A baby is Lexical meaning, origin, synonyms

A baby is Lexical meaning, origin, synonyms
A baby is Lexical meaning, origin, synonyms

"Baby" is a word that has Church Slavonic origin, which means that it appeared in Russian in ancient times. It is also interesting to consider because it is used both literally and figuratively. Further on who this baby is will be described in detail. And also the etymology of this lexeme will be considered, examples of sentences with it and synonyms are given.

Literally and figuratively

learned to sit
learned to sit

In the first case, the meaning of the word "baby" in the dictionary is explained as follows. This is the name of a recently born child under the age of one year. He is not yet able to exist on his own and is completely dependent on his mother or her substitute.

In the second, the baby is, although not a child, but a very naive person, narrow-minded and undeveloped. He takes everyone's word for it, is not responsible for his actions, does not make independent decisions.

To better understand whatmeans the word "baby", below we will give examples of the use of the studied lexeme.

Examples of usage

newborn baby
newborn baby

The following can be cited as such.

  1. In the past, in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, newborn babies were named according to the calendar. This was usually done by the priest who performed the sacrament of baptism.
  2. The doctor explained to the inexperienced mother that her baby's sleep cycles, like all he althy babies, are short.
  3. Andrey was very offended when his mother, chastising him for his frivolous attitude to studies, said that he behaves not like an adult guy, but like a baby.
  4. In relationships with girls, Roman was a completely inexperienced baby, so he often heard ridicule about this.

Next, let's move on to lexemes that are close in meaning.

Synonyms for baby

bathing baby
bathing baby

Among them you can find the following:

  • child;
  • baby;
  • baby;
  • newborn;
  • baby;
  • baby;
  • baby;
  • child;
  • baby;
  • cub;
  • baby doll;
  • child;
  • karapuz;
  • slider;
  • butuz;
  • baby;
  • sucker;
  • lyalka;
  • baby;
  • baby;
  • squeaker;
  • little one;
  • sucker;
  • naked;
  • baby;
  • baby;
  • milk;
  • chubby;
  • bug;
  • slider;
  • baby;
  • diaper;
  • baby;
  • baby;
  • kinder;
  • baby;
  • angelic soul;
  • naive;
  • good-natured;
  • dull;
  • undeveloped;
  • gullible.

Consider the origin of the object under study.


Derived from the Proto-Slavic form of mold, from which, among other things, are formed:

  • Old Church Slavonic - "young";
  • Russian - "young";
  • Ukrainian - "young";
  • Belarusian - "young";
  • Bulgarian - "young";
  • Serbo-Croatian - "mlad";
  • Slovenian – mlȃd;
  • Czech and Slovak – mladý;
  • Polish, Upper Luga and Lower Luga – młody.

According to linguists, the Proto-Slavic form of mold goes back to the Proto-Indo-European basis, which, presumably, looked like mla or like amala. Its meanings are “gentle”, “weak”, “soft”.

Related words are:

  • Old Prussian - maldai (lad), maldian (foal), maldunin (youth);
  • Old Indian – mr̥dúṣ, meaning “meek”, “gentle”, “soft”;
  • Greek – ἀΜαλδύ̄νω meaning “weaken”, “soften”; and Μάλθων - "coddled person";
  • Latin - mollis, which means "soft";
  • Armenian - mełk, meaning "weak", "sluggish", "coddled";
  • Old Irish – meldach, which means “pleasant”, “gentle”, “soft”;
  • Gothic - ga-m alteins meaning "dissolution" and mildeis - "mild";
  • Old English meltan - “melt”, “melt”;
  • Indo-European - meldh, which means "weaken", "subside".

From the Proto-Slavic form mold also formed:

  • Church Slavonic, Russian Church Slavonic and Old Church Slavonic - baby, βρέφος, νήπιος;
  • Bulgarian - "baby";
  • Serbo-Croatian - "mlȁdȇnci" - "newlyweds";
  • Slovenian and Czech - mladénǝc, which means "youth";
  • Polish – mɫodzian;
  • Upper Luga and Lower Luga – mɫodźenc.

Next, here are some details about babies.

What characterizes this age?

Smiling baby
Smiling baby

A baby is a newly born baby. More precisely, this is a baby who is between the ages of birth and up to one year. In this period, a time such as the newborn is distinguished. It includes four weeks, starting from the date of the birth of a new person. They also distinguish infancy - from four weeks to one year.

How the baby develops at this time is a decisive factor for its further development. His body is still poorly resistant to external influences, it is very susceptible to disease. In this regard, the infant requires the most careful care.

In infancy, there is a particularly intensive growth and development. During the first year of life, the growth of the baby on average increases by one and a half times. It reaches about seventy-five centimeters. And body weight increases tothree times, reaching about ten kilograms.

The skin of babies is delicate, light and vulnerable. Hair grows slowly. Fat cells and subcutaneous tissue grow intensively, this is a kind of protective layer. The bone tissue in infants contains less mineral substances than in adults. Thicker periosteum forms bone tissue.

The seams between the cranial bones of babies are sealed only by three to four months. At the same time, their small fontanel closes by about the fourth or eighth week, and the large one only at the end of the year of life.

Thus, a baby is the most tender, defenseless creature that requires care, attention and, of course, love.
