People who love Russian rock, most likely heard the word "darling" in the songs of "Night Snipers". But who is this one? If you are not a keen Russianist, then the meaning of "darling" is most likely unknown to you. An exception can only be lovers of fairy tales. This article will tell you about who this sweetheart is. So let's get started.
Meaning of the word
Sweetheart is a person's love interest, an object of sigh, beloved. Now the word is rarely heard. It has a colloquial connotation due to the fact that it is already outdated, but earlier it was folk poetic and was a sign of nobility, education and upbringing of the person who used it. This word is associated with ideas of passion, when a person experiences temperature changes, feels a herd of purple elks in his stomach, and so on, so on, so on. In the second part of the article, you will learn more about the origin of this word.

Origin of the word
If you think about it, the word "chill" sounds more like "chills" than anything related to love. However, this similarity is not deceptive. Word"zaznoba" came from the word "zaznobitsya", which meant "fall in love", and this word came from "chill", which meant to feel cold, to freeze. Since, when meeting with the object of adoration, a person “throws into heat, then into cold,” he feels a chill running through his whole body, or a shiver running through his body from the painful expectation of a meeting. This means that a sweetheart is that person, when you meet with whom you experience chills due to excessive adoration. It is noteworthy that it was in this sense that the word "darling" came into literary speech from the dialect. Even now, the word "cute" is a dialectic in a sense, because it is not widely used, and can only be heard in certain cities.

So let's sum it up. Now in your vocabulary there is one more word that you can call your beloved. And if there is none, you can just show off your mind, as if you were the most sophisticated Russianist.