What is the global community? In each country, at the regional and global levels, the world political process is unfolding as a joint work of social communities and institutions, enterprises and individuals. The masses, states, social movements and organizations enter the world arena as subjects.
What is the global community: definition

The United Nations was founded to regulate relations between the subjects of different countries. In its documents, the term "world community" is used, but before that, from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th, it was customary to use the concept of "civilized world". The world community is a complex system of diverse communications at the international level: political, military, economic, financial, informational, etc. The first place among them is occupied by political ones. This is determined by the fact that the whole system as a whole has a political orientation and performs, above all, political activities.
At the same time, it is worth noting that all types of connections constantly interact with each other. In addition, there is a planetary political system, which is an independentsuperstructure over the world community. This system is a global socio-economic structure, it controls the relations of the world community. However, the nature of this system is determined by the nature of the community.
Problems of globalization
Globalization has greatly enlarged and complicated the international system.
To more accurately answer the question of what the global community is, a number of global problems that it solves will help:
1. Environmental pollution. The global community is engaged in solutions to environmental problems that cover virtually all geographic areas of the world.
2. Preservation of the world. The goal is to end the arms race for economic development and the creation of prosperous nations.
3. Migration issues. At present, this problem is especially relevant. Due to the unstable economic situation in many countries, military conflicts, there is a forced mass migration of people.
4. Human rights. The question of strengthening personal and economic freedom is urgent.
5. Food problem. This issue is particularly relevant to Africa, Asia and Latin America.
6. Strengthening the socio-economic structures of the UN.
7. Modernization of the system of international relations.
Problem Solving

Settlement of global problems is complicated by the fact that they affect all countries of the globe, regardless of their socio-political structure. Moreover, these problems cannot beallowed by one country or group of states, but only by the common aspirations of the whole world.
Economic stability
What is the global community? It is a complex system of international relations. The subjects participating in this system must come to a common decision to create and ensure economic stability and equality of economic opportunities for all: to reform and increase the productivity of international economic relations. And this can be achieved by reducing inflation and unemployment, ensuring a stable exchange of goods, creating conditions for open access to world markets, and setting fair world prices. It is also necessary to take effective measures to reduce the burden of external monetary obligations of developing countries and build relations between all states based on mutual assistance from the developed republics.
Development and strengthening of the global economy
About $1 trillion is spent annually on military needs. That is, it is necessary to create specific conditions for reducing military spending.
Environmental Issues

Only the world community can solve these problems. What is it, we have already figured out. There is no doubt that the issue is serious. Over the past few centuries, the ecology of the globe has significantly deteriorated. The industrial and domestic activities of human society have entered into a serious collision with the environment. Recently, the world community in the field of environmental protection has been conducting certainmeasures, but this does not solve the problem. This is due to the pronounced egoism of mankind in relation to nature. Before taking measures to improve the environment, it is necessary to resolve some issues:
- What is the world community and how important are properly regulated relations in it, can be determined by the fact that it is able to stop the ecological catastrophe, the problems of armed conflicts, hunger, poverty, global climate change, deforestation, destruction of the ozone layer.
- Global environmental policy must begin to adopt a "predict and eliminate" formula.
- The environmental issue should be a priority for all countries.
Strengthening international cooperation in the field of ecology

The world community should unite in solving the problem of the ecological situation. At the same time, the future should depend not only on major powers, but also on transnational corporations.
Scientific and technological revolution
Scientific and technological progress significantly exacerbates the problem of globalization. This requires decision-making and clear norms in global complicity that would meet cultural values, the moral interests of each person and all of humanity as a whole.
So, we see that the world community is international relations, which is a systemic complex of political, economic, social, diplomatic, legal, military, humanitarian ties and relations among the subjects of the worldcommunities.