Medals of the USSR: "Medal of Motherhood", "Mother Heroine", "Maternal Glory"

Medals of the USSR: "Medal of Motherhood", "Mother Heroine", "Maternal Glory"
Medals of the USSR: "Medal of Motherhood", "Mother Heroine", "Maternal Glory"

One can talk endlessly about the role of mother in a person's life. Many autobiographical stories confirm this significant role. Not only giving birth, supporting, but also raising a worthy citizen of the state is not an easy task.

Medals of the USSR

Not every woman in the Soviet years and now is awarded the title of "Mother Heroine". One of the categories "Medals of the USSR" - the medal of motherhood appeared on July 8, 1944 thanks to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This date coincided with the Orthodox family holiday, which in modern Russia has regained relevance. In addition to the medal of motherhood, the title "Mother Heroine" was awarded, the system of awards of the Soviet Union, extraordinary for the union of 15 republics. In the early 1940s, this honor was awarded to Soviet women who gave life and education to five or more children.

ussr medals maternity medal
ussr medals maternity medal

Classification of awards

If a woman gave birth to five children, she was en titled to the award "Medal of Motherhood 2nd Degree". Those who have 7-9 children were awarded the Order of Maternal Glory of the third, second, first degrees. Atprovided that the woman gave birth and raised 6 children - "Medal of motherhood of the 1st degree".

ussr medals maternity medal
ussr medals maternity medal

The peak of a mother's feat was proclaimed the birth of ten babies or more. In such cases, the Soviet woman was awarded the Order of the "Mother Heroine" with the assignment of the honorary title of the same name. The authors of the art projects for orders for mothers were:

  1. N. N. Zhukov (project of the USSR medal - “Medal of Motherhood”).
  2. I. I. Dubasov ("Maternal Glory").
  3. I. A. Ganf is the author of the order "Mother Heroine".

Orders for heroine mothers

The order "Mother Heroine" was a convex five-pointed star against the background of silver rays. The Order of Maternal Glory has an oval shape and a silver tint. A red banner with the words "Maternal Glory" and the number of the degree flutters on the upper section. In the left sector is a woman with a child and roses. Below the banner is a white enamel shield with the words "USSR". The metal block is made in the form of a bow, painted with white enamel with a blue stripe. Order of the second degree of bright blue color.

maternity medal 1st class
maternity medal 1st class

Orders of "Maternal Glory" had 3 degrees. Simultaneously with the assignment of these awards, a system of measures came into force. This consisted of helping women on maternity leave, single mothers. A lot of funds were directed to the establishment of benefits and allowances, lump-sum payments, the protection of childhood and motherhood, the creation of a network of kindergartens, schools, etc.

Mothers are heroines. Who are they

The title of "Mother Heroine" was awarded for the first timeOctober 27, 1944. This title was awarded to 14 Soviet women. Mom-heroine No. 1 was A. S. Aleksakhin. All her eight sons were at the front, 4 of them died, 2 died of wounds, having already come from the front. The second order bearer was the Tula housewife M. M. Ryzhkov. Of her ten children, 7 were in the war - six sons and a daughter.

A resident of the city on the Neva, SV Ignatieva, also deserved the title of "Mother Heroine". Four sons of Serafima Vasilievna fought for their Motherland. 3 daughters remained in the besieged city. The entire Ignatiev family worked at the defense enterprise of the besieged city. All 7 children were awarded "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Few people know that A. A. Derevevskaya. She is the only mother-heroine in the USSR who raised 48 children! And the basis of the family was not kinship, but love and compassion. While the First World War was going on, she worked in a hospital. There, her fate brought her together with the Red Guard Emelya Derevsky. Soon they got married, but Emelyan was shot by the Whites.

mother heroine
mother heroine

In 1918, young Alexandra became a foster mother. Her adopted firstborn was ten-year-old Timothy, the brother of her late husband. The second adopted baby was also a boy, Derevskaya picked him up right on the street. The baby lay wrapped in swaddling clothes near the body of the dead mother. The autobiography of the Derevsky family, like a mirror, reflected all the tragic events experienced by the Soviet state over half a century. In the interval between the Civil War and the war with Nazi Germany Derevskaya Alexandraraised 14 children.

In the period 1941-1945. 17 Leningrad orphans and 18 children from other parts of the USSR acquired a new parental home. In 1950, 36 children were brought up in the Derevsky house. All children from the Derevsky family grew up to be good people. The legendary mother-heroine died in 1959, she was 57 years old. The following epitaph is engraved on her grave: “You are our conscience, our prayer is mother.”

Medals of the USSR, a medal of motherhood at the decline of the Soviet Union

The last time in the history of the Soviet Union was the assignment of the title of heroine mothers on November 14, 1991 (by decree of President MS Gorbachev). Medals of the USSR (medal of motherhood of the first and second degrees) also went down in history. In just 47 years, 431,000 mothers have been awarded this order.

In the 90s in Russia, mothers of many children were awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland or the Order of Friendship. In 2009, the Order of Parental Glory was established. It is awarded to parents raising 4 or more children.
