Under organizational relations in the management system should be understood as a kind of separation of powers. They are designed to fully ensure the fulfillment of both general and specific management tasks. These relationships should preserve the integrity of vertical and horizontal links, as well as the separation of functions related to management. Consider their classification and other important aspects of the topic.
Coordination relationships in management

Vertical distribution is revealed through the number of management levels and their directive relations, subordination. If we talk about horizontal separation, then it is determined using industry characteristics and can be focused on auxiliary production processes in the industry, the spatial factors of a manufacturing enterprise or manufacturedproducts.
In these cases, organizational and legal relations in the management system are regulated through the distribution of specific tasks and functions between all structural divisions of the enterprise. In addition, the organizational structure of the company largely determines the competence in terms of solving certain problems and the interaction of individual components. This is how the hierarchical structure of the firm is formed.
Concept and definition
Organizational relations are nothing more than the interaction or opposition that occurs between the constituents of an organization during creation (inside or outside it), as well as during functioning, destruction or reorganization. There are three levels of coordination relationships:
- Mutual destruction.
- Common sense.
- An interaction designed in advance.
Organizational and legal relations include interactions, influences and counteractions in the formation, operation, reorganization, and termination of the organization. Today, a certain classification of coordination relations is relevant. It is advisable to consider it in a separate chapter.
Forms of organizational relations

Today, it is customary to single out processor and structural coordination relationships. The latter should include the following components:
- Interaction.
- Impact.
- Opposition.
Organizational and economic relationsprocessor plan include the following items:
- Single and mass relations.
- Submission and equality.
- Independent and dependent interaction.
- Casual and permanent relationships.
- Parallel and series contact.
It is worth noting that the relations that arise between organizations can be described as different forms of cooperation, respectively, between independent structures. When firms cooperate and match each other to a certain extent in terms of their activities and resources, they become interconnected with each other.
Relationships between organizations

In a general sense, the development of relations between organizations can be equated with the growth of their awareness of the activities of partners, as well as an understanding of how companies interact with each of the counterparties. It should be noted that the relations that arise between organizations cannot be characterized as homogeneous. They include various forms of cooperation, among which it is worth noting strategic alliances, joint ventures, research consortiums, as well as entry into the supply chain, strategic partnerships and others. There are two key trends in organizational relations of this kind: the development of the existing interaction on the sale and purchase to a closer, long-term one, and the establishment of relations with new suppliers through outsourcing of those activities that were previously carried out in the company.
Relationships,arising between organizations can be considered from two perspectives. The first involves two-way interaction between collaborating firms, in most cases aimed at the same consumer group. The second position implies the existence of peculiar networks in which the interaction between some structures cannot be analyzed in isolation from their relations with other companies that are part of a single network.
Be aware that the interdependence of organizations usually results in a network effect. In accordance with it, changes in the relationship that arise between the firm and, for example, one of its suppliers, can significantly affect relationships with other suppliers and customers. It is also worth considering the situation when any interaction of a company with other network participants is influenced by events that occur in this network. Such interpenetration of structures imposes fundamentally new requirements on the formation and further maintenance of the management accounting system.
Relationships within the organization
Organizational and economic relations that arise within the structure mediate internal work on the internal organization of the activities of all bodies of the management system, and in all areas of state functioning. That is why they are often called intra-apparatus relations of an administrative-legal nature (as opposed to external managerial interaction).
Internal internal organizational work is considered a mandatory component in the implementation of any kind of activitystate, whether it is the actual executive and administrative work or judicial, legislative, prosecutorial, and so on. It is auxiliary in relation to the key activities of the relevant structure (execution of executive power in terms of external management work of the body, prosecutorial supervision, justice, legislation, etc.), but without it, the implementation of the main would be impossible.
Components of the organizational structure

