Oriental sweets, fragrant spices and ripe fruits - all this appears before your eyes, you just have to hear the word "bazaar". Let's try to figure out how the bazaar differs from the market. It should be noted that this noun has several other meanings. Consider them!
Bazaar: etymological studies
Etymology studies the origin of words. All borrowed words acquire a number of features of the language in which, for example, pronunciation and certain grammar appear. But it is still possible to find the roots of the word. The word "bazaar" is no exception. There are several opinions about the language from which this noun came to Russian. The most common version is a borrowing from Persian. However, some researchers argue that this word could have appeared in our language from the Kyrgyz, Uzbek or Turkmen languages. Scientists suggest that they began to actively use this word in our country in 1499! Initially, the bazaar is a trading place, characterized by the presence of many buyers and sellers.

Such outletsusually located directly in the open air and were practically not equipped with anything. The bazaars were also a kind of information centers - it was here that all the latest news flocked. In the meaning of "charity event" or "sale for charitable purposes", the word "bazaar" appeared in Russian from German or French.
Literally and figuratively: the meaning of the word "bazaar" in the explanatory dictionary
Looking into the explanatory dictionary, you can see that the noun "bazaar" has many meanings. First of all, this is a place for trade, most often located on the square. A bazaar is also called retail trade in just such a place, and trade in handicrafts, food products, which is usually carried out by manufacturers themselves. Trade on the eve of the holidays is also called, for example, New Year's markets, the sale of certain goods or things that correspond to the season. Also, the bazaar is the noise and erratic screams that a large gathering of people makes.

Horizontal ledges of cliffs where bird nests are located are also called. The reason is that when approaching these places, the birds begin to emit frantic cries, reminiscent of market noise. The Buryat-Mongolian language also has the word "bazaar". Its meaning is "diamond". But uncultured young people with a very low level of education use the word "bazaar" in the meaning of "conversation" or "a promise, the failure to fulfill which entails a certainresponsibility". By the way, this is how they call a special manner of speech - a reprimand or accent.
The most famous bazaars in the world

There are many bazaars in the world that are familiar to almost every inhabitant of the planet. Two well-known places are located in Istanbul at once. The largest bazaar is the "Grand Bazaar", which covers an area of 30,000 square meters. There are more than four thousand outlets on 66 streets! The second largest in Istanbul is Egyptian. Here they sell sweets, spices and medicinal herbs. The most popular bazaar in Samarkand is the Siab bazaar. Located in the central part of the city, it occupies a huge area - about seven hectares! In addition to meat and cakes, you can find a variety of sweets here. And in the cafes that work on the territory, you can try lagman and shurpa, pilaf and manti. Carpets, hats, vegetables and fruits, marble products - all this can be found at the most famous bazaar in Ashgabat. "Altyn Asyr" (this is the name of this trading area) appeared only five years ago, but has already won the love of tourists and local residents. There is even transport between the outlets!

Bazaar and market: differences
Now that you already know the meaning of the word "bazaar", let's try to figure out if there is a difference between a bazaar and a market. The legal aspects are as follows: the bazaar is not a legal entity, and even more so it is not an organized trading system. Sellers don't payrent per place. The market provides for the payment of rent and is an orderly system of trade. It is worth noting that you can buy a wide variety of goods at the bazaar: jewelry and food, dishes and carpets, appliances and spices. Markets are mostly specialized. For example, automotive, grocery. There are no mixed markets.