Who is an inert person?

Who is an inert person?
Who is an inert person?

Have you ever seen the adjective "inert"? And if you met, did you immediately understand what was at stake? And didn't this strange and rare adjective evoke associations with bones, marrow, or something like that? What does the phrase "inert person" mean? So many questions! But there are not so many answers.

Indirect: lexical meaning

What is the meaning of the adjective "inert" (not to be confused with "bone", because it has nothing to do with bones)?

inertia is the enemy of the new
inertia is the enemy of the new

This is impervious to innovative ideas, does not accept anything new and unusual, backward. Lazy, inactive person. Another inert is a sign or attribute of a braid. Another meaning is not changing over time, inanimate ("Nature can be alive and inert, dead").

One of the set expressions, which include the adjective "inert" in the meaning of "having outdated non-progressive views" is the phrase "inertperson".

Sentences with the adjective "inert"

One of the teachers' favorite exercises to replenish vocabulary is to compose sentences with a given word that are different in purpose of speaking:

  1. Who is commonly called an inert person?
  2. Arkhip Nikolaevich had a practical, sharp, but inert mind.
  3. The villagers led an inert lifestyle, leaving the city only in case of emergency.
  4. It is difficult to teach an inert person anything that goes beyond the usual limits.
  5. Careless Mitenka severely cut his leg with a sharpened oblique point.
  6. Can metal and minerals be classified as inert, inorganic nature?
  7. Polikarp Matveyevich was known as a backward and inert person.
  8. Stop all communication with this inert and conservative old man Yakov.
  9. What does "inert person" mean?
  10. Satin and nylon braided ribbons of different colors: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink - were scattered around the room in disorder.
  11. An inert person in our laboratory will not be able to work.

Such sentences can be made. Now you understand what "inert person" means.
