One of the most famous rulers of Russia is Ivan the Terrible. The figure of this king is covered with a halo of mystery, and his cruelty has become legendary. From a historical point of view, the wives of Ivan the Terrible and the relationship of the tsar with them are interesting. He had eight of them. The wives of Ivan the Terrible often became hostages of palace intrigues and victims of the tsar's fierce temper.

Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva
The first wife of Ivan the Terrible was a boyar daughter (Romanov clan). Ivan the Terrible married her at the age of sixteen. This marriage, and especially the origin of Anastasia, caused a negative reaction from the nobility. She was kind and affectionate, gave birth to the king of six children, of whom only two survived. Ivan the Terrible loved her very much. Anastasia began to get seriously ill and died before reaching her thirtieth birthday. The king suspected that his beloved wife had been poisoned, and he was right. Modern research has found traces of mercury in the remains of Anastasia.
Maria Temryukovna
The second wife of the king was from Kabarda. Her name was Kuchenya, but in Orthodoxy she received the name Maria Temryukovna. The wives of Ivan the Terrible weredifferent in character, but it can be called the most cruel, wild and bloodthirsty. Although Temryukovna was pretty and liked the king, their relationship was not smooth. While Ivan enjoyed orgies in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda, Maria in Moscow actually openly cohabited with her lovers. One of them, the nobleman Fedorov, tried to organize a conspiracy against the autocrat. Ivan brutally de alt with his wife and lover. He killed Fedorov with his own hand, and Maria died from an illness. According to other sources, the king killed her himself.
Marfa Sobakina
After the death of his second wife, the tsar, choosing a new wife for himself, arranged a bride show, in which about 2000 pretenders of noble origin participated. The winner was Marfa Sobakina, a relative of Malyuta Skuratov. However, she soon fell ill. The wedding nevertheless took place, but soon Martha died. In fact, she never became the wife of the king, which was recorded by the church council. It is believed that the girl was poisoned. Modern research does not find arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals in her remains, but this does not mean anything. The poison could also be vegetable. Finding it after 4 centuries is almost impossible. In the death of the bride, the king suspected the brother of the previous wife, whom he impaled.

Anna Koltovskaya
In the same year, the tsar arranges new brides and chooses Anna Koltovskaya as his wife. According to Orthodox canons, you can marry no more than three times. The clergy issued Ivan a special personal permit for a fourth marriage. Spouseturned out to be passionate, interesting and domineering in nature, but more loving than necessary. She took lovers, and she got caught. One of them, Prince Romodanovsky, entered Anna's bedchamber in women's clothing. By an amazing coincidence, this visitor liked the autocrat himself, after which she was brought to the royal bedroom. Everything was revealed there. Romodanovsky was killed, Anna was tonsured a monk.
Maria Dolgorukaya
On the fifth marriage, the Tsar no longer asked the permission of the Synod. It took place in 1553. After the wedding night, Ivan discovered that his wife was not a virgin. The next day, he put her in a sleigh, ordered this transport of a wild horse to be harnessed and at full gallop lowered into the pond to feed the fish.
Anna Vasilchikova
If before that the wives of Ivan the Terrible were married to the tsar with the help of the Orthodox rite, then this wedding took place in a narrow circle without any church ceremonies in 1575. By that time, Skuratov had been replaced by a new temporary worker, Umnoy-Kolychev, and Ivan married his relative. However, soon the new favorite fell into disgrace and was executed. The king sent his wife to a monastery, where she died.

Vasilisa Melentieva
In the same year, the king marries a lady whom he himself made a widow. He poisoned her husband first. The people called the new passion "woman". She did not allow the king to her for a long time, until she became queen, she tried to discipline him. This gave its results. He became more humble and even moved to Moscow from Alexandrovskayasettlement, but then I discovered that Vasilisa has a lover - Ivan Kolychev. They were buried side by side.
Maria Nagaya
The last wife of Ivan the Terrible was an amazing beauty and bore him a son. Although their wedding was played according to the rules, the church did not give permission for it. Therefore, many considered her illegitimate, and the child illegitimate. Soon Mary got tired of the king. After the death of Ivan the Terrible, she and her son were sent to Uglich. After the assassination of Tsarevich Dmitry, Maria was sent to a monastery.