What are the global problems of modern society? These are social and natural problems, which are formed into one common problem. If you do not solve them, then there will be no progress - people will degrade. To solve problems, efforts must be made all over the world. If 1 person follows them and tries to eliminate them, nothing will come of it. After all, what is "global" - it's complete, worldwide.
Full list of global issues to be addressed

The first problem is people get old. Now many are trying to slow down this process, to rejuvenate themselves. Even if the atmosphere in society becomes worse, a person still "chases" a beautiful face and a thin body.
An equally important problem is the big gap between poor people and rich people. Such a strong gap is a psychological problem for many, and therefore it is the cause of many wars and conflicts.
The threat of nuclear war is a very serious problem. After all, this is what will destroy the whole world. One thoughtless pressing of the button will destroy the whole world and kill all people. Why and who needs it?
Never mind the pollution of nature. In the currentIn the world, only cars bring great harm to the environment. People themselves poison the environment - cities, forests, reservoirs. It causes fires, provokes the death of animals. We ourselves are killing our world and do not notice it.
The fifth problem is the decline in biodiversity. Every year there are fewer and fewer biomes left in the world, the climate and air are getting worse. The atmosphere is polluted and something needs to be done about it.
Five more global problems of mankind

Humanity faces another problem - too rapid depletion of natural resources. Oil, coal, other ores, fresh water, wood. All these resources are dwindling too fast. Forests are being destroyed, more and more gasoline is needed. At this rate, humanity will have to think about where to escape from planet Earth.
Global warming is a danger that threatens people. This will create a lot of problems at once.
No less dangerous to life and disease due to many viruses transmitted from all over the world.
Terrorism is the most global problem today. Many people die in terrorist attacks, and this has a very strong effect on the country's economy and its reputation.
Asteroids are also dangerous. People monitor the appearance of new space objects and try to "move" them so that they do not fall to Earth. However, sometimes it does happen, causing big losses.
This article lists the 10 most global problems in society, which, if left unaddressed, can kill all people onplanet. But do not panic, because scientists around the world are working on solving these problems.