Some young men and women, school graduates, are ready to link their future profession with medicine. It's not just about doctors. A lot of guys want to become mid-level specialists. Only people with a big heart can devote themselves entirely to such work. The warm hands of midwives welcome new little citizens into the world, and the skill and mercy of nurses alleviate the suffering of patients.
Medicine needs professional staff: competent pharmacists, pedantic laboratory assistants and brave all-powerful paramedics. Those who have chosen their path and are ready to endlessly give the warmth of the soul to people in need of medical care need to enter one of the colleges. There are many of them in Russian cities. In Chelyabinsk alone, honey. there are three colleges at once: two state and one institution has the status of a non-state institution.

Choice of school
Preparation of medicalmid-level specialists in Chelyabinsk are trained in several speci alties. The educational institution is chosen depending on:
- chosen speci alty;
- educational base: 9-year go to secondary education;
- forms of education: full-time, evening, part-time or others;
- financial component: budgetary or commercial basis of education.
Medical Colleges of Chelyabinsk

Get professions invite honey. colleges in Chelyabinsk:
- Chelyabinsk Medical College (basic) - after 9th, 11th grade, on a budgetary and commercial basis. Professions: nurse / nurse, paramedic, pharmacist, midwife / obstetrician. Full-time training. M / sisters (grade 11) - part-time.
- College at the South Ural State Medical University (SUSMU) - after 11 years of school, full-time, on a budgetary and commercial basis. Professions: Paramedic, Pharmacist, Nurse, Midwife/Midwife, Medical Laboratory Technician.
- Ural Medical College (non-state) - after 9, 11 years of schooling, only for a fee. Professions: paramedic, nurse / nurse. You can study full-time, for nurses on the basis of 11 classes - full-time and part-time.

Entrance tests
In the specified time you need to come to the selection committee and bring the necessary documents:
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- certificate of education;
- compulsory medical examination data;
- pictures 3x 4 (4 pcs.).
Entry opportunities for foreign citizens are regulated separately.
Immediately after submitting an application to the selection committee, all applicants are tested. Answering the questions involves checking the subject for psychological readiness and the ability to work in the medical field. Competitive selection and enrollment are based on the results of testing and the average score of the school certificate. No additional exams are required for admission to colleges in Chelyabinsk after grade 9 and after grade 11.
Chelyabinsk Basic Medical College

The educational institution was founded in 1934. During this time, a large number of medical specialists have been trained. Former students speak warmly about the excellent teachers of the college, the high level of training and the overall positive attitude of the institution. The advantage of GBPOU "Chelyabinsk Medical College" is the possibility of enrolling in training with a certificate of 9-year school education. Girls and boys without complete secondary education have the opportunity to study nursing or midwifery within 3 years 10 months. There is a set for pharmaceuticals, but on a paid basis.
As in all Russian educational institutions of the secondary special level, in colleges in Chelyabinsk, after the 9th grade, students receive both a speci alty and a secondary education.
After 11 years of schooling, you can enter both the medical profession and nursing. The duration of training in eachcase is 3 years 10 months.
The college carries out educational activities in three buildings located in Chelyabinsk, as well as in a branch located outside the city, in the village of Argayash. Detailed information can be found on the website of the institution or in building No. college in Chelyabinsk: Hospital, 18.

Field doctor
Medicine in our country is in dire need of nurses and pharmacists, obstetricians and laboratory assistants. Qualified paramedics are in great demand in the labor market. They are recruited in honey. colleges in Chelyabinsk after grade 11, and have been teaching at the Faculty of General Medicine for almost four years.
In wartime paramedics were entrusted with a serious role of "field" doctors. It was necessary to know a lot, react quickly, and make decisions without delay. Today's requirements are similar. The main tasks of the paramedic: determining the patient's condition, diagnosing, providing first aid and ambulance. Jobs for specialists can be many:
- ambulance station;
- first-aid post of the airport terminal, seaport, railway station;
- medical unit of the military camp;
- factory, school or university he alth center;
- rural feldsher station where you need to be a therapist, a nurse (nurse) and an obstetrician at the same time.
- city medical facility where paramedics help doctors.

A large number of professional skills allow specialists to assist doctors in operating rooms, make fencesanalyzes, conduct research and work with medical records.
Surely, some of today's young men and women graduating from schools have already decided to go to medical school. College of Chelyabinsk. In whatever area of training you go to medicine, walk boldly, you will not regret it! The most important thing is that this choice is made by the heart!