The Roman Empire over the centuries of its existence has created not only a great culture and a strong army, but also a clear system of legal relationships between the state and citizens. Many of the achievements of the Romans in various areas were borrowed by Europeans, and along with the names. However, some Roman names never found their place in European culture, remaining in history. For example, today few people know what a praetor is. And at one time, the person holding this position played an important role in the legal Roman state.
Roman praetor - who is this?
From Latin the word praetor is translated as "to go ahead". In the Roman Empire, state officials were called praetor, but at different times various functions were assigned to them.

If at first there was only one praetor in the Roman state, then after a while there were already several dozen.
Who could be Praetor
Since the establishment of this position, absolutely any Roman citizen could apply for it. However, there were important conditions for each applicant. Since the praetor is a solid and responsible position, it could not be held by a young man who did not havesufficient life experience. Therefore, the candidate had to be forty or older. In addition, in order to take the post of praetor, one had to move up all the rungs of the Roman bureaucracy in order.
The most important thing is that even having achieved the position of praetor, a person held it for only one year. Of course, it was possible to be re-elected for a second term, but for this during the first year it was necessary to prove yourself very well.
In the Roman Empire, praetors, like some other officials, did not receive wages for their work, performing it for the good of society completely free of charge. Therefore, only we althy Romans could afford the luxury of not receiving payment for work for a whole year. Although praetors often used this power to defend their interests.
The history of the appearance of praetors and their functions at different times
After the establishment of the republican system in Rome, the word "praetor" acquired a slightly different meaning. This is the name of the two highest positions in the state: consul and dictator.

But over time, the supreme official post in Rome began to be called consul, and the next post in seniority began to be called praetor. During this period, the praetor had fairly clear duties. This is control over the judicial system in cases between citizens of the Roman Empire. In addition, when the consul was absent, his functions of managing the country and city were performed by the praetor, becoming almost the first person in the state.
Over time with improvementjudiciary, it became necessary to elect two praetors. One of them oversaw the judicial system in Rome among its citizens, he was called praetor urbanus. And the competence of the second (praetor peregrinus) included control of legal proceedings between foreigners in the Roman Empire, as well as Romans and strangers.

With the beginning of the active conquest of new territories by the Romans and the emergence of a mass of provinces, the legal proceedings in each of them required their own praetor. So during the time of the first Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar, there were already as many as 16 praetors in Rome, and their number grew.
With the advent of emperors and the loss of the status of the republic, the range of duties of praetors expanded. Over time, the highest official positions in every city of the Roman Empire began to be called this way.
Right of Praetors
Beginning their duties, praetors issued edicts, the so-called laws for one year. In them, they not only drew up a program of their work and the principles on the basis of which it would be carried out throughout the year (edictum perpetuum), but also indicated how litigation should be decided in this or that case (edictum repentinum).

Over the years, the number of edicts grew uncontrollably. In addition, each new praetor had to familiarize himself with the edicts of his predecessors and take them into account when drawing up his own. It was the praetors' edicts that constituted the praetor's right.
Over time, many such laws have accumulated. Some of them contradict each otherfriend. Therefore, over time, they were all collected and revised by a Roman jurist named Savilius Julian.
Praetors today
Today, the word "praetor" has lost its meaning. But at the same time in some countries it is still relevant. In Romania, the head of the plas (an administrative unit like a district) is the praetor. This word is also used as the title of the position of the representative of the mayor (mayor) in Moldova.
Several hundred years have passed since the fall of the Roman Empire. Together with her, the position of praetor also went into oblivion. And although today in some countries some positions of officials are also called, they have completely different functions. Despite this, praetors made a significant contribution to the formation of the legal system we know today.