Perfect hell, or the power of the word

Perfect hell, or the power of the word
Perfect hell, or the power of the word

Phraseologisms vividly and emotionally describe the state of mind of a person. And wherever a person lives, he has imagination. It is imagination that helps us to see the world around us in colors. Therefore, resorting to the help of phraseological turns, you can vividly, colorfully and emotionally express your attitude to the world. But, as you know, positive and negative emotions are strong, they make an impression and leave a mark in the souls of people. In the article we will consider one of them. It will be about the interpretation and origin of the phraseologism "hell pitch".

hell hell meaning
hell hell meaning


A set expression is used when they want to describe a certain place of torment, where life and its conditions are unbearable. Moreover, this phrase implies unbearable noise, turmoil, crush. I would like to draw attention to the word "pitch", the origin of which is rooted in ancient times. When people's ideas about life were radically different from today's. The word "kromeshny" is derived from the word "edge", that is, the border or edge. So, in ancient times, people imagined that the sun shines to a certain border, or edge, and there is darkness.impenetrable, or pitch hell.

The adjective under study became associated with hardships, fears and despair. And the word "hell", as you know, has always meant a place of suffering. Note that since ancient times, people have associated darkness with fear and suffering, since it was with the advent of darkness that raids of enemies and bloodshed occurred. So pitch hell can be a description of fear, pain, house, confusion.

Phraseologism pitch hell
Phraseologism pitch hell

Origin story

During the reign of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Russia experienced the oprichnina, the purpose of which was to increase the state treasury and strengthen centralized power. In those distant times, the word "kromeshny" had a new meaning - "except", which in turn was a synonym for the old Russian word "oprich". It was this word that formed the basis for the name of those innovations that affected the economic and political development of the country.

Oprichnina was accompanied by repressions. Moreover, the methods were not quite legal, and sometimes cruel. To put it in modern terms, we can say that the country experienced chaos, human rights were infringed, human life was not worth a penny, the law was grossly violated. Those people who were entrusted with such powers by order of the tsar to collect the oprichnina were popularly called "kromeshniks". Thus, they emphasized their cruelty, arrogance and cynicism with the meaning of "hell".

Since then, this adjective has taken on a negative meaning, and memories of "kromeshniks" have been contemptuouscharacter and was used by people as a swear word. Currently, the adjective is used as part of the phraseological turnover "pitch hell".

Note that there are many different expressions with this word, which, in combination with it, reinforce the negative perception. So it's both pitch black and pitch black.


Synonyms for phraseology

As you know, synonyms diversify our speech, make it brighter. They more accurately convey our thoughts, allow a person to express that riot of emotions, experiences when describing a phenomenon or quality of an object.

So, to the phrase "sheer hell" such synonymous words as mess, mess, hell, tartar, chaos, hell, bedlam, mess, break are applicable.

In order to convey the fullness of experiences and emotions in fiction and journalism, there is a way of stringing synonyms.

Let's give examples of the sentence: Painful, desperate, full of screams, scolding, unimaginable pitch hell filled the whole house in the evening hours. The children hid under the bed in fear.

Or such an example of a sentence: And now it seemed to me that I was in hell. The atmosphere was indeed ominous.


Summing up what has been said, we note that this phraseological phrase, or rather the semantic message that it carries, has the powerful power of a word. Phrases such as "hell hell awaits you" can, like arrows and spears, leave wounds in a person's soul. The word destroys, but it doesimperceptibly.
