Distribution functions of a random variable. How to find the distribution function of a random variable

Distribution functions of a random variable. How to find the distribution function of a random variable
Distribution functions of a random variable. How to find the distribution function of a random variable

To find the distribution functions of random variables and their variables, it is necessary to study all the features of this field of knowledge. There are several different methods for finding the values in question, including changing a variable and generating a moment. Distribution is a concept based on such elements as dispersion, variations. However, they characterize only the degree of scattering amplitude.

Distribution functions of a random variable
Distribution functions of a random variable

The more important functions of random variables are those that are related and independent, and equally distributed. For example, if X1 is the weight of a randomly selected individual from a male population, X2 is the weight of another, …, and Xn is the weight of one more person from the male population, then we need to know how the random function X is distributed. In this case, the classical theorem called the central limit theorem applies. It allows you to show that for large n the function follows standard distributions.

Functions of one random variable

The Central Limit Theorem is for approximating discrete values under consideration such as binomial and Poisson. Distribution functions of random variables are considered, first of all, on simple values of one variable. For example, if X is a continuous random variable having its own probability distribution. In this case, we are exploring how to find the density function of Y using two different approaches, namely the distribution function method and the change in variable. First, only one-to-one values are considered. Then you need to modify the technique of changing the variable to find its probability. Finally, we need to learn how the inverse cumulative distribution function can help model random numbers that follow certain sequential patterns.

Method of distribution of considered values

The method of the probability distribution function of a random variable is applicable in order to find its density. When using this method, a cumulative value is calculated. Then, by differentiating it, you can get the probability density. Now that we have the distribution function method, we can look at a few more examples. Let X be a continuous random variable with a certain probability density.

What is the probability density function of x2? If you look at or graph the function (top and right) y \u003d x2, you can note that it is an increasing X and 0 <y<1. Now you need to use the considered method to find Y. First, the cumulative distribution function is found, you just need to differentiate to get the probability density. Doing so, we get: 0<y<1. The distribution method has been successfully implemented to find Y when Y is an increasing function of X. By the way, f(y) integrates into 1 over y.

In the last example, great care was used to index the cumulative functions and probability density with either X or Y to indicate which random variable they belonged to. For example, when finding the cumulative distribution function of Y, we got X. If you need to find a random variable X and its density, then you just need to differentiate it.

Variable Change Technique

Let X be a continuous random variable given by a distribution function with a common denominator f (x). In this case, if you put the value of y in X=v (Y), then you get the value of x, for example v (y). Now, we need to get the distribution function of a continuous random variable Y. Where the first and second equality takes place from the definition of cumulative Y. The third equality holds because the part of the function for which u (X) ≦ y is also true that X ≦ v (Y). And the last one is done to determine the probability in a continuous random variable X. Now we need to take the derivative of FY (y), the cumulative distribution function of Y, to get the probability density Y.

Distribution function of a continuous random variable
Distribution function of a continuous random variable

Generalization for the decrease function

Let X be a continuous random variable with common f (x) defined over c1<x<c2. And let Y=u (X) be a decreasing function of X with inverse X=v (Y). Since the function is continuous and decreasing, there is an inverse function X=v (Y).

To address this issue, you can collect quantitative data and use the empirical cumulative distribution function. With this information and appealing to it, you need to combine means samples, standard deviations, media data, and so on.

Similarly, even a fairly simple probabilistic model can have a huge number of results. For example, if you flip a coin 332 times. Then the number of results obtained from flips is greater than that of google (10100) - a number, but not less than 100 quintillion times higher than elementary particles in the known universe. Not interested in an analysis that gives an answer to every possible outcome. A simpler concept would be needed, such as the number of heads, or the longest stroke of the tails. To focus on issues of interest, a specific result is accepted. The definition in this case is as follows: a random variable is a real function with a probability space.

The range S of a random variable is sometimes called the state space. Thus, if X is the value in question, then so N=X2, exp ↵X, X2 + 1, tan2 X, bXc, and so on. The last of these, rounding X to the nearest whole number, is called the floor function.

