As a rule, we read the myths of Ancient Greece only in childhood, and at such a tender age we are presented with a very softened version of divine "adventures", after which, as a rule, either wars begin or children appear, as a result in the footsteps of noble parents. So, let's dwell on a certain category of gods and heroes - these are the sons of Poseidon and their noble father at the head.
Sea God
Poseidon is the god of the seas and oceans, as well as all adjacent bodies of water. His father is Kronos. In fact, this is the middle brother (Zeus the Thunderer is the eldest). During his reign, he supplanted other sea gods and gradually transformed into a national deity who patronized not only sailors and fishermen, but also farmers who irrigated their fields using streams and rivers for these purposes. According to mythology, it is his trident that creates cracks, forms valleys and islands, and also creates storms, huge waves or,on the contrary, it calms the bad weather. He also created the legendary Atlantis, which everyone is so passionate about now.

As one of the main deities, he had little sea space, and therefore during his life he repeatedly sued other gods, but, as practice shows, Zeus interfered everywhere, and most of the cities were distributed among his children. The only city that was assigned to Poseidon is Corinth (probably so that he would not be offended at all). But such injustice greatly angered him (in strength he is almost equal to Zeus), because of which he later entered into a conspiracy with Hera (who was tired of her husband's constant adultery) and Athena (in other sources - Aphrodite). Like any other rebellion against Zeus, this was doomed to failure. As a result, Poseidon sat down in his sea palace, periodically muddying the waters in the ocean and chasing beautiful Greek women, which is why the illegitimate sons of Poseidon appeared. However, in marriage, he also made himself both sons and daughters. And he had at least four wives. Mistresses and even more.
Sons of Poseidon
This list is quite long, especially considering the fact that the ruler of the seas had a weakness not only for goddesses and Greek women, but also for monsters like the Gorgon Medusa. In total, he had more than one hundred and thirty sons, according to rough estimates (this is taking into account not only humanoid babies, but also horses,

Cyclops and other strange creatures). Some of them personified evil (and not only monsters, but also people,for example, Procrustes, who liked to chop off legs or stretch on the rack all those who, out of ignorance, asked for him to spend the night). But there were those who became heroes or kings. So, for example, Aginor, the son of Poseidon, distinguished himself as a king and quite worthily ruled Corinth (the only city of Poseidon). He had some problems with Zeus, who, as we know, kindled base desires for one of his daughters - Europa. Europa was kidnapped and never returned to her parental home, joining the ranks of Zeus' mistresses. By the way, there is an opinion that Perseus is the son of Poseidon. Actually it is not. Theseus was the son-hero of the god of the seas, and Perseus was related to Zeus. Everything else is Hollywood speculation and provocations of the ignorant.
To summarize everything that has been said, then almost all the sons of Poseidon are distinguished either by physical deformities, or by a monstrous disposition, spontaneity. To match his father.