Everyone has heard the word adventurer at least once. But not everyone understands it. What character trait is adventurism? Adventurer - who is it? These questions are very interesting, so let's figure out what qualities such individuals have and whether they are useful to a person.
Who are adventurers?
An adventurer is a person who is not afraid of the most daring ideas, this is an adventurer who takes risks without any hesitation.
Adventurism is a special behavior of a person, expressed in his passion for adventure, incidents that can cause strong emotions and an adrenaline rush.

This character trait can manifest itself in extreme hobbies, risky ventures, lawless, fraudulent activities, dangerous "exploits" performed by a person just for the sake of entertainment. But is an adventurer always a rogue and a swindler?
How to recognize an adventurer?
Adventurism is an individual property of a person. It may or may not be present in a particular person, which forms it.propensity for adventure. If a person goes on dangerous deals without much hesitation, often argues and is not afraid to take risks, then they say that he has a “vein of adventurism”. These people are restless inventors and eternal adventurers.
An adventurer is a person who sets himself the most daring and extravagant tasks. All the actions of such people are aimed at getting closer to the goal.
Adventurers are also characterized by such personality traits as maximalism, enthusiasm and extremism. These properties do not allow you to stop in front of difficulties, moving towards your dream. And the distorted sense of fear in adventurers can even push them to break the law if it is necessary to achieve their goals as soon as possible.

Is it good or bad to have adventurism in your blood?
At first glance, adventurers live cheerfully and carefree, their life is never boring and monotonous. But there is also the flip side of the coin. Risk is the main companion of an adventurer. And this is the answer to the question why the lives of many adventurers end tragically.
The desire to get the required dose of adrenaline sometimes leads them to act outside the law. Not necessarily all adventurers are swindlers and crooks, but almost every criminal has a craving for adventures, which makes him commit illegal acts for his goal.
Some believe that an adventurer is a dishonest and unprincipled person. Partly so it also is. Adventurism as a character trait is not inherentabsolutely truthful and law-abiding citizens.
A little more about adventurers
If you think about it, it is adventurous people who most often become heroes of adventure films and books. This is all because their life is full of surprises and exciting, but not always safe events.
Probably the most famous adventurer in Soviet cinema is Ostap Bender. Both individual citizens and entire groups suffered from his ingenious scams. But at the same time, this character is optimistic, cheerful and savvy, which causes the sympathy of many film lovers.

Speaking of movie heroes, one cannot help but recall Agent 007 - a brave, courageous, courageous favorite of women. If the character of James Bond was not inherent in adventurism, he would hardly have been able to accomplish his feats.
The personality trait we are considering is characteristic even of some cartoon characters. The cartoon adventurer is Basilio the Cat. His cunning friend Fox Alice has the same qualities. In all sorts of deceitful ways, this couple tried to extract the last money from poor Pinocchio.
As you can see, adventurism is not always bad, but at the same time it is not always good either. If this character trait is one of the facets of your personality, try to present and use it for the most positive purposes. If the soul asks for another adventure, remember that there are limits to the law and boundaries of safe behavior that must be adhered to.