There are certain cultural ideas or concepts that are specific material or spiritual objects imprinted in people's minds. In another way, this concept can be called "precedent phenomena". They, as a rule, are colored with some kind of vivid emotions, reveal the specifics of the ethnic group, language.
Precedent phenomena - is this?

The existence of a definition is possible in people's minds as well as in speech.
In general, the word "precedent" refers to a situation that has already happened, and now serves as an example or prototype for such cases. In the general concept, a precedent phenomenon is an actual object, on the basis of which those already similar to it bear the same name, have similar characteristics.
The definition received special attention, since it had a mass, intercultural character. An example of a precedent phenomenon is the well-known phrase from Vysotsky's song "And silence in response", it is now used as an answer in situations where a person explained a lot,said, but no one reacted to this.
Established definition
Precedence is a concept that is very often used in the works of researchers from many fields, in particular, from linguistics, linguistics. The most stable definition was given by Yuri Nikolayevich Karaulov, whose works made a great contribution to the theory of communication.
A precedent phenomenon is a case that is of particular importance to a person or group of people because of the emotions that arise. It also has a transpersonal character, because the definition of a phrase is known not by one person, but by a whole people, ethnic group, predecessors and contemporaries. Moreover, a person can repeatedly use this concept in his speech.

All kinds of precedent phenomena are the result of verbal or non-verbal communication.
Verbal phenomena are a set of specific texts that are used in literature. Non-verbal are understood as painting, sculpture, architecture, music. In any case, the author tried to convey something in this way, after a while it acquired a precedent character and has already been used by many other authors, as an example.
Victoria Vladimirovna Krasnykh and Dmitry Borisovich Gudkov spread the doctrine of phenomena, assuming in their works that each object has its own characteristics, evaluations, attributes.
For example, the hero of Goncharov's novel - Oblomov, whose image to this day serves as an example, a typical character that always exists in literature. Hischaracteristics include laziness, indifference, favorite sofa, bathrobe will serve as attributes. They evaluate him mostly condescendingly, but the character causes internal disgust. There are many such prototypes in literature, and other characters are constructed against the background of their signs.
Functions and tasks

The functions of precedent phenomena are based on one, the most significant one - the exchange of information. They can have both emotional overtones and intellectual overtones.
It is important during the implementation of this function not only to adequately perceive the entire set of information, but also to explain it properly to the recipient so that he understands it exactly like the sender. It is also necessary that both the addresser and the addressee be able to process information, draw certain conclusions from them, which do not go out of line with all existing ones. This means that communication should not consist of an unstructured set of sounds, meaningless phrases and inadequate conclusions in the end.
All used precedent phenomena in the media, in everyday life, at work should be clear to everyone. Thus, an individual cannot invent a precedent himself, state it and think that everyone should understand his phrase. In this matter, time plays a big role, which is necessary for the spread of the concept in all spheres of life of a particular ethnic group.
Levels and Forms

There are three types of precedent phenomena that are generally accepted in many sciences:
- Social precedent -each representative of this or that society has an idea about a specific phenomenon, because he penetrated into this sphere and firmly isolated himself there. This type does not depend on the identity of the culture. For example, the world-famous text of the Bible will be used in the Christian community of every country.
- National-precedent - here the phenomena cover a wider community of people. They can be Russian national, American and others. For example, the already mentioned example of Oblomov's character, which symbolizes something for the literary space of Russian-speaking people.
- Universal-precedent - phenomena that have universal application, they are known to every representative of any culture who is a versatile personality. For example, the discovery of America by Columbus or statements like "To be or not to be?". This is the broadest group of phenomena, because it touches a huge scale. At the same time, there are quite a few such well-known objects, phrases, situations compared to the previous options.
Types of phenomena

The phenomenon also has its own forms of existence. Distinguish mainly among them texts, statements, situations, names.
Text is the most difficult unit to understand, as it contains many symbols and signs. It is the result of a long mental and oral speech, complete and structured. The text penetrates into the sphere of existence when a person derives this entire set of symbols, and then uses them in his works or simply in speech. Hisuse is limited to a certain area, because many people are far from such sources of precedent phenomena.
A statement can appear by itself, it does not need to be searched for and comprehended. As a rule, such a person hears in films, in memorized poems.
Situation - a pre-existing event that entered the cognitive sphere due to the presence of some significant features and characteristics.
The name arises from the study of texts, history, politics. It combines the characteristic qualities of a person, its pluses and minuses. For example, Bazarov is the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons", which is associated with complete nihilism. People with similar views can be called that, since this surname is well known to certain people.

The symbol or sign of a specific precedent phenomenon is some significant meaning, which can be verbal or non-verbal, it serves as a pointer to a situation, name or text.
For example, complete chaos in the house is a phenomenon that brings a person back to the situation when Mamai came to Russia and destroyed everything.
The role of the precedent phenomenon and its corresponding symbols is very important for linguistics, linguistics, the theory of intercultural communication and many other sciences, because they form the mentality of a person belonging to a particular culture.