Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War
Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War

At the end of June 1941, German troops invaded the USSR. The Nazis considered this battle as a decisive stage in the process of formation of the German monolith from the Atlantic to Siberia. The USSR was a multinational country. Various nations participated in the war. The fighting did not bypass the territory of Kazakhstan. This republic at the time of the beginning of the battles had huge natural and human resources. Consider the role played by Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War.

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War
Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War

Summary of the historical pre-war period

Despite the fact that during the previous two decades it was not possible to fully realize the transition to socialism, a lot has been done towards this goal. In particular, colonial and national oppression, medieval illiteracy and backwardness were eliminated in the shortest possible time. At the same time, equality between women and men, peace and harmony among peoples were established. Patriotic national traditions were of particular importance in all this. For many centuries, the Kazakh people successfully defended the borders of their steppes. ATduring the period of colonial struggle, during the three revolutions on the construction sites of the five-year plans and the fronts of civil confrontation, interethnic friendship was established and significantly strengthened. The widespread anti-fascist propaganda also had a great influence on people.

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War

Briefly describing the state of the republic at the time of the Nazi attack, some statistics should be given. According to the results of the population census conducted in 1939, 6.2 million people lived in the republic. About 1.2 million joined the ranks of the army. A special role in achieving the common goal - the liberation of the USSR from the aggressor - was played by Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. The photos presented in the article illustrate the readiness of people to stand up for the Motherland. The Soviet government, taking into account the experience of tsarism, created special construction teams and a labor army. They included representatives of the indigenous peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In total, more than 700,000 residents of the fraternal republics were mobilized.

State of the economy

The economy of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War was at the stage of successful development. Every fourth inhabitant of the republic was sent to work in the defense industry and to the front. However, this did not prevent the further development of the national economy. High mobilization rates were due to the agrarian nature of the economy, a large percentage of peasants among the population. Of no small importance was the belated booking of labor reserves in the defense industry and machine operators from agriculture.economy.

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War summary
Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War summary

Forming connections

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) created units and formations directly on its territory. The bulk of the inhabitants joined the active Soviet army as a marching replenishment. In the republic itself, four cavalry and twelve rifle divisions, seven brigades, about fifty separate battalions and regiments of various types of troops were formed. Several of these detachments were created as national formations. Formed in excess of the mobilization plan, these units almost half consisted of Komsomol members and communists. Before joining the active army, they were provided with uniforms and other necessary things and items, supported by the republican budget, as well as voluntary contributions from the population.

Tough period

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) made a worthy contribution to the training of regular and reserve officers for the fleet and army. More than 42 thousand young Kazakhs were sent to specialized educational institutions. The military educational institutions that existed at that time in the republic graduated about 16 thousand officers. During the Great Patriotic War, Kazakhstan, like other regions of the country, rapidly transferred the economic sector to the defense sector. In particular, the costs of peaceful purposes were minimized. Most of the enterprises switched to the production of defense products. Machine equipment, labor, materials were allocated for them.

heroes of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War
heroes of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War

Evacuation of citizens

Kazakhstan endured many difficulties during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It is possible to briefly describe only a part of the hardships that this people experienced during the period of confrontation. At the beginning of the resistance, more than 500 thousand migrants from the western regions found shelter, a place in the ranks, and work in the republic. About 970 thousand repatriated Germans and Poles arrived in Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. Most of them settled in auls and villages. In the city at that time, the housing problem was quite acute. Its aggravation occurred at the very beginning of the war. So, in 1940, there were no more than 5.1 sq. m., in subsequent years - 4, 3, and in some cities even less.

Food Crisis

Kazakhstan experienced an acute shortage of food during the Great Patriotic War. Their entry into the markets decreased by 7-15 times. At the same time, prices for food and necessities increased by 10-15 times. As a result, a system of card supply of bread and other necessary products was introduced. The food problem contributed to the expansion of individual and collective gardening, a network of subsidiary plots. Thanks to the joint efforts of the population and the leadership of the republic, the crisis was overcome. As a result, abundance was not achieved, but citizens were able to receive a minimum of everything necessary to meet the primary needs.needs.

