There are more and more people on the planet, the level of socialization is growing every second. It is impossible to hide anywhere from relatives, friends and colleagues: with the help of the Internet and smartphones, spam messages, pictures, links to videos can reach a person everywhere. Oddly enough, for such a situation, the Russian people have long come up with a capacious definition of "finishing." This verb is universal and multi-valued, equally suitable for describing endless moralizing, and for annoying, sugary love messages.
Where did it come from?
The origin will seem confusing for several reasons. In jargon, there is a word "kanat", meaning:
- leave;
- go.
The version seems good, but it's wrong. The concept under study is an imperfect form for “to finish off”. What will it give? If we discard the approach prefix with the “before-” event, we get an unambiguous “knock”:
- come out of the light;
- choke.
Fasmer suggested a connection with the Polish konac or "death". Obviously, the convergence with the word "end" in the conversation aboutlife path. Lithuanian has the words kanoti, kanoju:
- torture;
- kill.
Not the brightest prospect. From time immemorial, the basic meaning of “finishing” has been associated with death, and quite painful one at that. However, contemporaries use an allegorical interpretation.

How to use?
In an official conversation, you will never hear statements with a sonorous word - it is too rude and unworthy of secular communication. At the everyday level, there are many situations in which one of the meanings can be used:
- destroy, deliberately bring to death;
- spoil, harm, disable;
- put in a stalemate.
Most often, the action is directed at a person who asks to stop torturing him. Sometimes it can be transferred to animals or objects. If a peasant exploits cattle too much, he will quickly finish them off. Like an overexcited child, banging his hands on the keyboard and monitor while playing is a serious threat to the computer.
There is a fourth interpretation, however, corresponding to the norms of the language even less. In this case, “finishing” is the last effort, reluctantly finishing the job. They do not pay attention to the quality, if only to quickly pass and forget.

When appropriate?
The word has no unequivocal negative context. Yes, it implies something bad, but often either expresses the emotions of the speaker, orused with irony. In a friendly circle, it is quite possible to use this colorful concept, but in official conversations, choose a more literary expression.