Nipple system: what is it about?

Nipple system: what is it about?
Nipple system: what is it about?

You often hear the expression "nipple system". What does it mean? In order not to be at a loss with round eyes or not to use the expression in an inappropriate situation, let's look at its meaning.

Nipple system
Nipple system

What is a nipple

The word "nipple" comes from the English nipple (nipple). A nipple is a small piece of metal tube with a thread on the outside. It allows you to securely connect two parts with an internal thread.

The nipple can be used to connect pipelines and parts of various devices and machines, it also serves to regulate the pressure in car and bicycle tires, balls, life jackets, rafts, etc.

Nipple expression system
Nipple expression system

Nipple system

Each element of any system is extremely important, but it cannot function by itself, and the nipple is no exception. The nipple system can be designed for permanent or temporary connection of elements.

  • Temporary connection may be necessary to inflate various pneumatic devices that we have already mentioned (inflatable tires, vests, rafts, etc.).
  • Permanent nipple connection helps to securely fasten betweentwo parts, for example, when connecting pipelines. With the help of a radiator nipple, sections of heating radiators are fastened together.

Nipple system in agriculture

Nipple drinker systems are used for watering farm birds or small animals (most often rabbits). With the help of such a system, water is delivered to the chicks and animals without excessive leakage.

The watering system is extremely simple: a small can or other container is installed on top, into which water is poured, a hose goes from the container to a nipple drinker, from which birds or animals drink.

Bicycle nipple, consisting of a plastic body, a valve and a stem made of stainless metal, allows the bird to get the required amount of liquid by itself. To do this, simply press the beak on the stem. Seeing water droplets on the nipple, birds intuitively learn to extract water from them. Such a system greatly facilitates the work of caring for pets.

Nipple it system
Nipple it system

From the mouth of the people

The expression "nipple system" has become a catchphrase today. Its origin is associated primarily with the bicycle nipple, the main task of which is to fill the chamber with air without leakage.


The expression "nipple system" has many meanings:

  1. This is the name of a system created in everyday life that works without disruption, but looks very complicated and cumbersome, while not representing any technically complex structure (like a complexmachine created by the professor from the movie "Back to the Future 3" that took up half the house, and was intended only for obtaining ice cubes).
  2. Also in everyday life, the “nipple system” is a collapse or failure in something. That is, a person put a lot of effort and effort, trying to achieve success in some business, but as a result, the “return” turned out to be zero.
  3. Since the part through which air passes only in one direction is the nipple, any closed public system is called a system with this name. For example, in Nikolai Kolyada's play "Murlin Murlo" one of the main characters says: "You're not in Chicago, dear. Here we have a different system. The nipple system: you blow there, but not back. Synonymous expressions in this case are such as: “entrance - ruble, exit nickel” or “let everyone in, let no one out.”
  4. Sometimes the “nipple system”, on the contrary, is called damaged or poorly working equipment. You can also hear the full version of the expression - "the nipple system - lowers." That's what they say when they mean something unreliable. (After all, the nipple must let air in when inflating, preventing the wheel from descending, but if the wheel deflates all the time, it may even break).
  5. Some people call the “nipple system” such relationships between people when one person does everything for another, and the latter responds with “butter”. That is, it turns out a kind of one-way connection, as in the nipple system.
  6. "The nipple walks through the system" - this is how they talked about public transport in the 90s of the XX century. The point is that inas a result of a failure on the “line”, the transport often went only in one direction, and the sides followed each other, and there was no reverse.
  7. The colloquial expression "nipple system" suggests that the matter requires a competent engineering approach to solving the issue. In this case, they also say: "This is not for you to knit brooms, here you need to think and have knowledge."
  8. What is a nipple system
    What is a nipple system


"The Nipple System" is also the name of Alexander Pankratov-Cherny's comedy film, released on the screens of the Soviet Union in 1990.

Nipple system
Nipple system

The film tells how the tenants of a communal apartment, who no longer had the strength to endure the antics of the chief bureaucrat, decide to kill him. It is simply impossible to think of a better performer than Senya Rodimtsev, because Senya is a patient in a mental hospital, which means that he will definitely not be sent to prison.

Wife rescued Rodimtsev from the hospital, especially for the "case". But even "in the wild" Senya is still among the "nuts", his own neighbors in a communal apartment. Finally finding himself in the office of the hated boss, Senya becomes a participant in a real “crazy show”, in which there are machine-gun bursts, and an attempt to poison, and the boss’s lamentations about the fate of freezing children … This whole “performance” ends with the capture of the city hall by real patients of a psychiatric hospital.

Many people liked the funny and comical film "Nipple System". What this expression means depends on the situation and the context in which it is used, because its meaning can be very different.