Distribution functions

Once the distribution function of interest for a random variable x is determined, the question usually becomes: "What are the chances that X falls into some subset of the values of B?". For example, B={odd numbers}, B={greater than 1}, or B={between 2 and 7} to indicate those results that have X, the valuerandom variable, in subset A. Thus, in the above example, you can describe the events as follows.

{X is an odd number}, {X is greater than 1}={X> 1}, {X is between 2 and 7}={2 <X <7} to match the three options above for subset B. Many properties of random quantities are not related to a particular X. Rather, they depend on how X allocates its values. This leads to a definition that sounds like this: the distribution function of a random variable x is cumulative and is determined by quantitative observations.

Distribution function of a discrete random variable
Distribution function of a discrete random variable

Random variables and distribution functions

Thus, you can calculate the probability that the distribution function of a random variable x will take values in the interval by subtraction. Think about including or excluding endpoints.

We will call a random variable discrete if it has a finite or countably infinite state space. Thus, X is the number of heads on three independent flips of a biased coin that goes up with probability p. We need to find the cumulative distribution function of a discrete random variable FX for X. Let X be the number of peaks in a collection of three cards. Then Y=X3 via FX. FX starts at 0, ends at 1, and does not decrease as x values increase. The cumulative FX distribution function of a discrete random variable X is constant, except for jumps. When jumping the FX is continuous. Prove the statement about the correctthe continuity of the distribution function from the probability property is possible using the definition. It sounds like this: a constant random variable has a cumulative FX that is differentiable.

To show how this can happen, we can give an example: a target with a unit radius. Presumably. the dart is evenly distributed over the specified area. For some λ> 0. Thus, the distribution functions of continuous random variables increase smoothly. FX has the properties of a distribution function.

A man waits at the bus stop until the bus arrives. Having decided for himself that he will refuse when the wait reaches 20 minutes. Here it is necessary to find the cumulative distribution function for T. The time when a person will still be at the bus station or will not leave. Despite the fact that the cumulative distribution function is defined for each random variable. All the same, other characteristics will be used quite often: the mass for a discrete variable and the distribution density function of a random variable. Usually the value is output through one of these two values.

Find the distribution function of a random variable
Find the distribution function of a random variable

Mass functions

These values are considered by the following properties, which have a general (mass) character. The first is based on the fact that the probabilities are not negative. The second follows from the observation that the set for all x=2S, the state space for X, forms a partition of the probabilistic freedom of X. Example: tossing a biased coin whose outcomes are independent. You can keep doingcertain actions until you get a roll of heads. Let X denote a random variable that gives the number of tails in front of the first head. And p denotes the probability in any given action.

So, the mass probability function has the following characteristic features. Because the terms form a numerical sequence, X is called a geometric random variable. Geometric scheme c, cr, cr2,.,,, crn has a sum. And, therefore, sn has a limit as n 1. In this case, the infinite sum is the limit.

The mass function above forms a geometric sequence with a ratio. Therefore, natural numbers a and b. The difference in the values in the distribution function is equal to the value of the mass function.

The density values under consideration have a definition: X is a random variable whose FX distribution has a derivative. FX satisfying Z xFX (x)=fX (t) dt-1 is called the probability density function. And X is called a continuous random variable. In the fundamental theorem of calculus, the density function is the derivative of the distribution. You can calculate probabilities by calculating definite integrals.

Because data is collected from multiple observations, more than one random variable at a time must be considered to model the experimental procedures. Therefore, the set of these values and their joint distribution for the two variables X1 and X2 means viewing events. For discrete random variables, joint probabilistic mass functions are defined. For continuous ones, fX1, X2 are considered, wherethe joint probability density is satisfied.

Independent random variables

Two random variables X1 and X2 are independent if any two events associated with them are the same. In words, the probability that two events {X1 2 B1} and {X2 2 B2} occur at the same time, y, is equal to the product of the variables above, that each of them occurs individually. For independent discrete random variables, there is a joint probabilistic mass function, which is the product of the limiting volume of ions. For continuous random variables that are independent, the joint probability density function is the product of the marginal density values. Finally, we consider n independent observations x1, x2,.,,, xn arising from an unknown density or mass function f. For example, an unknown parameter in functions for an exponential random variable describing the waiting time for a bus.

