Soft sign and some rules for its use

Soft sign and some rules for its use
Soft sign and some rules for its use

Russian grammar is a rather complicated phenomenon. Many rules in it are based on logical concepts or historical traditions. This is how you can characterize spellings associated with the use of a soft sign.

To soften consonants

One of the first rules that students learn in elementary school is associated with the letter "soft sign". In words, it performs various functions. The first and main one is to indicate softened consonant sounds. In this case, a soft sign is written, firstly, at the very end of the word: laziness, wattle, etc. An exception to this rule are words that end in the letters h, sh, these consonants themselves are soft in Russian. For example: ball, key, raincoat, stove-maker, etc.

soft sign
soft sign

Spelling is pretty easy to remember and put into practice. Mostly in children, it does not cause difficulties and complaints. Secondly, the letter soft sign is written in the middle of many words, performing a separating function. It is necessary to separate a soft consonant sound from a hard one standing next to it. Being between them, the sign is a kind of border, for example: Vanka,letter, eighth. Without it, a soft sound would assimilate with a neighboring hard one, and the words sounded with a clear "Caucasian" accent. Silly, isn't it? And the soft sign of this assimilation does not allow, and the words have the familiar to us, "correct" appearance, corresponding to the norms of the Russian literary language. But that's not all! Thirdly, "b" is written in the middle of a word between two consonants to soften the first of them: schoolgirl, feller, freemen. Without it, the words would lose their euphony. And finally, the fourth case, when a soft sign is written in words where two of the same (soft) consonants meet. When the word changes, the first retains its softness, and the second hardens: take it, take it. Also important are spellings such as "b" before ioted consonants and before the letter "O" in words of foreign origin: family, bindweed, champignons, medallion. In addition, one should not forget about the words in which he is obligatory after hissing: ish, vis, only and others.

Verbs and "b"

soft sign in verbs
soft sign in verbs

It is important to teach students to write the soft sign in verbs correctly. This applies to the indefinite form, as well as the forms of the second person and the imperative mood. Let's take a closer look. So, at the end of the infinitive, "b" is written: write, read, listen. This spelling is also checked by the question: what to do? / what to do? etc. A soft sign is also written after hissing in verbs: write, look, play, play, dance, etc. What are they characteristic of? 2nd person form inpresent and future tense. Therefore, so that students do not make mistakes, they need to work out the algorithm for determining verb forms, the ability to understand the categories of person and time. The characterization of this part of speech in terms of moods is also related to spelling. "b" is written in the imperative mood and is one of the spelling indicators for many singular and plural verbs: eat, cut.

soft sign after sibilants in verbs
soft sign after sibilants in verbs

How to consolidate what you have learned

For a solid assimilation of the material and its successful use in written language practice, the teacher needs to regularly conduct vocabulary dictations and mutual dictations, work with cards and punched cards, independent work and other types of control. Be sure to check notebooks in a timely and thorough manner, keep a record of errors and work them out in time.