The system of organizational relations in a company presupposes the existence of an appropriate structure. Among its elements, it is important to consider the following:
- An independent structural department is an administratively separate part that performs one or a number of management functions.
- A control link is nothing more than one or a number of subdivisions, not necessarily administratively separate, but performing certain management functions.
- Under the control cell it is necessary to understand an individual employee in the field of management or an independent structural department that performs one or a number of special management functions.
It is worth noting that the formation of the organizational structure of the company is based on the functions of management. It is determined by the principles of the secondary nature of the governing body and the primary function. The main difference here is the pyramidal nature, in other words, the presence of several levels of management.
Organization process andorganizational relationships
As it turned out, the components of the structure of almost any company are individual employees. It can also be subdivisions or other levels of management. Organizational relations in an organization are maintained primarily through communications (connections), which are usually divided into vertical and horizontal. The first are determined by the nature of the agreement. As a rule, they are single-level. The main purpose of such connections is to promote the most effective interaction between company departments in the process of solving problems that arise between them.
Vertical communications (otherwise they are called subordination, hierarchical connections) are nothing but the interaction of leadership and subordination. It is worth noting that the need for them appears when management is hierarchical (in other words, there are several management levels). These communications serve as channels through which reporting and administrative information is transmitted.
Connections in the management structure can be functional and linear. The latter are organizational relations in which the director exercises direct leadership over subordinates. The functional type of communications is associated with subordination within the limits of the implementation of a certain managerial function. It is advisory, advisory in nature.
Relationships must be effective

For propermanagement of organizational relations, it is important to follow certain principles for the formation of the organizational structure of the company, as well as performance criteria:
- The principle of diversity: the management structure should include components that, in terms of their quality and quantity, are able to adequately respond to changes in both the external and internal environment of the company.
- Principle of addition from the outside: the complex impact on the system of environmental factors forms the uncertainty of the normative state of the system to the established objective requirements. It has been proven that the certainty (adequacy) of the state in complex and large systems does not exceed 80 percent: in 20 percent of cases, the system itself is not able to give a competent response to the current situation when it does not have certain reserves.
- The principle of emergence: the more complex and larger the system, the higher the probability that the properties and goals of its components will differ from the properties and goals of the system itself.
- Feedback principle: the exchange of information between the managed object and the subject of management must be permanent. As a rule, it is built in the form of a closed contour.
Optimizing the management structure
The basic task of competently building the structure of organizational relations within the company is the optimization of management departments. Regardless of whether an existing organization is being reformed or a new organization is being designed, it is necessary to fully ensure its structural compliance with the established requirements.effective management.
It is also important to note that the internal and external factors of the company's environment are taken into account, which are determined by the situational nature and are classified into the following groupings:
- state of the external environment;
- size;
- technology of work in the company;
- strategically choosing the head of an organization in accordance with its goals;
- employee behavior.
In the process of creating a project, organizational and managerial relations play an important role. The design process represents the functionally interconnected stages of creating a project. It is advisable to include pre-project activities, detailed design and technical design. Each of the stages presented requires a specific description of the actions.
Popular organizational structures

Today, there are a number of organizational and legal forms of relations. Among them, it is important to note the following management structures:
- Linear. In accordance with it, the management system is characterized by unity of command at all existing levels. In this case, such a construction principle as a vertical hierarchy is appropriate. Among the advantages of this form, it is important to note the effective use of the central administrative apparatus, an increased degree of control, centralization and coordination of the actions of the management plan, as well as linking the interests of independent management departments. The main disadvantages of the structure are the followingpoints: a large amount of time for making managerial-type decisions, little initiative at the levels of subordination, a delay in the growth of managerial skills.
- Linear headquarters. It is a linear form, supplemented by specific units involved in the preparation of management decisions. These divisions do not have lower levels of management. They do not make decisions, but analyze the existing options and the corresponding consequences of decisions for a particular leader. The staff apparatus is usually classified as follows: service, advisory and personal apparatus (in other words, secretaries).
- Functional. This form is based on subordination in accordance with the areas of management activity. Here, each employee has the right to give instructions regarding issues within his competence. Among the main advantages of the approach, it should be noted the effectiveness of management due to the high qualification of the staff, central control directly over the decisions of the strategic plan, the release of line-level managers from solving many special issues, as well as a significant expansion of their capabilities related to operational production management. In addition, an important role is played by the delegation and differentiation of current management decisions. The shortcomings of the structure include difficulties in coordinating departments, narrow specialization of employees, limited opportunities that are provided for the development of managers.

So, we have considered the types, structure and characteristics of organizational relations. In conclusion, it should be noted that in addition to the forms of coordination relations presented above, there are divisional, matrix, and project relations. In practice, they are used somewhat less frequently.