NSTU: reviews, address, faculties, admission committee. Novosibirsk State Technical University

NSTU: reviews, address, faculties, admission committee. Novosibirsk State Technical University
NSTU: reviews, address, faculties, admission committee. Novosibirsk State Technical University

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) has received reviews since 1950, that is, since its opening. This higher educational institution, the largest in the region, has the honor of being a flagship university in Russia. NSTU receives reviews for seventeen institutes and faculties that are in its structure. Ninety-five master's and undergraduate courses are given to students to choose a speci alty.


To create the university in August 1950, a special resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was received, and at the same time the construction of the first building of NETI (Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute) began, and the university received the status of a university much later. Already in 1953, the institute opened its doors to its first students, and a hostel for them was built a year later. Until 1960, several converted buildings served as educational buildings for teachers and students.apartments in an ordinary house on Rimsky-Korsakov street.

ngtu reviews
ngtu reviews

Even before the construction of the first educational building was completed, the first release was made. Those 153 newly minted engineers subsequently became leading specialists of the largest research institutes and enterprises, academicians, and high leaders. Throughout its existence under the USSR, the university was considered one of the most promising, always with a huge competition of applicants and highly qualified graduates.


When the USSR ceased to exist, all universities, especially technical ones, had huge problems. NETI survived, moreover, since 1991, it was one of the very first to master the multi-level educational system. A year later, it received the status of a technical university, since non-technical faculties were also added to the structure. Since then, students, graduates, graduate students have already begun to address feedback to NSTU.

In 1995, the university underwent reconstruction, as a result of which it expanded, incorporating the Institute of Social Rehabilitation, which was the only educational institution in all of Siberia where people with disabilities who came from various regions had the opportunity to study countries - from the Caucasus to distant Kamchatka. The Russian branch of the research center on the basis of NSTU carefully examines reviews of the quality of training, since it deals specifically with educational problems. For almost seventy years, more than a hundred thousand excellent specialists have trained this university.


NovosibirskState Technical University (NSTU) now has the richest material base. It is located in eight spacious educational buildings with all the necessary equipment to ensure that the training sessions are of high quality. There are only two and a half hundred computer classes, if we count all the university-wide, faculty and cathedral ones. There are almost fifty classrooms with multimedia equipment, about seventy well-equipped laboratories. Large companies, together with the Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), have created research institutes and educational and scientific centers. Akademgorodok is present here: most of the research institutes were created with the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In addition, more than thirty interdepartmental laboratories, as well as branches of departments created on the basis of regional industrial enterprises, are actively working as part of the university.

Novosibirsk State Technical University NGTU
Novosibirsk State Technical University NGTU

One of the most developed among universities is the computer network of NSTU. Ratings always take into account the IT technologies involved in the learning process. Among the Siberian educational institutions, NSTU is among the leaders, as more than five thousand computers are connected by its network. There is always Wi-Fi for staff and students (free of charge). The information environment of the university includes: a university portal, a system of websites for departments, faculties, departments. There is a student site, sites of staff and teachers, as well as a lot more diverse and useful. The most important thing is that therean information system with curricula, class schedules, student performance, with data on employees and departments. There is also virtual training, which includes about one and a half thousand training courses. The combined form of education is also popular, which cannot do without the most modern publishing and printing complex of NSTU.


The University occupies a rather high position among the ratings of the leading Russian educational institutions of higher education. For example, "Expert RA" in the overall ranking of universities gave NSTU the twentieth place in 2013, and twenty-fourth in 2016. In terms of the demand for graduates, the university has slightly improved its performance: in 2013 - the twenty-first place, and in 2016 - the nineteenth. Among national universities in 2015, out of 209 participants of FGBOU, Novosibirsk State Technical University took 69th place, and in 2017, out of 264 participants, it was already in thirty-sixth. Among the leading universities in Russia (Potanin Foundation rating): in 2013, out of 58 participants, NSTU was in 22nd place, and in 2016, out of 75 universities, it was in thirteenth place. Clear growth is visible.

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ngtu rating

International rankings include: ranking of CIS universities (NSTU in tenth position), the best universities in the world QS World University Rankings (NSTU is in the first thousand). In addition to the above, there is a ranking of the best universities QS BRICS (BRICS countries). For the first time, NSTU was included in the number of participants, and there are only two hundred of them. In 2014, he had a position here from 131 to 140 (places shared withother universities), and in 2016 - already from 101 to 110 places. There is also a rating of Central Asia and Emerging Europe (QS University Rankings EECA). Over the past three years, NSTU has managed to rise from seventy-first to sixty-seventh place.

For students

One of the most popular universities in Siberia - Novosibirsk State Technical University. The passing score here is always very high: for the budget - 225, and for the contract - at least 135 points. Studying here is honorable and interesting. NSTU publishes the "Chronicle of student life", as well as the "Student's Handbook" (yearbooks), and you can trace all the milestones in the development of the university. In addition, many student newspapers are published ("Paragraph" and "Energy", for example), faculty newspapers "Themis", "Profile", "Fly away" and others.

