Stronghold is Meaning, origin, synonyms

Stronghold is Meaning, origin, synonyms
Stronghold is Meaning, origin, synonyms

Stronghold - what is it? The interpretation of this word may cause difficulty due to the fact that it is obsolete. And it is also used in a figurative sense when it comes to a high style of presentation of the material. Detailed information about the fact that this is a stronghold can be gleaned from the proposed article.


The dictionary says that earlier in Ancient Russia a defensive structure was called a stronghold, which was an obstacle preventing the advance of something undesirable, a fortress fence, that is, ramparts or fortress walls. To understand this meaning of the word "stronghold" will help examples of sentences in which it is contained.

  • Sergey Ivanovich reasoned that in their area they live too bluntly, too openly: the gates are locked with a wooden lock, the yards are fenced with an unreliable log stronghold, while in other lands castles are built, and the gates are locked every night with iron locks and large locks.
  • N. M. Karamzin said about the soldiers of the Svyatoslavovs “First they cut the tyn, then lit the strongholds, but a strong wind began to blow them right intoface, however, being encouraged by the speech of the prince, they approached from the opposite side and set fire to the city in the wind.”
  • In the Russian fortification business, the fortress walls were called a pryasl or stronghold, they were made of wood, clay, stone, earth.
stronghold it
stronghold it


The next interpretation in the dictionary is marked "figurative meaning" and "sublime style". In this case, it is used in combination with a noun in the genitive case and says that a stronghold is a stronghold, support, reliable protection.

stronghold synonym
stronghold synonym

Here are sample sentences for this option:

  • And let your conscience be your assistant, let it be a guide on a new path, where such qualities as rationality and intellect will acquire true significance and thus provide a strong stronghold for qualities that depend on the highest spiritual quality - conscience.
  • After the end of the European war, the collapsed nation, which used to be as militant as the others, became pacifist and transformed into a stronghold of enlightenment.
  • The jury is the main advantage, irresistible, the main bulwark of the liberties of the English people.

Next, words that are close in meaning to the one being studied will be given.


Synonyms for stronghold:

  • fortress;
  • citadel;
  • refuge;
  • support;
  • structure;
  • protection;
  • fence;
  • pillar;
  • bastion;
  • palladium;
  • stronghold;
  • breakwater;
  • reliable protection;
  • fencing;
  • support;
  • intercession;
  • providing;
  • security;
  • defense;
  • prevention;
  • shield;
  • protection;
  • patronage;
  • patronage;
  • indestructibility;
  • capitality;
  • fence;
  • strengthening;
  • bolwerk;
  • fort;
  • children;
  • chrome;
  • screen;
  • refuge;
  • shelter.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of synonyms for the "stronghold", if you wish, you can pick up others.


It will be easier to figure out what a stronghold is when you learn about the origin of the word. Initially, it meant "fence", "wattle fence", "wicker fence". The noun under study is formed from the verb “to braid” with the o / e reshaping, which came from the verb “to weave” by adding the prefix “o” to it.

what is a stronghold
what is a stronghold

The last one goes back to the Proto-Slavic verb plestī, from which, among other things, are formed:

  • Old Russian and Old Slavonic, Russian, Ukrainian - to weave, weave;
  • Belarusian - splash;
  • Bulgarian - pleta;
  • Serbo-Croatian - weave, weavȇm;
  • Slovenian – plésti, plétem;
  • Czech – plést, pletu;
  • Slovak – pliesť, pletiem;
  • Polish – pleść, plotę;
  • Upper Luga – plesć;
  • Lower Luga – plasć.

The word goes back to Proto-Indo-Europeanplek based and related:

  • Latin – plecto;
  • Old High German – flehtan;
  • Greek verb πλέκω - "to weave";
  • noun: πλεκτή, meaning "rope, net", πλοκή, which translates as "weaving", πλόκος meaning "braid, braided hair";
  • Old Indian - prac̨nas, which means "weaving, wicker basket".
the meaning of the word stronghold
the meaning of the word stronghold

Other values

Besides those indicated in the dictionary, there are other interpretations of the object under study. These include the following:

  • In some sources on fortification, stronghold means “stronghold”, that is, a node of defense or resistance.
  • In armored vehicles, this is the name of the Ukrainian battle tank, which was the main one before the T-84U was adopted. As well as the name of the tank BM "Oplot", which was the main one before the adoption of "Oplot-M".
  • This is also the name of one of the armed formations in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic.
  • Name of a public organization established in 2010 in Kharkiv by Yevgeny Zhilin, a former Interior Ministry officer who is also its leader. The organization became famous in Ukraine during the political crisis in 2013-2014. Its main tasks are to provide financial, legal, social and moral assistance to the families of police officers who died in the line of duty. as well as military personnel wholost their ability to work during hostilities and those who, due to various life circumstances or age, cannot provide themselves with a worthy existence on their own. Another direction of Oplot's activity is military-historical work, which includes counteracting attempts to glorify Ukrainian nationalists, funding the search for the remains of dead Red Army soldiers, and caring for memorial sites of the Second World War.
  • A novel by Theodore Dreiser, an American prose writer, published in 1946, after the writer's death.
