Why the question arises: who is the ignoramus? Because there is a very similar word in the language - ignoramus. Having understood the difference between paronyms, we will understand who is who.
An ignoramus is a person who has little or no knowledge about some subject, phenomenon or science. But an ignorant person is simply an ill-mannered person. He can, for example, blow his nose with relish at the table at the moment when everyone else is eating. It is clear that the ignorant is one thing, and the ignorant is quite another.
Sherlock Holmes and meaningful ignorance

One of the most remarkable examples of the ignoramus remains Sherlock Holmes. We are talking about the Soviet film adaptation of 1979 - "Acquaintance". In it, as you might guess, friends and colleagues, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, meet for the first time. And the great detective amazes the doctor with his concept of "meaningful ignorance." Holmes knows nothing about such historical figures as Copernicus, Aristotle or Joan of Arc, but he can easily distinguish the dirt of one London street from another. The detective is well versed in chemistry. In other words, Holmes is completely lost in what he does. Watson is amazed. Therefore, to the question "Ignorant - who is this?" one can answer with confidence: this is a person like Holmes.
But let's not jump to conclusions. It turns out that the great detective has his own theory. He believes that the brain is an attic, and a fool drags there everything that comes to hand. A smart person (i.e. Holmes) lifts only what is needed into the attic, and all his tools necessary for the job, in perfect order!
Ignorants in the modern world
If you think about it, the great detective expressed the philosophy of the modern world. We all knew a lot of things at school, we received a wide, though not deep, education. And now the world has become completely different, the price is narrow highly qualified specialists, just like Holmes. But we, like Dr. Watson, do not accept a world where ignorance is a free choice.
Ace Ventura as an example of controlled ignorance

"Animal Detective" is a real ignoramus. Let the reader remember, if he saw the movie "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective", how the main character behaves in public places. Remembered? After all, this is horror and shame for everyone around. True, there is one “but”: Ace’s everyday ignorance, as a rule, has a specific goal. Sometime he needs it to piss off the suspect, sometime he uses it to get information.
In any case, we have already studied the concepts of "ignorant" and "ignorant" well. The difference is clear to us. An ignorant person is an uneducated person who does not possess any knowledge. And ignoramus is ill-manneredman.

Let's imagine that there is a lesson. Petrov gets up and says: “The capital of Mozambique is Toulouse!”. The geography teacher looks at him sadly and says: "Sit down Petrov, you are mistaken." And the neighbor on the desk says: “Oh, Vaska, what an ignoramus you are, every educated person knows that the capital of Mozambique is Madagascar!”.
It is clear that in the example where the sentence with the word "ignoramus" is composed, there is too much humor. But let the reader find out for himself the true capital of Mozambique.
Ignorance as a rebellion against the established order of things
Back to our film examples. Indeed, Holmes and Ace have reasons to be unorthodox. Now imagine that the whole world has become ad nauseam cultured and reading. This would be a terrible reality, and therefore ignorant and ignorant people would arise who diluted the excessive stiffness of other brothers.
Of course, in a world where everyone writes without errors, there is nothing wrong. At least, so it seems, until this world has come. But ignoramuses and ignoramuses are needed by mankind, firstly, for a change, and secondly, in order to understand the scope of work to cultivate the population. In the end, if everyone is the same, then it will be terribly boring.