Relocation of businesses

The placement of evacuated industries was one of the key elements of the restructuring of the rear. During the Great Patriotic War, 220 factories, artels, workshops, factories and industrial plants were relocated to Kazakhstan. Subsequently, 20 of these enterprises were re-evacuated. Food production, textile and light industry factories and factories accounted for a large share. Their placement, as a rule, was carried out on the basis of republican enterprises. Many evacuated factories were started in a hurry, in unprepared premises, and sometimes under sheds. Under such conditions, the production of not only previously produced, but also new defense products was being adjusted.

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War photo
Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War photo

Rural Labor Administration

In the first few years of the fight against fascism, as in the period of collectivization, political departments were formed in state farms, and political officers in field crop and tractor brigades. The latter were often granted fairly broad powers. They could bring to justice those who maliciously did not comply with the norms, were considered disorganizers and loafers. The strict administration of work in the countryside, the massive involvement of children and women in labor, the reduction in the technical equipment of state farms and collective farms, the reduction, and in some areas the cessation of payment for workdays, the forcible theft of livestock, and the introduction of taxes had a severe impact on the state of the population. Northern Kazakhstan was starving during the Great Patriotic War. To provideassistance to the population in the Aktobe region, government commissions were formed. In accordance with the situation, the powers of the people's commissariats and their leadership were expanded and their responsibility for the situation in the industry was strengthened. As a result, the number of meetings was significantly reduced, efficiency and efficiency increased. However, at the same time, the administration began to lean towards excessively harsh measures. This was facilitated by changes in internal party life, the widespread propaganda of the cult of personality. In addition, the practice of past years, which encouraged the formation of unconstitutional bodies, also had an effect. For example, emergency commissions and troikas were created in Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions. They supervised the sowing, supervised the placement of evacuees, the fight against fires, and so on. Pavlodar, Karaganda regions, East Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War worked with a rather rough administration. Worker intimidation methods were used in some areas.

the economy of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War
the economy of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War

Social sphere

The necessary means and forces were not only preserved, but also developed he alth care, education, science and culture of Kazakhstan. During the Great Patriotic War, nurses and doctors of the republic were not only able to ensure a high percentage of return to service of the sick and wounded, but also prevented the spread of typhoid and typhus and other diseases. The educational system has not changed much. However, there has been a marked decrease in the numberstudents. This was especially noticeable in rural areas. Cultural institutions were seriously affected. Approximately a quarter of the clubs were transferred to hospitals and manufacturing plants. The number of libraries has more than halved, and their book stock has decreased by a third. The number of theaters in the republic remained the same. At the same time, there has been a significant qualitative shift in the work of these institutions. The results of the filmmakers' activity were especially outstanding. After the connection of Alma-Ata, Leningrad and Moscow studios, "Kazakhfilm" was formed. National literature was of particular patriotic importance. The heroes of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War were sung by such masters as Auezov, Shukhov, Snegin, Dzhabaev. Some authors were on the front lines themselves.

Help the front

Kazakhstan formed the Defense Fund during the Great Patriotic War. It included voluntary contributions from the residents of the republic. By October 1943, its size reached 185.5 million rubles in money and 193.6 million in bonds. A campaign for the purchase of tanks and submarines began. During the Great Patriotic War, Kazakhstan allocated 480 million rubles to provide for the army. The total amount of the republic's contribution, together with the cost of loans on bonds, lotteries and other receipts, amounted to 4,700 million rubles. These funds could cover the direct cost of the war for two weeks.

kazakhstan during the great patriotic war briefly
kazakhstan during the great patriotic war briefly

First blows of the enemy

From the very first days of the confrontation onOn all fronts, the Soviet army, in whose ranks thousands of Kazakhs fought, fought fierce battles with the Nazis. The border guards were the first to take the blow. 485 outposts that provided protection for the frontiers held back the onslaught of the enemy. The defenders of the Brest Fortress showed unprecedented resilience. Representatives of more than thirty nations of the USSR were present in the defending units. The soldiers of the platoon of Lieutenant Naganov fought courageously near the Tiraspol tower. In this battle, Turdyev and Fursov, the national heroes of Kazakhstan, proved themselves. During the Great Patriotic War, the national detachments that fought on the territories of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia steadfastly repulsed the attacks of opponents.

