Probably, every reasonable person thinks at least once in his life about how it all began, how life appeared on earth, where the first man on earth came from. The question is so complex that scientists cannot give a definite answer. We can only taste the fruits of the created conditions for life, work, give birth to children, get food, create the latest technologies, produce robots, but still it is simply impossible to create such a unique system as a person. The director of the Russian Institute of the Brain, the great scientist Bekhtereva, after researching the substance in the human head, said: “None of the people can create a human brain. Only the Lord God could do such a thing!”
1. Dubious Theory

But still, archaeologists are trying to delve into the mystery of world history. Excavations are underway, the extracted materials are carefully studied. The maximum age of historical artifacts is about 40 thousand years. But according to estimates, the first person on earth appeared about 2.5 million years ago. By doctrineDarwin, man descended from apes, and in schools this hypothesis was accepted as the ultimate truth. Why don't monkeys continue to take on human form now? They both repeated the movements after the trainer, and continue to perform actions on the machine. No, the theory is completely unproven. So it's probably pointless to puzzle over. Let's try to find out what the life of the first people on earth was like.
2. Four-legged and two-legged
According to scientists, the very first man on earth appeared 2.5 million years ago in Africa. They called him Homo habilis, that is, a skilled man. Unlike the organ of the primitive ancestors, his brain was larger and his mental capacity was much higher. The first man on earth walked on four legs.
Another million years passed, and a man who stood on two legs came to replace him, and from this came his name - Homo erectus - an upright man.
3. The emergence of our direct ancestors
Outwardly, our ancestors were very similar to monkeys, although they had human skills. But with the advent of upright people, the rapid development of mankind began, and about 100 thousand years ago they took shape similar to modern human faces and forms. It is they, Homo sapiens, who are our direct ancestors. They were engaged in fishing, hunting, farming. There was an interest in occupying large territories, exploring other lands, and resettlement began in Europe, Asia and Australia.

Life, of course, was hard,there was a survival process. To get a piece of meat, you had to fight with terrible beasts.
Names for centuries were given according to the material from which tools were made for labor and against predators. I felt a little better when I learned how to make fire. From history, we know that there were periods of stone, bronze.
Then there was a division into clans, families, different races and nationalities. As they accumulated, classes of rich and poor emerged.
4. Sensual Creation of God
We have studied data from historical references. But there is another source from which it follows that the appearance of the first man on earth is the merit of the Lord God. And to be honest, this hypothesis seems to be the most correct. Indeed, in addition to the complex system of the human body, we have conscience, kindness, mercy, emotions. And it is unlikely that we would have inherited such a psychological set from monkeys.