erupts several times a day, and its pillars can reach 50-60 meters, which leaves him with the title of Great. His "brothers" - the geysers of Iceland, of course, cannot boast of such power. Strokkur is considered the second largest geyser in the Haukadalur valley, throwing out columns of hot water and steam only 20-30 meters.

Iceland volcanoes and geysers
Iceland volcanoes and geysers

Strokkur Geyser

Being second is also an honor. Especially when you consider that Strokkur eruptions occur every five minutes (on average). And to visit the valley of geysers without seeing the bright colorful spectacle of this miracle of nature is simply impossible. Strokkur in translation from Icelandic means "churn", "butter tub". This bubbling geyser has become much more popular with tourists than the more ancient and powerful Geysir. Strokkur's eruptions are unpredictable. The official part of speech is always applicable to them - the union "or". A geyser can make one, two, even three consecutive eruptions at a time, the frequency of eruptions is also different. He is able to manifest himself every 2-3 minutes, and can indicate his presence after 5-6 minutes. These values alternate randomly, which adds to the uniqueness.

Combination of incompatible

This is the term that can be applied to the island of Iceland. Volcanoes and geysers, sliding glaciers are in amazingly close proximity, amaze with their views the brotherhood of tourists. Although there is nothing surprising in this. Geysers around the world are found precisely in areas of increased seismic activity, in places where there are volcanoes. Iceland's geysers are evidence of ongoing volcanic activity.

Iceland's big geyser
Iceland's big geyser

From the history of Icelandic geysers

Geysers of Iceland have their own history. The approximate age of the valley of geysers Haukadalur (according to various sources) is about ten thousand years. The massive appearance of geysers is associated with strong earthquakes in this geographical area, dating back to 1294year. It is with earthquakes that all significant events and changes in the Khaukadalur Valley are associated:

  • the massive explosion of numerous geysers in 1630 shook the ground and filled space with unimaginable noise;
  • Geysir's long inactivity ended in 1896, the geyser became active;
  • 1910 - The activity of the Great Geyser increases dramatically, and emissions occur every half hour;
  • 1915 - Geysir again changes its periodicity of emissions, increasing the time interval between them to six hours;
  • a year later (1916) its activity becomes minimal, and soon stops altogether;
  • 2000 revives the activity of the Great Geyser with a frequency of up to 8 times a day.

It is possible to list all the changes indefinitely - they occur regularly and are not even always noticeable during the review. This place is the island of Iceland. Mysterious and unpredictable. And you should definitely visit it if you have the opportunity to see this miraculous miracle.