Scientific Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Technical University
Scientific Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Technical University

A special bulletin "NSTU-INFORM" is published for teachers, faculty and staff. There are a lot of periodicals printed. The work of the association of graduates, who also use the publishing and printing base of the university, is very interesting. The scientific library of the university was created just for envy, a year ago it moved to a separate building and occupied all four floors. Its fund is exceptionally rich - more than one and a half million copies of only scientific literature, but there is also educational, artistic, and periodicals.

College campus

Not far from the educational buildings is locatedown NSTU campus, which includes eight dormitories, a polyclinic, a sports complex with a swimming pool, a dispensary, a cultural center and a sports palace. A place in a hostel is given to every non-resident student, undergraduate and graduate student. There is a separate computer network on campus.

Future applicants get acquainted with student life and immediately get excited about studying here, and therefore there is a high competition at Novosibirsk State Technical University. The admission committee in the sixth building of the university works in a very busy schedule. On open days, various events are held for future applicants who visit selected faculties and get acquainted with the speci alties. Many of them will be accepted into the ranks of students by the Novosibirsk State Technical University, whose address is Novosibirsk, Karl Marx Avenue, 20.


NNSTU conducts applied and fundamental scientific research, scientists take part in a long series of ministerial and federal scientific programs. A large number of monographs are published here, as well as articles by NSTU scientists are published not only in university publications, but also in Russian and foreign ones. Scientists of this university have created textbooks recognized throughout the world, as well as teaching aids. Novosibirsk Technical University hosts students, graduate students and scientists at regional, all-Russian and international conferences, which is reported in a timely manner by the Scientific Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Technical University. University.

Novosibirsk State Technical University admission committee
Novosibirsk State Technical University admission committee

Besides, other publications of the university are called upon to cover the scientific work of NSTU, starting from the "Collection of Scientific Works", "Izvestia of Russian Universities (Radioelectronics)" to "Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of the Russian Federation". Industrial mathematics, metalworking, software engineering and automation, as well as many other speci alties of the Novosibirsk State Technical University have their own publications. The problems of higher education are also being investigated here, ways of improving the educational process are being worked out, the university is working especially hard to improve the quality of training specialists. International innovation activities are developing, in which both teachers and students are involved in real innovation projects, for which there is a business incubator at the university.


Research and teaching staff are trained at NSTU by postgraduate and doctoral studies, there are specialized councils for defending doctoral dissertations. Graduate students and students of NSTU have repeatedly won and received prizes at subject Olympiads - regional and republican, as well as at creative competitions. Among them are scholarship holders of the Government of Russia, the President of the Russian Federation, the administration of the Novosibirsk region, the mayor's office of Novosibirsk, as well as foreign and Russian companies. A dissertation at NSTU can be defended in more than twenty speci alties.

fgbou novosibirsk stateTechnical University
fgbou novosibirsk stateTechnical University

NSTU is a collective member of the Association of Technical Universities of Russia, ATURK is the Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU). Established contacts with universities in Canada, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Austria, China, South Korea, New Zealand, Mongolia, Malaysia.


Cooperation with the South Korean University of Ulsan is especially active, there is an exchange of students and programs. Many international organizations, funds, programs participate in such an exchange. These are the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the UNESCO International Center, the European Education Association, the Association of University Rectors and the Council of European Rectors, the Training Foundation, INTAS, TACIS / TEMPUS, the Francophone Foundation, the Salzburg Seminar, the INOVA association, the Kettering Foundation, the Boeing Foundation and many more.

International cooperation works on the basis of NSTU: the regional center for engineering education, the Nixdorf-Industry Foundation and several other international centers. In 2002, the university signed the Bologna Declaration, and now NSTU has become a member of the Charter of European Universities (the third after St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University). In 2012, NSTU launched a strategic development program for engineering and scientific personnel for innovation in the economy. The program became the winner of the competition from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It is aimed at scientificeducational innovative complex in accordance with national priorities, which is the most important topic for the further development of education at the Novosibirsk State Technical University.


NSTU invites applicants to the faculties: AVTF (Automation and Computer Engineering), FLA (Aircraft), MTF (Mechatronics and Automation), FPMI (Applied Mathematics and Informatics), REF (Radio Engineering and Electronics), FTF (Physics -technical), FEN (energy), FB (business), CSF (humanitarian), Law Firm (legal), IDO (distance education), ISR (social rehabilitation), IDPO (additional professional education). There are also faculties of pre-university education and advanced training. There is a folk faculty. And the glorious brainchild of NSTU - the Engineering Lyceum of the Novosibirsk State Technical University, which should be mentioned in particular.

Novosibirsk State Technical University address
Novosibirsk State Technical University address

The lyceum began its work on the basis of groups of schoolchildren, only in 1996 the authorities issued a decree on the creation of a separate educational institution at NSTU. At first, the lyceum did not even have a room, the groups studied in student classrooms - sometimes in the first, then in the second, then in the sixth building. There were quite a few lyceum students - as many as four groups for each parallel. Gradually, everything settled down, and all the conditions for studying such complex disciplines as engineering graphics or computer science were created. Education here is unique - technical and physical and mathematical profile. Lyceum graduatesenter the best universities in the country and the world. Not without reason, among the numerous awards, the Engineering Lyceum received the national one - "The Elite of Russian Education".
