Absolutely all parents want the best for their children. Adults advise their beloved children to enter popular and prestigious speci alties (for example, legal or economic) after graduation, which would allow them to find a job in a large company and work in an office. And what is the surprise and bewilderment of parents when they find out that their child has decided to enter some technical university!
In fact, there is nothing wrong with such a choice. The speci alties offered by such educational institutions are no less prestigious and in demand. If the child has firmly decided to enter a technical university, then there is no need to dissuade him, but it is better to help him decide on an educational institution. In Russia, one of these educational institutions is the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.
From foundation to end of war
In 1930, a shipbuilding institute appeared in Leningrad. Right from that momentbegan the history of the university, which we are going to consider. However, in fact, the established educational institution had roots that go back to the past. The university appeared on the basis of the shipbuilding department, which was previously part of the local polytechnic institute.
During the Great Patriotic War, the shipbuilding institute had to stop its activities. Some students and teachers were evacuated to Przhevalsk. It was there that the educational process continued. It was discontinued when the war ended. People who once left returned to Leningrad and began to restore the institute.

After the war to the present day
After the end of the war, E. V. Tovstykh was appointed rector of the shipbuilding institute. This man did a lot for the university. Thanks to him, the educational institution began to develop. Tovstykh in the post-war years was engaged in the restoration and development of the material, scientific and educational base. Thanks to him, around the 60s of the last century, a decision was made to build a new complex of the university and a laboratory unit.
In 1967, the university received an important award for it - the Order of Lenin. It was issued for the contribution made by the institute to the development of shipbuilding and the training of highly qualified specialists. In 1990, the university received the status of a technical university, and in 1992 the educational institution fully acquired its modern name, becoming the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.

Modern university
Every year, a huge number of applicants come to the admission committee of SPbGMTU. And this is not surprising. Currently, the Maritime University, operating in St. Petersburg, is considered a unique educational institution. This is the only university in our country that annually graduates from its walls highly qualified world-class specialist engineers capable of designing, building, and technically operating various marine vessels and submarines.
Marine Technical University in St. Petersburg deserves the attention of applicants, because it:
- consists of 9 major faculties;
- has an excellent faculty;
- has a modern scientific and laboratory base;
- offers students a vibrant student life;
- has an institute of military education.

Faculties of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding, Ship Energy and Automation
From the very first days, the university strived to give its students quality knowledge. Now absolutely nothing has changed. Faculties of SPbGMTU continue to fulfill the goal that the institution set for itself after the opening. So let's look at the Department of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding.
This structural unit, leading its history from the shipbuilding department of the Polytechnic Institute, prepares students in 5 different areas of study, 8speci alties. Among them are such as “ocean engineering”, “shipbuilding”, “software for automated systems and computer technology.”
An extremely important structural subdivision at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University is the Faculty of Ship Power Engineering and Automation, because the heart of every ship is the ship's power plant. It needs experts to work with it. The faculty has many speci alties. Among them, we can single out “ship power plants”, “ship and power industry automation systems”, etc.

Other faculties
The named structural divisions are not the only ones. There are still faculties at the Maritime Technical University:
- Marine Instrumentation. Examples of programs implemented at the undergraduate level are "Ship automated complexes and information and control systems", "Self-propelled underwater vehicles".
- Economic. When applicants come to enter this faculty of SPbGMTU, the admission committee offers applicants "Credit and Finance", "Production Management", "Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics" and other areas.
- Humanities and science education. This structural unit offers various areas of training and speci alties related to a wide range of humanitarian and natural science disciplines.
The listed faculties are the main ones at the Marine Technical University. To additionalstructural divisions include:
- Evening-correspondence faculty offering a convenient form of study for people with jobs;
- Faculty of contract and targeted training, created for a more convenient partnership with those enterprises that are willing to pay for the training of future employees;
- secondary technical faculty, which recruits and trains students on the basis of 9 classes of a general education school;
- Faculty of foreign students, preparing specialists from other countries.

Student reviews
Many students of the Maritime Technical University leave positive feedback about their native university. They like the speci alties they have chosen, the teachers. Students note the presence of a good material and technical base at the university, which allows them to quickly understand and assimilate new material.
The positive feedback about the Maritime Technical University also speaks of a busy student life. Students are offered creative and sports associations. For those who want to help other people, a headquarters of volunteers has been created at the university.