Battle for Moscow

The Soviet army, overcoming difficulties, was able not only to survive, but also, having mobilized, inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy in the battle near the capital. The 316th division under the leadership of Major General Panfilov and Commissar Yegorov played a special role in the confrontation. The personnel heroically repulsed the onslaught of enemy tank formations. The whole world knows the immortal feat of the 105th fighter regiment, which was able to destroy 18 enemy vehicles without letting them through to the east. It was then that the political instructor Klochkov uttered a phrase that flew around the front: "The country of Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat, behind is Moscow." The soldiers of the 316th division fought courageously. During the fighting, General Panfilov was killed. Exceptional stamina and heroism in the battle for Moscow were shown by the fighters of the regiment under the command of Karpov and the battalion under the leadership of Baurdzhan Mamysh-uly. The battle was with the enemy, whose forces had four timessuperiority. Fierce battles were fought for a whole month. Panfilov managed to defeat four German divisions. The feat of the soldiers did not go unnoticed by the country's leadership. For the valor shown, the 316th division was transformed into the 8th guards division and received an award - the Order of the Red Banner. At the request of the fighters, she was soon named after the deceased commander.

Feats of soldiers

Speaking of the battles near Moscow, one cannot but recall the heroism of Tulgen Tokhtarov. Having broken into the headquarters of the fascist unit in the village of Borodino, he was able to destroy five German officers. Tulgen Tokhtarov received the title of hero posthumously. A group of submachine gunners, commanded by Malik Gabdullin, knocked out fascist tanks and removed the unit from the encirclement. For the feat, the political instructor of the company was awarded the title of hero. Near a village near Serpukhov, on the banks of the Oka, Ramazan Amangeldiev died. This machine gunner in the last fight in his life destroyed thirteen Germans. Amangeldiev was a machine gunner in the 238th division. For steadfastness in defense and decisiveness during offensives, organization and discipline, this division received the Order of the Red Banner and was transformed into a Guards division in 1942.

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War 1941 1945 briefly
Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War 1941 1945 briefly

Fighting near Leningrad

From the beginning of September 1941, the Kazakhs actively participated in breaking the blockade. In particular, the battles were fought by the 310th rifle division, and then the 314th division, which were formed in Kazakhstan. The soldiers were able to inflict heavy damage on the enemy. Soldiers participated in the liberation of more thantwenty settlements in the Leningrad region, in ensuring communication with the "mainland", paved the "road of life" together with other soldiers. During the battles, the party organizer Baimagambetov repeated the feat of Matrosov. For this he was awarded the title of hero. Bravery and a high level of training were shown by the fighters of the B altic Fleet. Commander Admiral Tributs, in his letter to the Kazakh people, expressed his deep gratitude to the republic for the people she brought up, noted the heroism of the fighters, their courage and steadfastness. Commander Koybagarov showed high professionalism in the battles near the city on the Neva. Under his command was the 5th squad of the company of the 1236th regiment of the 372nd rifle division. The soldiers were able to quickly move forward, make passes in the enemy's barriers and block the bunker. The commander of the Koibagars was the first to break into the trenches, dragging the rest of the soldiers with him. A third of the formations of Kazakhstan fought near Leningrad.

Partisan movement

Despite the courage and steadfastness shown by the soldiers of the front, the war in the early stages developed very tragically for the Soviet people. From the first days of the battles, a partisan movement arose. Due to its mass character and excellent organization, as well as the subordination of plans to the tasks of the Soviet command, it acquired a special strategic importance. There were quite a lot of Kazakhs in the partisan movement. So, in the Leningrad detachments there were more than two hundred, in the Smolensk region - more than two hundred and fifty, in Belarus and Ukraine - about three thousand.
