The study of tenses is the most extensive and significant topic of English grammar. Like all languages, it has a present, past, and future tense. The difference is in their number. Four present, four future and four past - this is what those who are determined to speak the language of Foggy Albion have to figure out. Learning always starts with Present Simple Tense. Examples of sentences with translation and rules of use are presented in this article.
Present Simple Tense

Translated into Russian - the present simple tense. However, it is not used in situations where the action is happening right now. This tense is used when we talk about actions that occur constantly, regularly, repeat day after day. In addition, we use it when we talk about well-known facts,theories that do not require proof (for example, day follows night).
Education Present Simple
Below are examples of Present Simple sentences: affirmative, negative and interrogative. But first you need to figure out how they are formed.
To construct an affirmative sentence, a verb in the first form (as it is written in the dictionary) or a verb with the ending -s (-es) is used, which is added only if the subject is in the third person singular (pronouns he, she, it).

For the formation of interrogative forms, auxiliary verbs are used - Do or Does. Does only applies in sentences where the subject is in the third person singular.
The auxiliary word is placed at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject and only then the predicate, which must be expressed by the verb in the 1st form (the ending is added only in affirmative forms).
To form a negative statement, as well as for an interrogative one, the words Do or Does, as well as the particle not are used. This will be the hallmark of these proposals. The word order is built as follows: subject - auxiliary verb - negative particle not - semantic verb in the first form - other members of the sentence.
Present Simple, examples of sentences with translation

Affirmative sentences:
I swim in the lake near my house everysummer. - I swim in the lake near my house every summer.
My colleagues gather together every Friday in the cafe. - My colleagues get together every Friday at the cafe.
Tim lives in New York with his parents and his little sister. - Tim lives in New York with his parents and little sister.
My friend studies at the Faculty of Engineering. - My friend is an engineering student.
My brother looks after our younger sister. - My brother is looking after our little sister.

Negative sentences:
I do not swim in the lake near my house every summer. - I don't swim in the lake near my house every summer.
My colleagues do not gater together every Friday in the cafe. - My colleagues don't get together every Friday at the cafe.
Tim does not live in New-York with his parents and his little sister. - Tim doesn't live in New York with his parents and little sister.
My friend does not study at the Faculty of Engineering. - My friend is not an engineering student.
My brother does not look after our young sister. - My brother doesn't look after our little sister.
Examples of Present Simple Tense should help you better understand the topic in order to do the exercises on your own in the future.
Interrogative sentences:
Do I swim in the lake near my house every summer. - I swim in the lake near my house every summer?
Do my colleagues gather together every Friday in the cafe. - My colleaguesget together every Friday at the cafe?
Does Tim lives in New York with his parents and his little sister. - Does Tim live in New York with his parents and little sister?
Does my friend studies at the Faculty of Engineering. - Is my friend an engineering student?
Does my brother looks after our younger sister. - Is my brother looking after our little sister?
Present Simple, example and table usage
For clarity and better assimilation of tenses in English, it is best to make a table that will be useful at any stage of learning English. It should be consolidated - for all times. To be completed as you progress.
An example of a Present Simple table is shown below.
Simple simple |
Progressive continued |
Perfect completed |
Perfect Progressive completed long |
Present real |
Happens regularly, usually, constantly, day after day. Education is a verb in the 1st form or with the ending -s. Auxiliary verbs - do/does. |
The action is happening right now. Education - the verb to be in the present tense - the semantic verb with the ending -ing. |
The action has ended so far, but there is a result. Education - verb have in present tense - verb in third form. |
Past past |
A single action that happened in the past (yesterday, a week ago, a year ago, etc.) Education - a verb in the second form (irregular) or a verb with the ending -ed (correct). Auxiliary verb - did. |
Future future |
It is better to fill out the table yourself, rather than take a ready-made one. This contributes to better memorization. The forms in it are not presented in full, but the most important tenses are highlighted as an example. You can take this table as a basis and continue to fill it in.
We hope this article was helpful and informative. It presented the rules for the formation of the present simple tense, examples of sentences with the translation of Present Simple, and also filled out the basic (approximate) summary table of tenses.