The random variable is given by the distribution function
The random variable is given by the distribution function

Imitation of random variables

The main goal of this theoretical field is to provide the tools needed to develop inference procedures based on sound statistical science principles. Thus, one very important use case for software is the ability to generate pseudo-data to mimic actual information. This makes it possible to test and improve analysis methods before having to use them in real databases. This is required in order to explore the properties of the data throughmodeling. For many commonly used families of random variables, R provides commands for generating them. For other circumstances, methods for modeling a sequence of independent random variables that have a common distribution will be needed.

Discrete random variables and Command pattern. The sample command is used to create simple and stratified random samples. As a result, if a sequence x is input, sample(x, 40) selects 40 records from x such that all choices of size 40 have the same probability. This uses the default R command for fetch without replacement. Can also be used to model discrete random variables. To do this, you need to provide a state space in the vector x and the mass function f. A call to replace=TRUE indicates that sampling occurs with replacement. Then, to give a sample of n independent random variables that have a common mass function f, the sample (x, n, replace=TRUE, prob=f) is used.

Determined that 1 is the smallest value represented and 4 is the largest of all. If the command prob=f is omitted, then the sample will sample uniformly from the values in vector x. You can check the simulation against the mass function that generated the data by looking at the double equals sign,==. And recalculating the observations that take every possible value for x. You can make a table. Repeat this for 1000 and compare the simulation with the corresponding mass function.

Illustration of probability transformation

Firstsimulate homogeneous distribution functions of random variables u1, u2,.,,, un on the interval [0, 1]. About 10% of the numbers should be within [0, 3, 0, 4]. This corresponds to 10% of simulations on the interval [0, 28, 0, 38] for a random variable with the FX distribution function shown. Similarly, about 10% of the random numbers should be in the interval [0, 7, 0, 8]. This corresponds to 10% simulations on the interval [0, 96, 1, 51] of the random variable with the distribution function FX. These values on the x axis can be obtained by taking the inverse from FX. If X is a continuous random variable with density fX positive everywhere in its domain, then the distribution function is strictly increasing. In this case, FX has an inverse FX-1 function known as the quantile function. FX (x) u only when x FX-1 (u). The probability transformation follows from the analysis of the random variable U=FX (X).

Probability distribution function of a random variable
Probability distribution function of a random variable

FX has a range of 0 to 1. It cannot be below 0 or above 1. For values of u between 0 and 1. If U can be simulated, then a random variable with FX distribution needs to be simulated via a quantile function. Take the derivative to see that the density u varies within 1. Since the random variable U has a constant density over the interval of its possible values, it is called uniform on the interval [0, 1]. It is modeled in R with the runif command. The identity is called a probabilistic transformation. You can see how it works in the dart board example. X between 0 and 1, functiondistribution u=FX (x)=x2, and hence the quantile function x=FX-1 (u). It is possible to model independent observations of the distance from the center of the dart bar, while generating uniform random variables U1, U2,.,, Un. The distribution function and the empirical function are based on 100 simulations of the distribution of a dart board. For an exponential random variable, presumably u=FX (x)=1 - exp (- x), and hence x=- 1 ln (1 - u). Sometimes logic consists of equivalent statements. In this case, you need to concatenate the two parts of the argument. The intersection identity is similar for all 2 {S i i} S, instead of some value. The union Ci is equal to the state space S and each pair is mutually exclusive. Since Bi - is divided into three axioms. Each check is based on the corresponding probability P. For any subset. Using an identity to make sure the answer doesn't depend on whether the interval endpoints are included.

The law of distribution of the function of a random variable
The law of distribution of the function of a random variable

Exponential function and its variables

For each outcome in all events, the second property of the continuity of probabilities is ultimately used, which is considered axiomatic. The law of distribution of the function of a random variable here shows that each has its own solution and answer.
