Pedagogical University, Volgograd: education, faculties, speci alties, tuition fees, passing score, pool and reviews

Pedagogical University, Volgograd: education, faculties, speci alties, tuition fees, passing score, pool and reviews
Pedagogical University, Volgograd: education, faculties, speci alties, tuition fees, passing score, pool and reviews

The current Pedagogical University in Volgograd traces its history back to 1931. Initially, it was called the Stalingrad Industrial Pedagogical Institute. Today, the educational organization has a slightly different name. It is called the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University. The educational institution is considered one of the largest universities in the country engaged in the training of teachers and lecturers. There are about 13 thousand students here.

Pedagogical University, Volgograd: faculties and speci alties

The university trains specialists in a wide range of areas. That is why the institution has many faculties. There are 11 of them. They are connected:

  • with law and history;
  • with physics, mathematics and computer science;
  • with science and subjects like BJD and PE;
  • with philology;
  • with economics and management;
  • with social and psychological-pedagogical education;
  • with correctional and social pedagogy;
  • sprimary and preschool education;
  • with additional education;
  • with teaching foreigners;
  • with advanced training and professional retraining of education workers.

Available faculties offer applicants undergraduate studies in 15 areas of study. There are more than 40 profiles. Most of them are related to teacher education. Studying on them, you can become a teacher of history, mathematics, a foreign language, ecology, etc. Offers a pedagogical university (Volgograd) and several modern and currently in demand areas. These are "Economics", and "Management", and "Tourism", and "Advertising and Public Relations", and "Design".

Volgograd Pedagogical University
Volgograd Pedagogical University

University studies

In the Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University, students are taught according to the classical scheme. Students attend lectures and seminars. After receiving all the necessary information on a particular subject, a test or exam is assigned, which shows how well this or that student has mastered the material.

Distance learning is not offered by the Pedagogical University (Volgograd). However, there is a department of modern education technologies on the basis of Lyceum No. 8. This structural unit carries out research, scientific, methodological and innovative activities in the field of education, ensures effective interaction between the university and the lyceum in solving the problems of training teachers, teachers, organizes practicestudents.

social pedagogical university volgograd
social pedagogical university volgograd

Tuition fees

Social and Pedagogical University (Volgograd) has both state-funded and paid places. The number of budget places is annually approved by the university. For example, in 2016, 321 places were allocated for “Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)”:

  • there were 45 places on "Russian language, literature";
  • on "Biology, Chemistry" - 15;
  • on "Informatics, Physics" - 10;
  • in "Russian, Chinese" - 10, etc.

The cost of paid places also changes annually. The order is usually issued in late spring for the next academic year. In 2016, for the first year of full-time education, the cost was basically 35,540 rubles. for one semester. In some directions it was higher: 38,010 rubles. on "Landscape Architecture", "Psychology", "Advertising and Public Relations" and 63,185 rubles. on "Design" in one semester. On part-time and part-time forms of education, the cost is naturally lower - 14,220 rubles. and RUB 15,205

Pedagogical University Volgograd faculties
Pedagogical University Volgograd faculties

How to get into university?

Applicants who have chosen the Pedagogical University (Volgograd) are thinking about how to enter this university. First of all, long before admission, you need to decide on the subjects that will be taken at school in the form of the exam. Almost all speci alties require the results of 3 exams. For example, in order to enter the "Pedagogical Education" in the profile "Geography, Biology",you will need to pass geography, social studies and the Russian language.

On creative speci alties, only 2 USE results are required (on "Design" - Russian language and literature). Another entrance test is conducted for incoming applicants within the walls of the university. It includes creative tasks (for "Design" - drawing, composition, painting).

General education subjects are allowed to be taken at the university according to the introductory programs developed by the university. However, not all applicants can do this. Only those persons who have a secondary vocational or higher education are allowed to enter the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University based on the results of entrance examinations conducted in an educational organization.

Pedagogical University Volgograd passing score
Pedagogical University Volgograd passing score

Pedagogical University, Volgograd: passing score

At the end of each admission campaign, the university determines the reduced passing score (it is calculated by dividing the passing score by the number of subjects). Statistics show that it is not difficult to enter a university. In some speci alties, the given passing score is slightly higher than 40. Here are examples taken from the results of the admission campaign for 2016:

  • on "Pedagogical education" on the profile "Preschool education" the given passing score was 44, 33;
  • on "Biology, Chemistry" - 47;
  • on "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" on the profile "Psychology and Social Pedagogy" - 48, 67 points, etc.
Volgograd Pedagogical University swimming pool
Volgograd Pedagogical University swimming pool

What reviews does the university have?

Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University is satisfied with many students and graduates. Those people who studied here thank the university for the acquired baggage of useful knowledge. They speak positively not only about their studies, but also about student life. Students can participate in various creative activities and organize them.

The swimming pool of the Pedagogical University (Volgograd) is especially pleasing to students. It started functioning in autumn 2011. It was created not only for university students, but also for city residents. The pool offers several services to visitors: swimming, water aerobics, fitness classes and a gym.

Pedagogical University (Volgograd) is a worthy place for higher education. People who graduate from high school have a fairly high level of education. Many of them are highly qualified professionals in their chosen field.
