The surface of the Earth has an extremely uneven relief. Deep depressions are filled with water, the rest of the planet is represented by land. All this together - oceans and continents. They differ in size, climate, shape, geographic location.
Interaction of oceans and continents
Despite the fact that the world's water and land have a number of distinctive properties, they are inextricably linked. The map of continents and oceans is evidence of this (see below). Water continuously affects the processes taking place on land. In turn, the continents form the features of the oceans. In addition, interaction takes place both in the animal world and in the plant world.
The geography of the continents and oceans demonstrates clear boundaries between water and land areas. Continents are placed on the surface of the planet unevenly. Most of them are located in the Northern Hemisphere. That is why the South in science is called hydrological. The continents and oceans of the world are also divided into two groups relative to the equator. Those above the line belong to the north half, the rest to the south.

Each continent borders the world's waters. So what oceans wash the continents? The Atlantic and Indian border on four continents, the Arctic - on three, the Pacific - on all except Africa. In total, there are 6 continents and 4 oceans on the planet. The borders between them are uneven, embossed.
Pacific Ocean
Has the largest water area among other pools. A map of the continents and oceans shows that it washes all continents except Africa. It includes dozens of large seas, the total area of which is about 180 million square meters. km. Through the Bering Strait it connects to the Arctic Ocean. It has a common pool with the other two.
The maximum depth of the water area is the Mariana Trench - more than 11 km. The total volume of the basin is 724 million cubic meters. km. The seas occupy only 8% of the area of the Pacific Ocean. The study of the water area began in the 15th century by Chinese geographers.
Atlantic Ocean
It is the second largest in the world basin. As is customary, each name for the oceans comes from an ancient term or deity. Atlantic is named after the famous Greek titan Atlas. The water area extends from Antarctica to subarctic latitudes. It borders on all other oceans, even the Pacific (through Cape Horn). One of the largest straits is the Hudson. They connect the Atlantic Basin with the Arctic.

The seas make up about 16% of the total ocean area. The basin area is just over 91.5 million square Most of the Atlantic seas are inland, and only a small part of them are coastal (up to 1%).
Arctic Ocean
Has the smallest water area on the planet. It is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. The occupied territory is 14.75 million square meters. km. At the same time, the volume of the basin is about 18.1 million cubic meters. km of water. The deepest point is considered to be the depression of the Greenland Sea - 5527 m.
The relief of the bottom of the water area is represented by the outskirts of the continents and a large shelf. The Arctic Ocean is conditionally divided into the Arctic, Canadian and European basins. A distinctive feature of the water area is a thick ice cover, which can persist all 12 months of the year, constantly drifting. Due to the harsh cold climate, the ocean is not as rich in fauna and flora as the rest. Nevertheless, important trade shipping routes pass through it.
Indian Ocean
Occupies one-fifth of the world's water surface. It is noteworthy that each name of the oceans has either a geographical or theological background. The only difference is the Indian Basin. Its name has more of a historical background. The ocean was named after the first Asian country that became known to the Old World - in honor of India.

The water area covers an area of 76.17 million square meters. km. Its volume is about 282.6 million cubic km. It washes 4 continents and borders the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It has the widest pool in the world's water spaces - more than 10 thousandkilometers.
Eurasian continent
Is the largest continent on the planet. Eurasia is located predominantly in the Northern Hemisphere. In terms of territory, the continent occupies almost half of the world's land. Its area is about 53.6 million square meters. km. Islands occupy only 5% of Eurasia - less than 3 million square meters. km.
All oceans and continents are interconnected. As for the Eurasian continent, it is washed by all 4 oceans. The border line is strongly indented, deep-water. The mainland is composed of 2 parts of the world: Asia and Europe. The border between them runs along the Ural Mountains, the Manych, Ural, Kuma, Black, Caspian, Marmara, Mediterranean seas and a number of straits.
South America
Oceans and continents in this part of the planet are located mainly in the Western Hemisphere. The continent is washed by the Atlantic and Pacific basins. It borders North America through the Caribbean Sea and the Isthmus of Panama.

The mainland includes dozens of medium and small islands. Most of the inland water basin is represented by such rivers as the Orinoco, Amazon and Parana. Together they make up an area of 7 million square meters. km. The total area of South America is about 17.8 million square meters. km. There are few lakes on the continent, most of them are located near the Andes mountains, for example, Lake Titicaca.
It is worth noting that the highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is located on the mainland.
North America
Located in the Western Hemisphere. It is washed by all oceans except Indian. to the coast althe water area includes the seas (Bering, Labrador, Caribbean, Beaufort, Greenland, Baffin) and bays (Alaska, St. Lawrence, Hudson, Mexican). North America shares borders with South America through the Panama Canal.
The most important island systems are the Canadian and Alexandrian archipelagos, Greenland and Vancouver. The continent covers an area of more than 24 million square meters. km, excluding islands - about 20 million square meters. km.
African mainland
In terms of territorial area, it ranks second after Eurasia, with which it borders in the northeast. It is washed only by the Indian and Atlantic oceans. The largest coastal sea is the Mediterranean. It is noteworthy that Africa is both a continent and part of the world.

In this area of the planet, oceans and continents cross several climatic zones and the equator at once. In turn, Africa stretches from the northern to the southern subtropical belt. That is why the level of precipitation is extremely low here. Hence there are problems with fresh water and irrigation.
Mainland Antarctica
This is the coldest and most lifeless continent. It is located at the South Pole of the Earth. Antarctica, like Africa, is a continent and part of the world. All adjacent islands belong to territorial possessions.
Antarctica is considered the highest continent in the world. Its average height fluctuates around 2040 meters. Most of the land is occupied by glaciers. There is no population on the mainland, only a few dozen stations with scientists. Insidecontinent, there are about 150 subglacial lakes.
Australian mainland
The continent is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The entire territory that it occupies belongs to the state of Australia. It is washed by such seas of the Pacific and Indian Ocean as Coral, Timor, Arafura and others. The largest adjacent islands are Tasmania and New Guinea.

The continent is part of the part of the world referred to as Australia and Oceania. Its area is about 7.7 million square meters. km.
Australia is crossed by 4 time zones. In the northeast of the mainland, the coast is represented by the world's largest coral reef.