In social science, a person is a person who has certain social properties. Based on the definition, it can be understood that this concept is inextricably linked with society. Let's take a closer look at it.
How does social science connect the individual and society
In all the different interpretations of the concept of "personality" there is something in common. It turns out that the main thing with which it is inextricably linked is the team. That is, in social science, a personality is a human individual endowed with a system of socially significant features. But can these concepts be combined?

Different from the individual
An individual is a separate member of society. Like an ant in an anthill. It is enough to get into a crowded transport, as we will see dozens of individuals. In other words, this is a concept that is used to refer to an individual in society, about which we do not know what his features, talents, qualities, etc.
In social science, a person is something more, since this term also implies the special properties of a person.

Different from individuality
Now we got closer to the described concept. But it should not be confused with the concept of individuality. The latter term focuses on the characteristics of a person, his unique qualities, which, at the same time, are in no way connected with society.
To make it clearer, let's give an example. A person draws three-dimensional pictures with a pencil very well. His work is unique. Nobody can repeat them. The master himself does not understand why this is happening. He has a sense of style, beauty that he cannot explain. Talented creative people usually associate this with a divine, supernatural gift. We certainly will not delve into theology and explain this. It is in this case that we are dealing with individuality - a great master.
One can say that he sings beautifully, the other is a good artist, etc. All of them are bright personalities. Each in their own way. Draw well, speak well, solve mathematical formulas quickly - all these are traits that belong to the individual.
And in social science, personality is a public, social concept. This is an individual who is endowed with certain qualities, but they manifest themselves in a team. For example, a person always defends his rights. He is not used to losing and goes to the end. Everyone around him says it's hopeless. None of the plans will work. But the man is sure. This is exactly what the term "personality" is all about. That is, these are traits that appear in the team.
Here we come to another concept, whichemphasizes social science, - "strong personality".

The concept of a strong personality
The previous example showed that a person is able to go all the way in a certain situation and not be afraid to challenge the system. It is in this that the meaning of the definition of "strong personality" is expressed.
The main difference between such people is that they develop special rules of behavior in difficult, non-standard situations, where the majority would simply give up, retreat. By the way, the latter is also a manifestation of personality, character. But you can't call such people strong.
Strong personalities most often go into politics, sports, business. They, as a rule, find themselves in leading social roles. And since there is always competition, envy, malice in the world, such people are not afraid to challenge others.

The hallmarks of a strong personality
A strong personality is distinguished by:
- Readiness to fight, to defend their rights and interests.
- Purposefulness, desire to develop and go only forward. And when achieving one goal, always set another - higher one.
- No fear of difficulties, and immunity to failure.
The social personality has it all. Social science connects this concept with the collective.
But by no means every action of one person in relation to another reveals the essence of the concept being described. For example, a collision between two motorcycles. It is toohappens in society, but vehicle owners are just individuals. With the same blow, one of them turned out to be stronger and escaped with a slight bruise. The other was more seriously injured. And that sets them apart as individuals.
In social science, personality is when a person influences another by his actions. For example, one motorcyclist sued in an accident. This is what characterizes him as a person.
In every profession and social role, strong people can be distinguished. There is a saying: "It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place." This is not about the external data of the latter, but about the manner of behavior and special properties of a social character. Thinking, experiencing, suffering, making plans, learning, setting goals - all these are manifestations of the concept of "personality".

Thus, the concepts that social science operates with become clear: a person, a personality, an individual, an individuality. All this is not the same. Each definition has its own scope. It would seem that everyone is both a person and an individual at the same time. However, they are clearly demarcated. The latter only has an indirect connection with society, since individuality does not directly depend on society. Although society can influence its development. The concept of personality is impossible without a team, society.