Belarusian Agricultural Academy: history, faculties and speci alties, passing score

Belarusian Agricultural Academy: history, faculties and speci alties, passing score
Belarusian Agricultural Academy: history, faculties and speci alties, passing score

Belarusian Agricultural Academy is a leading university in the field of training specialists for agriculture. About 15 thousand people are now studying here on a wide range of proposed areas of training. The university is famous for the quality of education, good material and technical base. What faculties are there? What results of entrance examinations are sufficient for the Belarusian Agricultural Academy to enroll?

History of the institution

Belarusian Agricultural Academy opened its doors to the first students in 1840 in Gorki. At that time, the educational institution did not have such a name. It was called the Gorygoretskaya agricultural school. Agronomists and administrators for private and state estates came out of its walls. In 1848 an important transformation took place. The school was divided into 2 educational institutions - an agricultural institute and an agricultural school.

In 1863there was an uprising. After this event, the institute was moved to St. Petersburg. Only the school remained in Gorki. Later it was decided to restore the institute in this city. This event happened in 1919, and in 1925 the status of the educational institution increased. This is the history of the agricultural academy.

belarusian agricultural academy
belarusian agricultural academy

Full-time departments

Currently, the agricultural academy provides training in 2 forms - full-time and part-time. Each of them has certain faculties involved in the preparation of students and applicants. There are 10 such structural divisions at the full-time department. They offer speci alties that are related:

  • with agronomy;
  • land management;
  • agriecology;
  • economy;
  • reclamation and construction;
  • law and business;
  • aquaculture and biotechnology;
  • accounting;
  • mechanization of the agricultural field;
  • pre-university training and international relations.
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Correspondence departments

Correspondence means teaching students on the job. The educational process for employed persons at the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy is organized by the correspondence department. It has 4 faculties:

  • agrobiological;
  • accounting;
  • engineering;
  • law and economics.

Overview of some speci alties in an educational institution

Belarusian State Agricultural Academy offers various speci alties. For example, one of the areas of training at the agroecological faculty is "Horticulture". It is planned to study soil science with the basics of geology, agrochemistry and the system of fertilizer application, general fruit growing, selection of vegetable and fruit crops, storage, processing and standardization of fruit and vegetable products. At the end of the training, the qualification of an agronomist is awarded.

One of the areas of training at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization is "Technical support of agricultural production" (qualification - engineer). On it, the Belarusian Agricultural Academy prepares students to work with agricultural machinery, to perform maintenance, repair and operation of machines, tractors, etc.

Belarusian Agricultural Academy passing score
Belarusian Agricultural Academy passing score

Many applicants opt for the speci alty "Accounting, Audit and Analysis". This area of training is of interest to applicants, because economists are in great demand in the labor market. Graduates of the Agricultural Academy work in various enterprises. They are engaged in solving financial, accounting and analytical, business tasks, and keep accounting records.

Entrance tests at full-time department

When applying for full-time educationapplicants pass 3 entrance tests in the form of centralized testing (CT). The main subject is Belarusian or Russian (optional). The rest of the disciplines are specialized. The Belarusian Agricultural Academy has determined the following entrance tests for admission to certain faculties:

  • Faculties of Agroecology, Agronomy and Faculty of Biotechnology and Aquaculture require CT results in Biology and Chemistry;
  • at the Faculty of Land Management and Land Reclamation and Construction and the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization - in mathematics and physics;
  • at the faculties of accounting, business and law and the faculty of economics - in mathematics and a foreign language.

When applying for a shortened period of study (based on secondary specialized education), applicants pass 2 written exams. They are determined by the selection committee of the Agricultural Academy.

belarusian agricultural academy enrollment
belarusian agricultural academy enrollment

Exams at the Correspondence Department

Entrance examinations at the correspondence department are provided in the form of a CT and a written exam held at the academy. If an applicant enters non-agricultural speci alties, then he must pass the DT. For admission to agricultural speci alties, entrance examinations can be either in the form of a CT or in the form of written examinations.

The list of items to be turned in could be as follows:

  • biology, chemistry at the agrobiological faculty;
  • mathematics, physics onFaculty of Engineering;
  • mathematics or social studies and a foreign language at the Faculty of Law and Economics.

On distance learning, as well as full-time, there are also speci alties with a reduced period of study. Entrance tests are 2 written exams held at the Agricultural Academy.

Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Belarusian Agricultural Academy: full-time passing score

When enrolling in a university, members of the admissions committee determine the passing scores. Here are the highlights for 2016:

  1. The maximum result was recorded in the speci alty "Jurisprudence" (specialization - legal support of business). It was 307 points on the budget form with a competition of 6, 80 people per place and 224 points on a paid department with a competition of 1, 7 people per place.
  2. The smallest passing scores (110 points) were in "Agronomy" and "Horticulture" in competition 1, 13 people per place.
  3. On the "World Economy" on the paid department there are empty seats.

Maximum and minimum passing scores for distance learning

The highest passing score on the budget was at the Faculty of Accountancy in the direction of "Finance and Credit", which provides for a shortened period of education. The result was 235 points. A little less passing score was on "Commercial activity" with a shortened period of education. It was 228 points. The result on the paid branch wasthe maximum in the direction "Economics and organization of production in the agro-industrial complex", which has the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. The passing score was 196 points.

The lowest passing score was:

  • On the budget for "Agronomy" - 116 points.
  • On the paid form for "Ecology of Agriculture" - 82 points.
belarusian state agricultural academy minsk
belarusian state agricultural academy minsk

Applicants choosing a university should definitely pay attention to such an educational institution as the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. Minsk is not the city in which it is located. The educational organization is located in Gorki. Over the years of its existence, the academy has produced more than 80 thousand qualified specialists and continues to do so at the present time. Many graduates find jobs in their speci alty, build careers and achieve significant heights in professional growth.
