The word "aviation" is inextricably linked with travel, cargo transportation, extreme entertainment and military missions. This term refers to the field of scientific and technical work, the purpose of which is the development of airspace within the Earth's atmosphere. About what aviation is, its features and varieties will be discussed in this article.
Studying the meaning of the word "aviation", you must refer to the explanatory dictionary. It says it is:
- Aircraft transportation industry.
- Air vehicles, air fleet.
From what language did the word "aviation" come to Russian? The term comes from the French aviation, which, in turn, was formed from the Latin - avis, which means "bird" in translation.
Man has been trying since ancient times to overcome gravity and rise up. The first known tester who worked on the creation of an aircraft is Arhit of Tarentum. howclaims the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Favorin, to Archytas of Tarentum in about 400 BC. e. managed to create a dove from a tree that could fly a distance of about two hundred meters. Also known is the flight of a man in a balloon, which was carried out in China in 559.
Considering what aviation is, it should be noted that this is one of the youngest and most developing scientific fields. The main direction of this science is the development and further creation of aircraft of various types and purposes. Work is also underway to improve performance to improve range, flight speed, as well as to reduce fuel costs.

All this is a whole scientific complex, consisting of many research institutes, design bureaus and many enterprises and factories. So, for example, several dozen enterprises can work on the creation of one aircraft.
Types of aircraft
Continuing to study what aviation is, we should consider the types of aircraft. First of all, they are divided into those that are intended for flights in space and in the Earth's atmosphere. Today the following types are produced:
- airships;
- balloons;
- gyroplanes;
- quadcopters;
- multicopters;
- helicopters;
- gliders;
- WIG;
- hang gliders;
- UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles);
- tiltiplanes (rotorplanes);
- helicopters;
- planes;
- rockets.

The parachute is also erroneously attributed to them, but this is not true. This is just a means of a safe landing of a person. However, one of its varieties - the wing - can rightfully be called a full-fledged aircraft.
Considering what aviation is in more detail, it must be emphasized that, according to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, it is divided into:
- civil;
- state;
- military;
- FSB;
- MES;
- general purpose;
- commercial;
- experimental.

There is also a division according to the principle of flight, namely:
- Aerodynamic - with the help of reactive force, due to the fact that part of the air is thrown down, which flows around the flying body during its movement. For example, jet-powered aircraft.
- Aerostatic - using the so-called Archimedean force, which is equal to the force of gravity displaced by the body itself of a certain mass of air (balloons).
- Inertial - with the help of the inertia force of the flying body, obtained due to the initial reserve of altitude and speed. This type of flight is also called passive (gliders).
- Rocket dynamic - with the help of reactive force, due to the rejection of parts (parts) of the mass of the flying body itself. According to the law of conservation of momentum of the entire system, there is movement (rockets, rockets).

There are more sophisticated classification systems, but they are designed specifically for a narrow circle of people working in this field.
Aviation is an extremely important area in the life of all mankind. The system of rapid communication in the conditions of the whole world directly depends on it. Delivery of goods and passengers over thousands of distances in a short time is impossible either by road, rail or sea.
Aviation today is the fastest growing scientific field. Speed barriers are set by nature itself, otherwise, today's passenger aircraft could reach speeds above 3000 km / h, but the human body is not designed for such overloads. It should be said that the aviation industry does not stand still, and who knows what discoveries await humanity in this area.