The verb is the part of speech that we meet almost more often than all the others. It has a number of constant and changing features, which include the species. Each of us came across this category in school days. She often baffled and raised questions.
This article will help you remember what the aspect of a verb is and learn how to define it. Sample tasks that you will encounter will help you practice what you have learned.
What is the aspect of the verb?

View is one of the constant features belonging to the verb. It reflects how the speaker sees the course of action in time: ended, continuing, repetitive, one-time.
View can be regarded as both a category that modifies words and one that classifies them. In modern Russian, this group includes only two options.
Let's answer the question: "What are the types of verbs?" The answer of modern linguists to this question consists of two positions: perfect and imperfect.
Imperfect Look

We found the answer to the question: "What is the form of the verb?" Now let's get to know each of them.
Imperfective verbs convey the meaning of an action without indicating its completion. Three types of words fall under this category:
- Denoting a long action. For example: “He looked into her eyes for a long time”, “She walked down the street for an infinitely long time.”
- Conveying the meaning of a repetitive action. Example: “Every morning she gets on the bus”, “He goes to school every day.”
- Characterizing permanent action. Consider the example: "The city is on a hill."
Imperfect verbs in many cases are accompanied by adverbs "long", "often", "usually", conveying the frequency with which the action is performed.
Words of this type can be expressed in three tenses: present, past, future.
Now you know what the imperfective form of a verb is. The next paragraph will talk about words belonging to the second type.
Perfect look

Perfective verbs convey the meaning of the completion of an action. Limit it to a time frame. Words of this type can express:
- Action that ended with the achievement of some result. For example: “Marina painted a beautiful picture”, “Dad hammered a nail into the wall.”
- An action whose boundary is determined by its beginning. For example: “Wonderful music played in the hall”, “The girl sang a wonderful romance.”
- One-time action, provided that the word is formed with the suffix "nu": "He accidentally pushed me in the corridor", "Out of angerhe kicked the briefcase.”
Perfective words appear only in past and future simple tenses. We remembered what a perfective verb is. Let's move on to more complex material.
Species pairs
Verbs of both types sometimes form aspectual pairs. This category includes homonymous words that have the same meaning, but with different semantic shades. Consider examples:
- Justify and justify. In the first case, we see a completed action, in the second - a long one.
- Double and double. The first word conveys the meaning of the action that ended when the result was reached. The second shows the duration.
Most often, these verbs are formed from the same stem. But there are exceptions, such as "take and take" or "catch and catch."
What other kinds of verbs are there?

In modern Russian, there are one- and two-way verbs. The first type includes words that have the form of only one of the species. This category includes imperfective verbs according to the following criteria:
- Action does not seek to achieve any result. Most often it expresses emotions. For example: hate, regret, expect.
- The verb expresses the state of a person: cry, dream, be silent, chat.
- The word means movement. Examples: run, jump, dance.
- The verb conveys an action with the meaning "slightly": to shout, keep up.
- The word mattersan action that accompanies another, as in the case of "smack" or "dance".
- The verb has a meaning associated with professional activities. For example: carpentry, teaching.
- The action is mutual. Example: whispering, looking at each other.
The same type includes perfective verbs:
- Containing several prefixes: forget, dial.
- Denoting an action that happened instantly. For example: gushed, blazed.
- Which show that the action has reached its logical conclusion. For example: call back, make some noise.
- Denoting the beginning of the process: jump, cry.
- Expressing redundant meaning. Example: to see enough, to indulge.
Bispective verbs

Verbs come in forms without a formal expression. Depending on the context, they can be classified as perfect or imperfect.
Similar words can be divided into three groups:
- Words with a long history. Some of them: promise, hurt, marry, execute.
- Part of verbs ending in "ovate". For example, let's take: promote, investigate, investigate.
- Verbs, mostly of foreign origin, having in their composition the suffixes "ova", "irova". Examples: warehouse, codify, wire.

To determine which types of verbs occur intasks, you must follow the following algorithm:
- See if the word fits the criteria for a single aspect or a two aspect verb.
- If there is a prefix, in most cases it will be a perfect look.
- In order to determine exactly what kind of verb, you need to ask him a question. "What to do?" - imperfect species. "What to do?" - perfect look.
Let's move on to a little workout. Determine what type the words belong to:
- to say (two aspect verb);
- cook (owl view);
- start (uncommon look);
- consider (unofficial view);
- find (owl view);
- walk (single aspect verb of non-native aspect);
- command (single aspect verb of non-common aspect);
- writes (uncommon look).
Indicate what type of verb occurs in the sentence:
- He deeply regretted what had happened (singular imperfective verb).
- I used to sleep until noon (the first verb is perfective, the second is single-spectrum imperfective).
- He asked me a tricky question (perfect look).
- Every day he looks out the window waiting for something (imperfect view).
- He liked to teach in the company (singular imperfective verbs).
- The first spring thunderstorm has died down (single aspect perfective verb).
- He got a job as a salesman in a clothing store to earn some extra money (the first verb is a perfective, the second one is of the same type, but at the same time it is monospecific).
From this article youlearned what the form of the verb is. Get acquainted with the words of one-species and two-species type. Considered examples of exercises with explanations. And we received recommendations that will help you easily determine the type of the verb.
When you stumble upon a task related to determining the species, you can easily indicate what type a word belongs to, even if the words will initially seem complicated.